Term Papers on Miscellaneous Subjects |
Lincoln Electric
Number of words: 725 - Number of pages: 3.... kept its prices very fair, if not too fair for the customers. In many cases, the price of an item or service provided by Lincoln had gone down over the years. At the same time, employee’s salaries actually went up. This is just one example why Lincoln has flourished.
Why are the employees at Company so pleased as well as so productive? Why were Lincoln employees willing to work overtime during an August vacation time in 1994? The following benefits are some of the main reasons why Lincoln employees will do almost anything to help its employer:
an employee stock purcha .....
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Canadian Mosaic - The Policy B
Number of words: 3627 - Number of pages: 14.... in the twentieth century, with one out of four Canadians identifying themselves as black, Hispanic, Asian, Pacific Islander, Metis or Native. (Gould 1995: 198) Most people, from educators to philosophers, agree that an important first step in succe4ssfully joining multiple cultures is to develop an understanding of each others background. However, the similarities stip there. One problem is defining the tem "multiculturalism". When it is looked at simply as meaning the existence of a culturally integrated society, many people have no problems. However, when you go beyond that and try to sugge .....
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Heroes-A Definitive Essay
Number of words: 775 - Number of pages: 3.... achievement.
So what exactly is a hero? Parents are true heroes. Most parental units sacrifice time, money, love and everything else for their children. When times are tough good parents do all they can to make things better for their children. Mothers and fathers often work two jobs, late at night, or on weekends to provide for their kids. My mom is always there for me when I am sick, telling me she wishes she were the sick one. She also reassures me that she always has an extra kidney if I happen to need one. I personally view my parents as true heroes for all they do, have done, a .....
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Classical Theory Structure
Number of words: 845 - Number of pages: 4.... their reach are formal and impersonal (Pace & Faules, 1994, p. 30-31).
In addition to these procedures, It is suggested that an attitude of discipline
is an integral part of the organization that wants to promote efficiency (Pace &
Faules, 1994, chapter 3). They are intentionally designed without attention to
personal or emotional considerations to prevent distortion of employees'
rational judgment in carrying out their assigned duties. Employees working in
a classically structured organization are encouraged to maintain distinction
between their private and professional lives. The l .....
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Gender Roles In Moderen Advert
Number of words: 1396 - Number of pages: 6.... and ambition²(Coltrane, Adams 1997, 325).
Women / mothers are more likely to be watching television during the day, therefore advertisements tend to target the typical American housewife(Craig 1992, 209). During soap operas commercials go beyond matching a product aimed at a housewives particular needs, they portray stereotypical roles they should sustain. Daytime advertisements on television tend ³to portray men in stereotypical roles of authority and patriarchal dominance², while women are associated with traditional roles of the American housewife(Craig 1992, 209). Female .....
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Preparing The Educational Syst
Number of words: 815 - Number of pages: 3.... Freud and Dorothy Birlingham (1942), at the time of the Blitz in England, by Kleiman (1968) and Kleiman (1975) regarding the murder of President Kennedy in the United States of America. In Israel it was executed by Ziv et al (Ziv, Krogalensky and Shulman, 1972; Ziv and Israeli 1973), who examined the level of stress with children of bombarded settlements. Freud and Birlingham found that children who were disconnected from their families and had been evacuated to safe places out of London developed a higher level of anxiety than the children whom had stayed in town with their parents and had e .....
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The Horrors Of War
Number of words: 993 - Number of pages: 4.... for him and Kropp said, "A gun."
Paul showed his disapproval of this idea and Albert said something to the
degree of I would rather die then live without a leg. Another example was
when Kat was wounded by the bomb that went off while he was delivering
supplies to the men on the front. Kat could not even walk. Then while
Paul was taking him back to the First Aid center the man said, "He's stone
dead." Paul was so oblivious to what was going on that he simply replied,
"No, he's just fainted." When he looked at his hand and found a bullet
wound in the back of Kat's head he was so stunned th .....
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Three Gorges Dam
Number of words: 2301 - Number of pages: 9.... cliffs along the upper reaches of the Yangzi River where the water drops precipitously through the Qutang, Wu, and Xiling gorges. The region is linked to folklore and important historical events, and its beauty has inspired Chinese painters and classical poets such as Li Bai for centuries.
The dam, which will be 1.3 miles long and 610 feet high, is expected to be completed by 2009. It will create a 385 mile-long reservoir stretching back up the river that will totally engulf the Three Gorges, as well as 115,000 acres of rich farmland, thirteen cities, hundreds of villages, and count .....
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Microsoft The Company
Number of words: 850 - Number of pages: 4.... University of Washington, where he studied computer science. Gates left Harvard after just two years of education, and planed on programming for many personal computers. He and Allen later founded the Microsoft company --a name which Gates had picked -- in 1975 (Cusumano and Selby 24).
When Microsoft started out, there were only three employees--Gates and
Allen included. The gross revenue totaled sixteen thousand dollars. By 1978,
Gates and Allen had employed eleven other people, but the revenue had jumped to
1.3 million dollars. The growth rate was quite steady until 1982-1983. T .....
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Number of words: 481 - Number of pages: 2.... their banderillas, or decorated barbed
sticks. Clutching a stick in each hand, they rush the bull on foot and plant
the barbs in the animal's neck, weakening and angering the beast even more.
Finally the matador comes in for the kill. Brightly dressed, he uses a
sword draped with a cloth, called muleta. After a number of intricate passes
with the muleta, during which the matador must work extremely close to the bull,
the matador sights the bull along his sword, runs forward, and plunges it in,
aiming for the half-dollar-size spot between the shoulders. If the sword enters
correctly .....
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