Term Papers on Miscellaneous Subjects |
Opening An-inground Swimming P
Number of words: 585 - Number of pages: 3.... the sandbags that were used to hold down the cover during the winter. Use caution when lifting the sandbags and remember to bend at the knees when lifting the sandbags. Have two people assist you with the pool cover. Have one on each side of the cover so they can pull and fold the cover as you remove the sandbags, working your way to the other end of the pool.
Now that you have the cover removed, you can check the pool's water pump, filter, and waterlines. Look the pump over thoroughly; making sure that there are no frayed electrical wires. Check for cracks on the water pump casing, fil .....
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The American Basketball Association
Number of words: 665 - Number of pages: 3.... which said that the draftee must have graduated from college. As a result, many college stars began to go straight into the ABA before graduating. One which did this was Moses Malone, he was the first player to come straight out of high school into professional sports. This was a revolutionary event in the history of professional sports.
The ABA had a style of its own. Newsweek once described them, “Sex, drugs, platform shoes, sideburns, slam dunks, midnight franchise shifts, million dollar deferred-payment player contracts, the three-point shot, Dr. J, Marvin (Bad News) Barnes, L .....
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Caveat Emptor Of The Love Canal
Number of words: 1349 - Number of pages: 5.... again and allowed residents to move back to the Love Canal
under the new name of Black Creek Village. Why would these people move into
an area that was once so unsafe after the government did not even fully
test the site for human safety? The Love Canal was apparently unsafe at one
time and still could be. By allowing people to return to the Love Canal,
the government is allowing people to make a very unwise decision.
Houses in the Love Canal are now back on the market. Sure, these
houses are going for a significantly lower price than most homes in the
New York area, but they are built .....
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Inside Every Modern Computer O
Number of words: 629 - Number of pages: 3.... hydrochloric acid. The resulting liquid is fractionally distilled to separate almost all of the impurities.The remaining liquid is then heated in a hydrogen tmosphere, which produces the purest silicon possible. This silicon, however, is in the form of many crystals of different sizes and orientations. This silicon goes through the Czochralski pulled crystal
process in which it is melted in a large crucible into which a probe, tipped with a small seed crystal is immersed. Silicon atoms attach themselves to the seed in perfect alignment with its structure while it is rotated and pulled slo .....
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Number of words: 513 - Number of pages: 2.... disagree about what is right and wrong yet still be utilitarians.
(2) The principle of Impartiality has its limits, so . . .
(3) Personality types can be assessed in terms of their utility.
Utilitarian experience’s conflict when considering acts of injustice that does harm to others. That this sort of conflict is a lack of integrity, but the utilitarian must be willing to sacrifice his/her own feelings for the good of others. A utilitarian believes that following your integrity when it conflicts with the general good is too self-regarding. For example: .....
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The French Sociologists
Number of words: 285 - Number of pages: 2.... either
generally or in particular cases. Thus Comte, like his predecessor and teacher Saint Simon, was
much concerned to stress that societies are systems, not just aggregates of individuals. Since the
societies were look at as systems, they must be made up of interrelated parts. And they believed
that these parts must be related to one another, and to the whole society of which they were parts,
in accordance with laws similar to the laws of nature, which, in principle at least, it should be
possible to discover. So the understanding of society, like the understanding of the phys .....
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Number of words: 399 - Number of pages: 2.... an auditor with a lower cost approach to substantiate accuracy -- this is important to both the auditing firm and the industry being audited.Another industry that utilizes statistics on a daily basis is the insurance industry. In fact, this industry relies on statistics to help forecast its bottom line results. The typical insurance company uses statistics to determine approval rates for clients, while providing coverage (life, medical, dental, etc.) and turning a profit.For example, an insurance company might use statistical concepts to determine the trend of a population. This statistical .....
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Number of words: 1283 - Number of pages: 5.... doing on a bike but with more power.
STYLE: The ad uses key words and key images to communicate its meaning.
A key word used in this ad is "Strapped." The word "Strapped" implies that when you wear Nike shoes you will get a secure tight fit in the shoe. This makes the viewer think that he/she will be able to pedal with strength and the force of a train. Therefore the ad makes you think that the shoes will give one the power of a train engine and in the viewer's eyes makes the Nike biking shoes a superior product to own. Another key words that are used in this ad are "Machine." .....
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Missouri Fox Trotter
Number of words: 621 - Number of pages: 3.... forefoot lands.(Brady, p 50-53) This gait achieves speeds between five and ten mph. The other two natural gaits are the long easy-going flat foot walk and the delightful rocking horse canter.
The Missouri Fox Trotting horse was developed in the rugged Ozark hills about one hundred sixty years ago by the settlers who needed a horse to plow, haul logs, work cattle, and be a stylish buggy horse or riding horse for the family. The pioneers who streamed across the Mississippi River to settle in the Ozarks came mostly from Tennessee, Kentucky and Virginia.(Hendricks, p285) Naturally, they .....
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Nuclear Weapons And Their Hazards
Number of words: 821 - Number of pages: 3.... Australia and everyone innocent people died.
A large-scale nuclear war would lessen food production over large
expanses in the Northern Hemisphere, this could occur through acute
climatic conditions which chilling or freezing temperatures occurring for
brief periods during the growing season which could destroy crops or lower
production. As result of the variety of potential physical and societal
disruptions to agriculture from a large-scale nuclear war, agriculture in
the Northern Hemisphere could be shut down or significantly reduced for the
first growing season after war and mayb .....
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