Term Papers on Miscellaneous Subjects |
Cold Mountain Essay
Number of words: 1300 - Number of pages: 5.... the Civil War this system of wealth and authority brakes down. The ease by which the rich make profits collapses, whether by trade embargoes inhibiting the exportation of goods or investments falling through. With the deterioration of the elite's wealth, confusion and anarchy rules, usually ending in inflation and devaluation. This is evident in Cold Mountain, Ada's family wealth, once very generous, is stripped down to one farm consisting of a few acres and a moderate house. Basically due to the lack of return in investments from Charleston, Ada is financially confined to a farm she does .....
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Profiles In American Enterpris
Number of words: 2887 - Number of pages: 11.... money then it would have before at a higher interest rate. So people tend to want to put there money into something that will give them a higher yield and stocks are just that. An example of this inversely proportional relationship is always being demonstrated and was demonstrated in the past few years. At the end of 1992 to the beginning of 1993 the volume in most businesses was at record levels obtaining a pre-tax net income for the whole industry of 9.1 billion dollars setting a new record for the second year in a row (Hoover’s Company & Industry Database, 1993, p. 1 (Hoover, 199 .....
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Number of words: 437 - Number of pages: 2.... taught in the military. We are taught to always listen to the message the subordinate are trying to convey by their work performance. This leads into distortion management which involved a few different topics, the most common being stereotypes.
Common perpetual distortions include stereotypes or prototypes such as believing every individual from a certain race or religion are all lazy. Halo effects occur when an individual forms an opinion about another because of one certain attribute such as attitude. Selective perception is what occurs when an individual singles out something from an .....
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Ben & Jerrys
Number of words: 655 - Number of pages: 3.... to charities. Ben & Jerry's has two bottom lines: one is profit and, the other is "how much the company contributed to the quality of life." The Peace Pop and Ice Cream bar on a stick was packaged with a message saying, "One Percent for Peace" and, donated one percent of the profits for peace efforts. They also used their ice cream shops for voter registration sign-ups, giving every voter registering one free cone. They helped register thousands of new voters in Vermont. Also Farm Aid and Family Farming issues were put on their ice cream pints.
Ben & Jerry’s prides it's se .....
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Civilization Cure Or Disease
Number of words: 1089 - Number of pages: 4.... were the victims of the “Global Market Economy.” The article stated that millions of goods were produced by children as young as 6 in third world and developing nations. Companies producing these goods claimed that it was not “slave labor” they claimed it was the “efficient use of human resources for production.” It seemed that companies in their desire of “progress” and profit were oppressing the world’s poorest nations and their citizens.
This is not a new phenomenon it has gone on through history; the strong oppress the weak. What is amazing though is the fact tha .....
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Ethics In Engineering
Number of words: 715 - Number of pages: 3.... the standard safety requirements of the project. The owner or employer must not use sources of pressure, such as money or political power, to speed up the process due to the fact that this might cause great harm to members of the public. Also the owner must not "cut corners" to save money or add personal benefit. These responsibilities must be met for every project when regarding building codes.
Professional agencies of engineering may step into any project if they are notified or suspect that a project is not built to the ethics that it should be. They may do many things once they inter .....
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Effects Of Laughter On Patient
Number of words: 1167 - Number of pages: 5.... of difficultly. Laughter provides an opportunity for the release of those uncomfortable emotions, which, if oppressed, may create changes that are harmful.
Caregivers, as well as patients are in need of the therapeutic effects of humor and laughter. Healthcare providers may experience feelings of failure when their efforts are ineffective. They may feel anger and frustration when a patient rejects care or is noncompliant with treatment. They may feel grief when patients die or families mourn. Caregivers are at risk physically too (e.g., exhaustion from long shifts with inadequate staffing .....
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What Causes Juvenile Delinquin
Number of words: 781 - Number of pages: 3.... without a stable place to live will almost inevitably become delinquent.
Use of drugs or alcohol can also cause problems in the home. Either of these items being abused in the home will immediately cause it to be unstable. Both items will most likely lead to other things such as fighting between the parents, abuse of the juvenile, or just an overall disregard for life. On top of that it gives the juvenile an easy chance to start using the products. Once the juvenile is using drugs or alcohol they are definitely becoming delinquent. The drugs and/or alcohol doesn't allow for any of th .....
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The Olympics
Number of words: 1273 - Number of pages: 5.... Spartans introduced the idea of competing naked, all events were performed in the nude. As a way of being ”slick” when wrestling, athletes often rubbed their bodies with oil to make it easier for them to slide away from their competitors (Bellow 1994). The women were unable to compete in these games, but their time to shine would come into play a little later.
The people who won their events were considered heroes in their towns. Often, their town would build a statue of them to show their gratitude for putting their town “on the map”. Other than that, the only other reward they .....
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Persuasion 2
Number of words: 1412 - Number of pages: 6.... primarily on the central route, because their target audiences are perceived as highly analytical. Promotion for alcohol and tobacco products employ the peripheral route because they wish to draw attention away from the possible negative effects that they are, in reality, associated with. To truly understand the effects of persuasion it is necessary to break the act down to its smaller components. The for elements of persuasion are 1.) The communicator, 2.) The message content, 3.) How it is communicated, and 4.) The receiver of the message. The content of the message is important but also w .....
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