Term Papers on Miscellaneous Subjects |
Alas, Babylon
Number of words: 1097 - Number of pages: 4.... to succeed in everyday life. After the bomb drop, everything changed. These blots on modern society crawled out of their shells in order to contribute something to a struggling society. They worked hard on construction and other things that would help the community. This strenuous work gave these once slobs a new outlook on life as well as the regular exercise they lacked. But, this sudden increase in work was not the only variable playing a role on them. After the bomb, anarchy broke out among community and surrounding towns. Highwaymen robbed the innocent, and people were taken advan .....
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Political Correctness In Schools
Number of words: 496 - Number of pages: 2.... used to be considered good clean fun has become a
constant frustration to teachers and parents everywhere. Many educators on
recess duty who have observed children at play have come to believe that
rough play which might look innocent can and often does lead to real
violence. The goodness of teaching political correctness in the classroom
is its ability to protect our children from violence, discrimination, and
the unfairness that exist in this world.
Political correctness is a good thing for kids to learn. I think
that being politically correct is just being polite and considerate for the
f .....
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Labyrinths And Mazes
Number of words: 768 - Number of pages: 3.... be
similar. It can be used to defeat the enemy as long as the other side of
it does not defeat the allies. Labyrinths could be used to protect all
sorts of things. The Egyptians used them to protect riches and even
important bodies. In one instance, in Cretian mythology, the labyrinth was
built by Daedalus for King Minos to protect the people of Crete from a
minotaur. Instead of it keeping him from completing the labyrinth, it kept
him inside so he could do the people no harm. He was lost inside of it
until Theseus came and killed him.
Labyrinths and mazes aren't just used for protecti .....
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How To Keep Your Car Running L
Number of words: 825 - Number of pages: 3.... change them yourself. This way you can ensure the oils are of top quality and the job gets done right.
Things you will need---
-3-ton hydraulic jack, jack stands, wheel chocks, and a socket-wrench set, new oil filter, quarts of motor oil, oil filter wrench….
There are different types of oils, 10W30, 5W30, and 10W40 are the most common. 10W30 is the most versatile oil out of them all.
Begin by parking your car on a flat surface; make sure the car is in park position.
1. Pop open the hood and twist the oil cap open.
2. Put the wheel chocks against the rear wheels. This is done to .....
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Child Protecetive Services
Number of words: 1583 - Number of pages: 6.... In a sample of counties, a sample of professionals who serve children was asked whether, during the study period, the children they ha seen in their offices appeared to have been abused or neglected. Because the information these selected professionals provided could be matched against pending cases in the local child protective agency, Westat was able to estimate rates of nonreporting among the surveyed professionals. It could not, of course, estimate the level of unintentional nonreporting, since there is no way to know of the situations in which professionals did not recognize signs of pos .....
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Roswell: Fact Or Fiction?
Number of words: 1086 - Number of pages: 4.... the Air Force. The shiny metallic piece recovered from the wreck site was first described as a piece of a UFO, but shortly that statement was withdrawn and the description of a downed weather balloon became the argument. Maj. Marcel told the world that debris he and other soldiers had recovered at a remote ranch near Roswell in July 1947 had been the remains of a flying saucer.
The first news story released by the Roswell Army Air Field in 1947 said the same thing. But the military almost immediately amended that report, saying the wreckage actually came from a weather balloon. According .....
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The Simpsons: The History
Number of words: 2512 - Number of pages: 10.... that printed the strip. Groening presented Brooks with an overweight, balding father, a mother with a blue beehive hairdo, and three obnoxious spiky haired children. Groening intended for them to represent the typical American family "who love each other and drive each other crazy". Groening named the characters after his own family. His parents were named Homer and Margaret and he had two younger sisters named Lisa and Maggie. Bart was an anagram for "brat". Groening chose the last name "Simpson" to sound like the typical American family name. (Varhola, 2)
Brooks decided to put .....
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Cultural Diversity: Campus Climates And Classroom Instruction
Number of words: 1284 - Number of pages: 5.... should change its curriculum and campus environment because campus climates ultimately influence the effectiveness of a diverse democracy and, therefore builds a mutually respectfully community.
I would like to see more diversity courses offered at the campus that encourages students to understand the concepts of culture and their ramifications, so students can use these for insights into and active engagements within a specific culture. In this effort, the students could discuss diversity courses at their learning, rather than keeping them peripheral to their knowledge, lives, and socie .....
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Goodfellas The Movie, Sociolog
Number of words: 912 - Number of pages: 4.... was also known as paying tribute to the boss.
Many of the Mafia's folkways and mores' were identified throughout the movie. Some of the informal rules held by the Mafia were the codes of trust and silence. In other words, never rat on a friend and keep your mouth shut. These rules were highlighted when the narrator, Henry Hill, had his first arrest. He was brought to court; defended by a Mafia paid lawyer and after his release he received praise and money from the family for honoring the code. This was considered his Mafia graduation and as important as losing his virginity.
It was als .....
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Bloomingdales International Customer Service
Number of words: 1120 - Number of pages: 5.... return business and new clientele.
World wide there is over 200 different languages spoken. Thus, there are vast differences among nations as to the languages commonly spoken. Even within nations, there is often diversity as to the languages spoken. For example, Canada (English and French), India ( Hindi and English) Japan ( Japanese, English and Korean) have two or more official languages. However , the obvious language barrier, is not the only concern. Words have a variety of meaning within diverse countries.
To overcome this issue, Bloomingdale’s has av .....
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