Term Papers on Miscellaneous Subjects |
Jim Stolpa And His Family's Trip
Number of words: 459 - Number of pages: 2.... the snow.
After three long days, Jim decided it was time to go. If they stayed any longer, they would die. At first, he wanted Jennifer and the baby to stay, but Jen insisted they go. So they wrote whomever a letter letting them know where they were headed and bundled up for the long journey.
They walked 29 hours without sleep before finally reaching a cave. They climbed in for shelter and some warmth. Finally after a day or two, Jim decided that he needed to head back if they had any chance of surviving. They said their good-byes and he promised to be back by Wednesday. Jen u .....
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Farm Crises In The US
Number of words: 921 - Number of pages: 4.... the talk of the crisis. Prices of grain are lower than what they were in the 1930's, during the Great Depression (Williams 8). Soybeans have hit their lowest price since 1972, about four dollars a bushel. This is less than most farmers' cost of production. Worldwide prices of wheat are at their lowest levels, yet Canadian grain farmers receive fewer price supports than the US and Europe. The drought in Montana has caused prices to slump. With the Canadian export policies ad the 1996 Freedom of Farmers Act has painfully decreased US subsidies to grain farmers.
Since the low prices, suicid .....
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The Relationship Between Research Labs, Media, Government, And Industries
Number of words: 430 - Number of pages: 2.... he will be going down in
history as the man who single-handedly beat the monster disease, he simply
states the project. The rest of the articles then refer to a New York
Times article, in which Nobel laureate James D. Watson, allegedly states
that “Judah will cure cancer in two years,” it turns out that this was
mearly an ovezealous reporter trying to get a big scoop. Either way, the
article fulfilled the equation. Dr. Folkman's office counted 1000 phone
calls a day for a week, and countless doctors were flooded with hopeful
cancer patients wanting “the cure.” The newspaper art .....
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Should Scholarship Athletes Work?
Number of words: 537 - Number of pages: 2.... costs for trips home, gas,
laundry and other items. The determination of how much money covers those things
is made by each school's financial aid office; most administrators have
estimated the costs to be between $2,000 and $3,000 a year. Athletes who choose
to work, and their employers, will be required to sign an affidavit that says
the athletes have not been hired on the basis of their athletic ability or
status and that they will be compensated only for the work they perform at a
rate commensurate with the local rate of pay for such work.
Critics of the legislation that passed said it o .....
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Men And Women
Number of words: 1186 - Number of pages: 5.... mountedon the wall so there is no excuse for me to remove it from there and place it in a more visible (yet accessible) location. As a temporary fix to this problem, I simply sharpen about ten pencils all up front.
A more expensive item is also being under utilized because it doesn't match the ambiance of the house. This item is the Dolby Surround Sound home theater system my dad bought a few years back. It is all setup fine except for a very critical part, the speaker locations. In order for the system to produce the full affect, the speakers must be placed in a pattern encircling the .....
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Locke’s Political Philosophy Summary
Number of words: 235 - Number of pages: 1.... in the natural law given to govern man and man to govern himself or that no man should pay a more painful punishment than another for the same crime committed.
But as the passages state, sometimes man forgets his natural or given laws and forgets about those of others as well. Locke gives an example through the notion of private property, where man in the process of acquiring what he needs, he works on the things of the earth, transforming them; mixing his labors with them, therefore in a manner making it his own. Locke also proposed that the right of possession is limited by the right o .....
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Number of words: 1832 - Number of pages: 7.... sexual preference. With this in mind, the government would then require all facets of society, including religious communities, to welcome the marriages, adoptions, and families of homosexuals as though they were in no way different from heterosexual ones. It seems unreasonable that such an authority be involved in legislating the acceptance of an identifiable group that behaves in a manner unbecoming of any moral, decent, and even moderately religious human being, when our society itself can offer no consensus on such a moral issue.
In order to conclude that the government is wro .....
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Number of words: 2209 - Number of pages: 9.... in it. Tao is sometimes identified as the Mother, or the source of all things. That source is not a god or a supreme being, as is not monotheistic. The focus is not to worship one god, but instead on coming into harmony with tao. Tao is the essence of everything that is right, and complications exist only because people
choose to complicate their own lives. Desire, ambition, fame, and selfishness are seen as hindrances to a harmonious life. It is only when a person rids himself of all desires can tao be achieved. By shunning every earthly distraction, the Taoist is able to co .....
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Privacy On The Internet
Number of words: 1587 - Number of pages: 6.... they are representing, .
Say you were on the Internet surfing around, would you want every site that you have visited to know who you are and almost every thing about you? No. That is why Intel had to disable their serial number feature in the new Pentium III. With this feature, each site on the Internet that you have visited could use this number to look you up and see who you are and almost every thing about you. Before released Intel told the U.S. Senate that they had disabled this function on every chip, but when these chips where out on the market for a while, programming companies f .....
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Improving The Literacy Of Amer
Number of words: 1574 - Number of pages: 6.... This certainly is not occurring today, as exemplified by the event that “even a best-selling book in this country might reach 5% of the population” (Castell 38). Perhaps a better way to influence the literacy in America is to examine the classrooms where primary education geared toward literacy takes place. This refers to elementary and middle school classrooms. An examination of what processes in a classroom context help develop literacy in individuals is an important aspect of the literacy of the children in America. Three aspects of a classroom that affect literacy are: the power .....
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