Term Papers on Miscellaneous Subjects |
Brazilian Jujitsu Vs. Kickboxi
Number of words: 502 - Number of pages: 2.... using various parts of the body such as the elbows, knees, shins, and the head. Jujitsu utilizes the use of various locks and holds that can be used to quickly break the limbs of an opponent or render them unconscious. Kickboxing includes a lot of fast maneuvering and centers on the idea of using the strong parts of your body to cripple your opponent in a swift attack. Jujitsu is a more defensive and arguably more technical art that relies on patience and capitalizing on an opponents offensive mistakes.
The supremacy of jujitsu over kickboxing can be made clearly evident in a hypotheti .....
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The Game Of Basketball
Number of words: 3633 - Number of pages: 14.... m) long and 50 ft wide. In addition to size, courts can vary in other ways, such as in the radius of the circle situated at the center of the court, in the size of the backboard, and in the distance of the 3-point line (from beyond which a score counts for 3 points) from the basket. For example, the 3-point line in high school and college games is 19 ft 9 in (6 m) from the basket, while in international play it is 21 ft 6 in (6.6 m) and in professional play it is 22 ft (6.7 m). In all variations of the game, the backboards, originally used to prevent spectators from interfering with play, .....
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America And Individualism
Number of words: 1081 - Number of pages: 4.... own devices.
The most obvious problem stemming from the process of individualism is of a socio-economic nature and concerns the problem of solidarity. If the link between the community and the individual becomes less strong, to what extent will an individual experience social problems, in which he or she is not immediately implicated, as his or her problems? To what extent are people in an individualistic society prepared to consider the problems of others as their own? This is a crucial question for society since it places the legitimacy of many social institutions and political structur .....
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Fighting For Our Love Ones
Number of words: 1651 - Number of pages: 7.... That was an excerpt from a letter written by Anne Boyce to the voters of California for the passage of Proposition 215. In 1996, Proposition 215 was a proposed legislation in California that makes it legal for doctors to prescribe marijuana to terminally ill patients. Proposition 215 was passed by the voters of California, but patients who use marijuana could still and are prosecuted by our Federal Government.
Anne Boyce broke the law in order to obtain marijuana for her dying husband. Anne
Boyce, a sixty-seven year old Registered Nurse, is no .....
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Boxing - A Safe Sport
Number of words: 675 - Number of pages: 3.... of that round. When scoring this way, there is little emphasis on inflicting pain. Head guards are mandatory in the United States and in major international competitions. Form-fitted mouthpieces are also required and must be worn at all times; if it falls out, it is replaced immediately. Two boxers are usually matched up to their ability or skill level so to keep the bout fair. Also a boxer is never placed in a position where he will get injured. The referee will stop the bout if a boxer is out-classed to keep him or her safe from major injury. The boxer’s pride may be hurt, but .....
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Red Wine Varietals
Number of words: 580 - Number of pages: 3.... flavored, yet full bodied featured on our wine list is the Australian Shiraz. This grape variety is a descendant of the French Syrah, found in the northern Rhone region of France. Characteristically high in alcohol and full bodied, the Shiraz is of the same vine, just spelled differently.
Working our way around the globe we find ourselves in Tuscany, Italy. Chianti, over the years, has developed a tarnished image of being a cheap table wine. Most of us have melted candles at one time or another, in a Chianti bottle covered in a reed woven basket. There are three types of quality .....
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Charter Schools
Number of words: 1332 - Number of pages: 5.... Academy, based on this concept. The charter focused on recruiting and teaching high school drop-outs ( Buechler 60-63 ). All , including this first one, are based on certain guidelines. Charters are created by normal citizens desiring to fill a specific need in their area, or to implement a new teaching method. The administration and teaching operate independently from most local school board rules, and funds are used only within the charter school. Any business, parent, teacher or group may apply to open a charter, provided they are not religiously affiliated or a private school already. .....
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Clemencia Novela En Espanol
Number of words: 1275 - Number of pages: 5.... y a la vez
crea en la novela un sentimiento pesimista hacia los invasores extranjeros y lo
que estos hicieron en Mexico en esa epoca. El narrador exalta un gran
sentimiento de carino hacia Mexico por medio de su decripcion de ciudades
Mexicanas, su gente, su geografia, su flora; “Guadalajara, que justo titulo puede llamarse la reina de Occidente... semejante a una mujer dotada de hermosura regia...”(11). Y continua describiendo otros aspectos de Mexico los cuales
crean sentimientos de nostalgia y orgullo por lo que el llama “las bellezas de la patria”(13). Es obvio que .....
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Clemencia Novela En Espanol
Number of words: 1275 - Number of pages: 5.... negativa sobre ese conflicto y a la vez
crea en la novela un sentimiento pesimista hacia los invasores extranjeros y lo
que estos hicieron en Mexico en esa epoca. El narrador exalta un gran
sentimiento de carino hacia Mexico por medio de su decripcion de ciudades
Mexicanas, su gente, su geografia, su flora; “Guadalajara, que justo titulo puede llamarse la reina de Occidente... semejante a una mujer dotada de hermosura regia...”(11). Y continua describiendo otros aspectos de Mexico los cuales
crean sentimientos de nostalgia y orgullo por lo que el llama “las belleza .....
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Fleurs Tracks
Number of words: 1129 - Number of pages: 5.... is Fleur Pillager. She in fact is the protagonist of “Tracks”. Even though she is limited in dialogues, her actions speak more than words itself.
Structurally speaking, Fleur is mentioned in every chapter of the book, either being referred to by the two narrators or being part of the story. In fact, after researching the novel several times, no other character including the two narrators is consistently mentioned in every chapter. In the first chapter, Nanapush tells Lulu, his granddaughter, about the fate of the Chippewa Tribe. He then spends most of the chapter discussi .....
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