Term Papers on Miscellaneous Subjects |
Number of words: 561 - Number of pages: 3.... and appreciation. The smoked-grilled, twenty ounce whole Mahi-mahi is one Hamilton's most popular dishes. The semi-formal establishment is host to those who enjoy dressing up. Yet, there have been some instances where local patrons anchor at the restaurant's dock after a day of fishing to grab dinner in shorts and sandals. Keep in mind though that dinners here are more expensive--ranging from fifteen to twenty-five dollars a plate. In addition the time waiting to be seated may be burdensome, but its seafood specialties are well worth the wait.
World-class restaurants cater specif .....
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Physical Education In Schools
Number of words: 667 - Number of pages: 3.... of a new school program, which
develops and maintains cardio-respiratory efficiency, muscular strength,
muscular endurance and flexibility. This program must be for everyone, not
just the elite athlete. We need a program that encourages a positive
attitude towards personal fitness by meeting the needs and interests of all
students. Most importantly, the program must be fun. By providing a
series of planned activities on a daily basis, we can be sure to see a
dramatic increase in physical fitness.
Furthermore, active children will develop better health habits. If
students become m .....
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Canadian Manufacturing
Number of words: 1561 - Number of pages: 6.... jobs created in manufacturing, about 3 more jobs are created.
- Manufacturing in Canada began with flour mills. The first gristmills were built in New France in the 17th century and, by 1840, there were 400 in Upper Canada and Lower Canada making flour
for domestic and foreign sale.
- Iron smelting began in the 1730s, by the mid-1740s, this foundry supplied some of New France's requirements such as stoves and household utensils.
- The first steamboat was made in Canada, the accommodation, was built in 1809 by the Eagle Foundry of Montréal, which made all of the more than 100 parts for .....
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Internet Censorship
Number of words: 800 - Number of pages: 3.... showtimes.
2. Being such a good source of reaching people, the internet can change the way society works. It is an entire new way of communication. A small phone wire or data cable from a network can transmit data that is then interpreted by us, the user, as communication, interaction. By using the internet we are not only looking up information, we are also communicating to the world via electronic impulses.
B. Commercial
1. The internet is a way of providing businesses with a new way to commercialize their items and after all, it's our first amendment right.
2. The new form of inform .....
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Sci/fi Sort Story
Number of words: 1314 - Number of pages: 5.... The Minister of Defence explained that most world leading countries were dealing with similar problems. He came to a conclusion that it was a terrorist attack by some type of corporate group.
The Minister of Defence Advised Parker to recruit well renowned scientist and to examine all mentally unstable politicians.
Once the scientist arrived, Parker was told that it would take two – four weeks to define the politicians mental deformity. The scientist’s closest guess at the stage was that it was virus.
Parker knew that there was nothing more that could be done. This worried him, he .....
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Number of words: 508 - Number of pages: 2.... children (the child is likely to share qualities or abilities with their parents) and can be brought out by providing the necessary environment. Unfortunately problems arise when the child’s tendencies clash with that of the parents or do not live up to the parent’s expectations. Also, if the child is not provided with an environment that promotes their inborn traits, then there is a poor person-to-environment match. This could lead to many roadblocks later in life.
Moving on, siblings share a remarkable fifty percent of their genes. Still their genotypes lead them to ask different que .....
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Nature 2
Number of words: 884 - Number of pages: 4.... to south, and then change directions, drifting to the east and then back to the west as if they were gliding smoothly across a newly waxed dance floor. Yet it is not only the crystal clear water that contributes to the beauty of the scene.
The variety of boats that harbor in the bays and ports around Lake Michigan also add to the excitement of a normal day on the lake. The powerboats roar a story of freedom. Everyday, flocks of speedboats propel themselves across the waves flattening the wakes of previous boats and flying limitlessly across the water, skimming the tops of the waves, gainin .....
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The Safety Training Program
Number of words: 767 - Number of pages: 3.... should be changed. The program is inadequate
and useless because the current program consist of reading the safety
information with a minimum amount of on-the-job training. The first line
supervisor shows the employee how to do a job once, watches while the
employee does the job once and then leaves. The employee should be shown
more than once how to perform a job and an experienced worker should be
assigned to new employees for a few days. The experienced worker will
ensure that the new employee is doing the job properly and safely. The
OJT program should include an initial training pro .....
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Augustine's "Confessions"
Number of words: 1508 - Number of pages: 6.... in control of everything in this world. “Everything takes its
place according to your law” (1.7). Augustine clearly sets forth that God is
the creator and source of everything. Not only is He the source, but he is the
reason for its continued existence. The next step Augustine takes regards the
nature of God's creation.
For Augustine, God is good, because everything He made is good. “You
are our God, supreme Good, the Creator and Ruler of the universe” (1.20), and
again, “Therefore, the God who made me must be good and all the good in me is
His”(1.20). Everything a .....
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Number of words: 1772 - Number of pages: 7.... the tale itself is found in an epic of a great king, which wasn’t exactly revered as a sacred book in the Mesopotamian culture, but was still treated with a great deal of respect.
This is quite from the ancient Hebrew account of the flood. In the Old Testament, it is presumably Moses who is telling the story of Noah in the book of Genesis. In this case, we have a second hand account of the story, found in what is considered to be a sacred piece of scripture, as written by one of the most important figures of the religion. The reason that man was to be exterminated from the face of the .....
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