Term Papers on Miscellaneous Subjects |
The Aids Crisis
Number of words: 626 - Number of pages: 3.... ugly head in the beginning of the 1980’s, Americans refused to acknowledge the problem. It was considered a problem of the homosexuals and therefore did not exist. This was the same attitude of the government and yet people were dying and more were getting sick. The word AIDS was like taboo in the whole United States. This attitude also prevented the government from getting involved sooner because the government generally works on public opinion. If government officials started to talk about what people did not want to hear (AIDS and homosexuals), than those officials were in dang .....
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People Should Not Marry At An
Number of words: 904 - Number of pages: 4.... but few have been learnt from. Today some young people believe that they need to wait before they make that big commitment. Indeed there must be some just reason for them to conclude this. But as it is with many situations there is another side to this reasoning. And in recent studies many young people believe that if the mood is right that it makes it okay for them to get married. Strangely, this is not any surprise, since some of the reasons for getting married may be a little justifiable, the essence remains the same ninety percent of these marriages don't last. Most of the reasons give .....
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Number of words: 1219 - Number of pages: 5.... every day in alcohol related accidents.
(CSAP, 1996)
- More than 40% of all 16 - to - 20-year-Olds deaths result from motor vehicle accidents.
- Nearly half of these fatalities (38.9 %) were caused by alcohol-related accidents.
- Estimates are that 2,222 persons’ ages 16 - 20 died in alcohol-related accidents in the year
(NHTSA, 1995)
- Based upon 1992 data, an estimated one out of every 280 babies born today will die in a crash involving an intoxicated driver.
(NHTSA, 1996
- More than 40% of all the 16 - to - 20 - year Olds that passed away in .....
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Number of words: 4559 - Number of pages: 17.... thousand of these
contraptions for 15 dollars a piece. with new improvements such as a string
at the tip for balance and a more stable base, it was dubbed the "Snurfer",
a mix with snow and surfer, because of its no-binding surf style of riding.
Another pioneer was Dimitrije Milovich, a surfer from the east coast. He
made his invention because of the lack of warm water in the winter. This
board also had no bindings, to stick with the surf philosophy, but it
included iron edges. In the early seventies Milovich began limited
production of these custom boards. Also in 1972, Bob Webber received .....
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Explain Why Cultural Diversity Is Important In A College Education
Number of words: 821 - Number of pages: 3.... bunch ready to get involved. Involved in what? A controversy that all
had opinions on, but how could you not have an opinion? It was the talk at all
of the dinner tables, bars, and stores in town. Kids went home scared of the
racial tension. Parents whined and cried of violence in the school.
The parents whined and cried, and at the same time forgot to remember
that it was they, not the kids, who had taught the very prejudices that were “
disrupting the education process.” My opinion is simple and elementary:
Children are not born to hate others, they must be taught to judge co .....
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How To Play Asshole
Number of words: 1562 - Number of pages: 6.... is appointed President. The next highest cardholder becomes the Vice-President, and so on and so forth until the player holding the lowest card becomes affectionately known as the Asshole. In the event that two or more players draw the same value card, have those players draw again so that their position can be determined. However, if one of the players involved in a second drawing happens to draw a card higher than the card that of the President that player doesn’t become President. They assume the position in question and the loser of the draw-off takes the position below that person. .....
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Copyrights And Patents
Number of words: 966 - Number of pages: 4.... the consumer. As in one case, the Miller Brewing Company developed a new beer with a label similar to Annheuser Busch’s, who is currently the number one brewer in America. The “new brew” was aimed at taking away sales from “the King of Beers.” (Melcher 37)
Logos are also often copied. A logo is defined as an advertising symbol or message that represents a product or a service. In one case, OJ Simpson has agreed to share marketing rights with the Florida Department of Citrus to use his initial in connection with orange juice. (Wells 1)
Materials can be illegally duplicated .....
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Natural Fiber - Natural Color
Number of words: 669 - Number of pages: 3.... and her love for the environment, Sally Fox began to investigate the possibilities of creating commercially viable long-fibered colored cotton. Realizing the potential importance of colored cotton as an alternative to using solvent-based dyes, she was determined to succeed in producing a marketable fashion raw material.
The final result was Fox Fiber®, a strong long-fibered colored cotton, which can be readily woven into beautiful cloth. This naturally colored cotton is not only free of dyes, but it is also grown organically. Known as "Certified Organic Cotton", it is grown in fields which .....
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Chief Master Sergeant Of The A
Number of words: 653 - Number of pages: 3.... with integrity will always do what is right, and not just out of fear of being caught, but because they know it's wrong. The second Core Value is service before self, is putting your needs and wants aside to get the mission accomplished. Your needs may conflict with the interest of the government, but our job is a 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We must be ready at a moment's notice. Last, but definitely still important, is excellence in all we do. America's trust the military to protect out national security and interests, and especially each other's son's, daughters, husband's, and .....
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The Short Board
Number of words: 499 - Number of pages: 2.... teamed
up with a guy by the name of Steve Lis, and made the first short board
design in the US. They called it the “Fish.”
When the short board first started to become big, there was a big
rejection from many surfers. Most of the older surfers refused to convert
from the long board. This is because of all the extra paddling and
movement required for the short board. The newer younger surfers were
stoked on the idea of the short board, but because the older surfers
wouldn’t convert, it caused a serious generation gap. There ended being
many confrontations when paddling for waves and .....
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