Term Papers on Miscellaneous Subjects |
A Study In Contrast The Views Of Catherine Barkley And Brett
Number of words: 1501 - Number of pages: 6.... he leaves the reader questioning whether she “is too idealistic, too selflessly loving and giving to be believed as a character.” This is no truer than at the hospital after Catherine informs Frederic (Tenente), that she is pregnant her only concern becomes his happiness despite his constant pleas that he is in fact happy about the pregnancy. This is only overshadowed by her constant reassurances that she will be a “good girl”, never failing to apologize hastily for any momentary lapse in judgement. In fact, Catherine never fails to support Frederic for any of the ri .....
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Modern Torture
Number of words: 2888 - Number of pages: 11.... Torture is a slow process that is designed to render its victim helpless, dependent and devoid of all human qualities. Torture destroys the sense of self; it confuses right and wrong; any belief in the stability of the world is taken away; "truth" becomes a word without meaning. Methods of torture are limited only by the fiendish fantasies of those whose business it is to break others down. Physical methods include beating, electric shock (especially to the genitals), stretching (as on a rack), asphyxiation techniques such as submersion in contaminated water and smothering with pla .....
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Perceptions Of Leadership
Number of words: 1362 - Number of pages: 5.... develop the skills necessary to work with their peers in group environments. It helps develop the vital communication and inter-personal skills that are necessary to become a successful leader. Finally, when analyzing my original perceptions, I stated that childhood experiences play a major role in leadership development. I thought that Church and school leadership roles as a child were vital experiences in the development of a leader. I think that the basic attitudes, morals, and values of an individual are developed and honed as a child. Qualities such as these play a major role in th .....
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Number of words: 981 - Number of pages: 4.... in these groups are "nearing threatened status." "The leading cause of vertebrate declines is human destruction of old growth forests, wetlands, chaparral, and other rich habitats," Worldwatch reports. "Worldwide, over two-thirds of the earth's habitable land surface has been significantly disturbed by human activities. Nearly half of the world's 233 primate species are threatened, largely because of their dependence on large expanses of tropical forest, a habitat under siege around the globe. In hotspots of forest loss, such as Madagascar, the Atlantic rainforest of eastern Brazil, and .....
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The Game Of Hacky Sac Or Footbag
Number of words: 949 - Number of pages: 4.... it's
the ultimate neo-hippie sport;the athletic equivalent of tie-dyed clothing or
listening to the Grateful Dead.
Hackysac's reputation as a game of peace, love and understanding may have begun
during a 1987 American-Soviet peace walk protesting the arms race. As hack
circles developed along the road from Leningrad to Moscow, people joked that
summit meetings weren't the answer and the true secret to lasting peace among
nations lay in the game of hackysack.
The dynamics of the game reinforce the hac's image of a game of good-will.
Basically, the hac is pass through the air with any part of .....
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Does College Help
Number of words: 557 - Number of pages: 3.... most conspicuous failures” (Barber 472). Every election year the candidates use something about education as one of their platforms, but few ever carry through with them once they are elected. Most education bills die in congress in some shape or another and the ones that actually make it through congress, are usually ineffective because they have been changed and modified to the point of ineffectiveness.
Also, many of the learning facilities today lack the funding to provide adequate, positive learning environments for students. Underpaid teachers and professors who “ make les .....
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Importance Of Multicultural Education
Number of words: 453 - Number of pages: 2.... may not be easy to break.
With the help of multicultural education, these unfortunate processes can be prevented. If children are taught the many wonderful features of Culture A, as well as the common features Culture B has in common, then personal experiences with those cultures will not lead them to judge negatively. Also, when these cultures see themselves being studied in the education system, they will begin to feel less alienated and more accepted by the community. This form of education cannot be learned easily if a person has grown up with prejudices for other cultures. That .....
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Causing Generation X
Number of words: 688 - Number of pages: 3.... big reason is boredom. This where my syndrome stems from. There is honestly NOTHING to do in Tuscarwaras County. If you have money in the winter you can bowl, watch a High School basketball game, go to the YMCA, see a movie, go shopping, drive around, experiment with make-up and different types of clothes, get on the Internet, and watch TV.
With no money in the winter, we can watch TV, get on the Internet, vandalize, steal , try to bum cigarettes and other such things. The reason the police log is so long every morning is not because kids are heathens, it’s because we are bored. If t .....
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Grand Slam Record!
Number of words: 391 - Number of pages: 2.... in the fifth inning off Jesus Sanchez in Los Angeles' 12-3 win over the Florida Marlins.
Green capped the Dodgers' grand day with a bases-loaded shot in a seven-run ninth inning off Antonio Alfonseca.
Slams were part of an even bigger inning in Milwaukee, when Snow capped an 11-run sixth inning with his shot off Valerio De Los Santos. The Giants beat the Brewers 16-10.
Hunter, who entered the game in a 3-for-24 slump, hit his third career grand slam in the third inning off Colorado's Masato Yoshii, accounting for all of Philadelphia's runs in a 4-3 victory.
"I've been struggling so an .....
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Setting In The Lottery
Number of words: 931 - Number of pages: 4.... Nature and the Outdoors plays a major role in “The Lottery”. The most unusual thing about “The Lottery” is that the author never tells the reader exactly where the story is taking place. This means that the reader has to gather clues to try and figure out where this is all happening. The are only a few clues given to help the reader out. One clue is that the men are “Speaking of planting and rain, tractors and taxes”. This gives us two answers to a couple of questions. Obviously by talking about planting this tells the reader that this town is po .....
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