Term Papers on Miscellaneous Subjects |
Offensive And Defensive Strategies
Number of words: 1134 - Number of pages: 5.... on a single product, service, or product line. The firm's success and growth is dependent entirely on that particular product with nothing to fall back on were that product to fail. Also, coupled with the facts that this strategy limits an organization's growth and opportunities, it can be considered a high-risk strategy as well. E.g. a company deciding to specialize only in the production and distribution of a particular brand of chocolate will find their chances for growth and profits tied inexorably with the market acceptance of that chocolate. Failure of the product will spell doom .....
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OBE: The Restructuring Of American Society.
Number of words: 2049 - Number of pages: 8.... of those who did not apply themselves, the system worked.
Today America's educators take a new approach in the classroom. The
focus of education has moved to measuring what students can do, rather than what
they understand. This is the core principle of Outcomes Based Education (OBE).
An outcome, by definition, is something that follows as a result or consequence.
So OBE then, is an approach to education where the end result is the most
important factor. This is very important in understanding what OBE is, and what
it intends to do. In the OBE classroom, every aspect of the curriculum is .....
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Wealth In The Great Gatsby
Number of words: 1135 - Number of pages: 5.... now. Off they went to New York to her sister's house. They had a gay old time, except for the part about Tom breaking Myrtle's nose because she kept on referring to Daisy. But other than that everybody was drunk and happy. Some time after that, Nick was invited to go to New York with Mr. Gatsby, but during the car ride Nick is asked to do Mr. Gatsby a favor; arrange a meeting between him and Daisy. Nick soon discovers that, before the war, Gatsby and Daisy were lovers. Then, he got shipped off to go fight in "The Great War" that was raging in Europe. They had corresponded mildly .....
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Time Makes A Big Difference
Number of words: 674 - Number of pages: 3.... that subject.
Notice how more kids get in trouble at the end of the day than at
the beginning? The reason is so simple to understand! Kids get restless
when they are bored for a long time. That's another area where my idea
would help. It would shorten the day from 7 hours to 4 hours. A 3 hour
difference! Kids also daydream when they are bored. They could miss
important information that the teacher is explaining because they are
thinking about other things. With my idea in effect, the kids won't even
know the day is over because it goes so fast. With school starting at 7:20,
some .....
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Character Development
Number of words: 459 - Number of pages: 2.... The youth will become active members of family, school community, and society as a whole. This development of character will also help them to more willingly take part in their education.
Several things should be taken into consideration when we think about teaching . First off, we as educators must first understand what are role is and what is the purpose of schools today. Also, we have to know the students we teach. Knowing a student's home life should give us a better understanding of the type of they get from home. Then we must understand what to teach to help develop their char .....
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Number of words: 729 - Number of pages: 3.... that Theseus killed,
were Sciron, Sinis, Procrustes and Phaea.
Theseus arrived in Athens wearing a sword and a pair of sandals that
Aegeus had left for him in Troezen. He was then greeted by his father Aegeus
and his stepmother Medea who was a sorceress. But she was jealous of his
influence over Aegeus so Medea tried to kill him by sending him to kill a wild
bull. But Theseus succeeded and sacrificed the bull to Apollo. He then returned
to Athens and was almost poisoned by Medea, but as soon as Aegeus got wind of
her plot, he proclaimed Theseus his son and heir to the thrown and banis .....
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Number of words: 1004 - Number of pages: 4.... the world.
could also be found in everyday objects. It could be the car one owns, or the pool in ones backyard, or even the quilts in a bedroom. For example imagine a husband and wife cleaning their attic. They go through all their old stuff to decide what to keep and what should be thrown away. The wife stumbles upon an antique plate; it’s full of cracks and the colors have faded away. But, to her this plate is a treasure and the of it is in how ancient it is. She wants to keep it but her husband frowns and disagrees, he can’t understand why she would want that old piece of junk .....
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The Question Of Equality
Number of words: 1119 - Number of pages: 5.... With the term
proletariat, one simply substitutes the poor. By "expropriating the
expropriators," or eradicating the rich, equality is achieved with one bold
The trouble with this formulation, however, is that the dictator-
proletariat is itself dictated upon by an all-powerful Party, while even among
the poor there is a hierarchy of classes, beginning with the "advanced"
proletariat, followed by the peasantry, the intellectuals and the petite
bourgeoise. Moreover, there is a contemptible class, the lumpenproletariat, a
term reserved for "the scum of the earth."
Stated, therefore .....
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Youth In Today
Number of words: 662 - Number of pages: 3.... and most powerful forces in our society have demonstrated by their actions that they feel that young people do not matter, that they can be our nation’s lowest priority” (p.177). This quote declares that young people are regarded to as the lowest priority in our nation. Lipsitz continues, “From tax cuts that ignore pressing needs and impose huge debts on the adults of tomorrow in order to subsidize the greed of today’s adult property owners, to systematic disinvestment in the schools, the environment and industrial infrastructure, the resources of the young are bein .....
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The Meaning Behind Marriage
Number of words: 1926 - Number of pages: 8.... to live as husband and wife, including the accompanying social festivities" and "the state, condition, or relationship of being married, such as wedlock." I am surprised that none of these dictionaries define marriage with love, happiness, or togetherness. Isn't that what marriage is all about? Wrong. Marriage is about so much more. Marriage is about survival of the fittest. Only the strong survive.
After the immense possibilities of what marriage is, many would be surprised at what marriage is not. To find what marriage is not, we could express our feelings and opinions, such as .....
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