Term Papers on Miscellaneous Subjects |
The Volkswagen Beetle
Number of words: 1144 - Number of pages: 5.... the Volkswagen.
The idea of a people’s car appealed to Porsche, and it fascinated Adolf Hitler. When the Nazi Party came to power in 1933, one of his pet notions was the concept of motoring for the masses, and a meeting with Porsche was to be a meeting of minds. Once again Porsche was commissioned to design a popular car, and when the first ludicrously tight financial limits were relaxed he accepted the technical challenge.
It is possible that Porsche received too much credit for the design of the Volkswagen, for most of the technical elements had been seen before in the work .....
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Number of words: 1195 - Number of pages: 5.... extreme north. Away from coastal regions, many of 's rivers flow into the lakes, which are generally shallow--only three lakes are deeper than about 300 feet. Saimaa itself drains into the much larger Lake Ladoga in Russian territory via the Vuoksi (Vuoksa) River. Drainage from 's eastern uplands is through the lake system of Russian Karelia to the White Sea.
is heavily forested and contains some 55,000 lakes, numerous rivers, and extensive areas of marshland; viewed from the air, looks like an intricate blue and green jigsaw puzzle. Except in the northwest, relief features do not vary gre .....
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Hawthorne Effects On Factory W
Number of words: 736 - Number of pages: 3.... of various conditions that include the effects of changes in working conditions such as rest periods and meal breaks. Again, the result of the experiment shown that regardless of whether the conditions were improved or worsened, the productivity always increased. Elton Mayo identified this situation is due to the fact that the women responded to the researchers’ attention. And saw themselves as a special group. This form of behavior is known as “Hawthorne effect”.
From the first phrase of studies, I learnt that an important factor were not the incentives or working conditions, but is .....
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Computer Crime
Number of words: 1510 - Number of pages: 6.... go to a book and see "Avid young computer hackers in their
preteens and teens are frequently involved in computer crimes that
take the form of trespassing, invasion of privacy, or vandalism.
Quite often they are mearly out for a fun and games evening, and they
get entangled in the illegal use of their machines without realizing
the full import of what they are doing" , I have a hard time believing
that so lets see what a "hacker" has to say about what he does "Just
as they were enthraled with their pursuit of information, so are we.
The thrill of the hack is not in .....
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The History Of The Barbie Doll
Number of words: 1282 - Number of pages: 5.... which was a shade of red known as titian, and with a new Bubble Cut hairstyle popularized by Jacqueline Kennedy. Enchanted Evening, a lovely pink stain gown, also debuted this year. This fashion was a collector’s favorite and was reproduced in 1996. Ken, Barbie’s boyfriend was introduced this year with short blonde or brown hair, blue eyes, and moveable head, arms, and legs. He was also a ½ inch taller then Barbie. Ken was named after Ruth’s son, Kenny. Barbie doll was now the hottest selling fashion doll on the market at this time.
In 1962, Barbie doll was still bei .....
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Effective Listening
Number of words: 1841 - Number of pages: 7.... Studies show that people do not listen effectively. On an average, people listen only at 25% efficiency (Nichols and Stevens 1957, p.ix).
It is difficult to define listening, but generally it can be defined as " a receiver orientation to the communication process; since communication involves both a source and a receiver, listening consist of the roles receivers play in the communication process" (Floyd 1985, p.9). Listening is a process that includes hearing, attending to, understanding, evaluating and responding to spoken messages. (Floyd 1985, p.9)
Our own listening habits have been .....
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Number of words: 569 - Number of pages: 3.... to a soapmaker for a staggering $100,000 a year! It was not until Queen Victoria repealed the soap tax in 1853 that soap became economically available to the average person, and cleanliness took a turn, once again, towards popularity.
In Colonial America, during that period, the women made soap for their families. Commercial production of soap did not materialize until 1608, when several enterprising European soapcrafters arrived in America. Numerous advancements in took place over the next several centuries, including a process for the inexpensive production of soda ash (lye), and a p .....
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Hummer Review
Number of words: 951 - Number of pages: 4.... they can run anywhere from eighty thousand dollars and up. A Hummer comes with many options available. It comes stock with thirty-seven inch tires, and the wheel well has plenty of room for tire travel with no rubbing. They are available in a door hard or soft top, four door hard or soft top, or a wagon. The engine can either be a regular unleaded engine, or a turbo diesel. The inside is very spacious, and in the wagon model, there is a very big cargo space. Most Hummers come with winches already built in. Most of them are about sixteen thousand pounds, but could be less. The Hummer is made .....
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Talcott Parsons
Number of words: 2126 - Number of pages: 8.... ' functionalistic ways, influenced by Bronislaw Malinowski, became the center of debate. His beliefs were questioned and challenged by rival sociologists. His studies became even greater and his theories more significant. Until the time of his death, his principal aim focused on the systematic study of social action and it's components. He looked at the surrounding factors and if and why they influenced the social system. As an award before his death, Parsons received high honors for his accomplishments in sociology. Many people considered him the most intelligent sociologist of his era.
M .....
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The U.s School System
Number of words: 828 - Number of pages: 4.... breaking rules. And for some of these students, they are so regularly in trouble that the standards for their behavior is lessened , being permitted to break small rules because the standard for their behavior is lessened. This is a excellent example, why I believe in not only stern punishment, but set disciplinary action. A student should not be allowed the chance to break rules simply because that is just the way they are. Their bad habits will never be corrected, when they are not expected to act properly
I haven’t really had a great relationship with teachers, in the sense that .....
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