Term Papers on Miscellaneous Subjects |
What Is Radar
Number of words: 2203 - Number of pages: 9.... be used to
direct the firing of guns and missiles to protect a country against attack.
In peacetime, radar can help navigate ships, land planes in a fog, and
guide astronauts. Radar can help control street traffic and assist the
police in finding speeding automobiles.
Radar sets come in many sizes. A small set, made for use in a guided
missile, is not much larger than a coffeepot. The larger sets used to study
distant planets may oupy a building many stories high. The size of a radar
set depends on the job it is expected to do. But all radar sets, regardless
of their size, use the pri .....
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Dissecting Education
Number of words: 976 - Number of pages: 4.... student interested in learning what everyone else is learning? Today there are many schools that have put more emphasis in teaching learning skills rather than the knowledge that is needed to move on to the next level (Hirsch 129). Some schools have gone to what is known as “core knowledge” to make sure that each and every student has the same foundation upon which to build the rest of their education. They believe that through the method of “core knowledge”, everyone can benefit together (Hirsch 129). Opposite that idea is the idea that we shouldn’t be fi .....
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Speech The Effects Of Smokeles
Number of words: 435 - Number of pages: 2.... finally grounded tobacco into a coarse, moist mixture.
1. Snuff is used in little pinches
2. Snuff is placed between the cheek and gum.
C. Both chewing tobacco and dip contain nicotine and other carcinogenic chemicals.
II. What does smokeless tobacco do?
A. First of all, it increases saliva production (bad incidence story).
B. The nicotine causes the user to become addicted.
C. The smokeless tobacco causes a buzz and lightheadedness (personal account).
D. Some users feel it is a stress reliever or relaxer (Interviewee’s comments).
E. The habit also dulls the senses particular .....
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The History And Progress Of Wrestling
Number of words: 1489 - Number of pages: 6.... showing two wrestlers each with a hold on the others hips. These slabs, created by the Suzerains an ancient tribe that long since has disappeared, are dated as at least 5000 years of age. (Menke)
The Greeks, who regarded a discus thrower as the best type of athlete, placed the wrestler second. Sometimes it is difficult to separate their mythology from historical fact. For example, we know that the Olympic Games were first held in 776 B.C, but it is also said that Zeus and Kronos wrestled for possession of the art on the peaks near Olympus and that the games were held in honor of the victor .....
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Annexation In Texas - The Basi
Number of words: 600 - Number of pages: 3.... This would preclude to the ideology of Thomas Aquinas, inasmuch as he discussed Veritatis Splendor Aterna Infernum, meaning the splendor of truth is an eternal hell. The truth being that the residents of Bellaire did not really have any coinciding choice in the matter, and thence having to live through the hell of Houston politics as an example of Texas annexation. The ending outcome for this meant for them that their police department, waste disposal, and fire departments would now be governed by Houston as a whole.
In the 1970’s the Texas laws changed yet again, not allowing anyone to ann .....
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Public Speaking
Number of words: 359 - Number of pages: 2.... or something. Also, I am clearly not comfortable with standing up there. Although it is not overly visible on the tape, I can tell that I look very nervous, and I tend to stutter a little and lose my place and focus in the middle of the speeches frequently. I really don't understand why speaking in front of the class bothers me so much. If I were to give the speech from my desk, even though everyone would still be looking at me, I think that I could do a much better job and be more relaxed as well.
I think that improving on these previous aspects will give me enough experience and confidenc .....
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Children And The Internet
Number of words: 685 - Number of pages: 3.... a pattern will eventually affect the child’s grades, health, and social life.
Spending too much time on the internet isn’t the only problem that children can encounter. The content which children access on the internet can be harmful as well. There is no regulation of the content on the internet. Children can access information about pornography, racism, anarchy, and more. Many criminals have been noted to regularly use the internet to access harmful information, which can just as easily be viewed by children. Parents can’t tell what information their children have been accessi .....
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Number of words: 540 - Number of pages: 2.... of his birth. Today most people exchange gifts on Christmas day. This is not new but is done on a much larger scale than it used to be. People in America alone spend billions of dollars on “Christmas” gifts. At one time people hoped that they might receive one special gift. But today receiving a gift is expected. During Christmas family and friends spend time together. This is often when daughters learn their mothers’ secret Christmas recipes, fathers and sons hang up Christmas lights and put up Christmas trees, grandmothers and grandfathers tell stories, and friends unit .....
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Advertising And Alcohol
Number of words: 1299 - Number of pages: 5.... to allow its member distillers to advertise on radio and television. Even if these TV ads are aired only after 9 or 10 PM, they will still reach millions of American children.
Alcohol advertising may increase alcohol consumption, including drinking by minors. Based on this effect, various municipalities around the country have attempted to ban alcohol advertising. These attempts have met with mixed results in the courts. This section will attempt to explain how a municipality can legally ban alcohol advertising.
Commercial Speech
The only constitutional impediment to banning alcohol ad .....
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Global Warming
Number of words: 774 - Number of pages: 3.... such as CFCs, also
known as Chlorofluorocarbons, hydrofluorocarbons, and perfluorocarbons.
These gases are generated a number of human activities such as fossil fuel
combustion, waste disposal in landfills, the use of a refrigerator,
numerous agricultural and industrial activities, and the cutting down of
numerous forests.
These human practices have already changed the chemical make up of the
atmosphere. Between the pre-industrial times and today, we have seen the
concentration of carbon dioxide rise 30% in some regions, in particular
the northern hemisphere, human practices have incr .....
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