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Term Papers on Miscellaneous Subjects

The Soul
Number of words: 738 - Number of pages: 3

.... but learn slowly as the strong teach them and lead them by their hands to acceptance within themselves. Hard times have approached, I know this; but to embrace a crutch that serves as an excuse should not be tolerated. A crutch such as no respect for other's bodies or your own to which you engage in promiscuous sex is deemed as ignorant; plain and simple. Unfortunately if such actions were to partake and an unwanted pregnancy was to occur “In cases of incest or rape, obviously the mother should not have to expose herself to further emotional trauma of carrying the child full term. However .....

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Is Canada Losing Its Identity
Number of words: 1279 - Number of pages: 5

.... technology is taking an increasing role in everyone's lives. New innovations, such as the Internet, are making every corner of the world closer. This is known as globalization. Where before countries were thought to be quite distant, today, we can travel and converse quicker then we ever could before. I believe it's this reason why Canadians feel that they're no longer their own sovereign country. This makes our country more accessible to other nations. Because of it, more people are visiting our corner of the globe and then moving here when they realize what a great place it is to live. .....

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Sweatshops 2
Number of words: 1078 - Number of pages: 4

.... Avenue. This tragedy, and its enormous public response, prompted the federal government to take action and establish control over the industry. In 1938, major legislation passed under President Franklin D. Roosevelt. The Fair Labor Standards Act, (FLSA) guaranteed a $.25 an hour minimum wage, prohibited child labor, and required that employers keep adequate time and payroll records. In 1958 the largest nationwide strike in history, with 100,000 union members walking out of factories occurred. They won more holidays and higher wages. Conditions were at an all time high for the workers. This .....

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A Simple Proposal
Number of words: 485 - Number of pages: 2

.... umpires. Since they have to travel every few days, they are always tired so they are rewarded by getting to sit in first class whenever they fly and when they land at their destination, they get to sleep at the best hotels. It’s hard to believe why kids don’t want to be like umpires. It’s probably because all the kids don’t want to work that hectic of a schedule. Another good thing about being an umpire is that whenever you have a problem with the owners of baseball teams, you can always tell your union about it and then you can threaten the owners by saying you are resigning. .....

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Number of words: 709 - Number of pages: 3

.... different and spoke a language which was incomprehensible for most of the family. Daily life was a lonely life. Daily routines were handled different in the States. The mother would not dare venture out on ordinarily simple shopping errands. Signage and even weighing measurements were unintelligible. Indoor bathrooms, water heaters, and washing machines all further inhibited any outdoor skills and housekeeping activities. The one aspect of life which the family was able to continue after immigration was religion. The family located San Buena Ventura Mission,. The mission gave the famil .....

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The Lottery
Number of words: 3714 - Number of pages: 14

.... however, rebels against SOCIALLY ACCEPTED male domination. (Arriving late, she raises suspicions of resistance to everything represents.) When her family name is called, she pushes her husband, \"Get up there, Bill.\" (561) In doing so, she acts rebelliously, ironically contradicting custom by reversing the accepted power relation between husbands and wives. In her name Hutchinson, Jackson alludes to the religious reformer Anne Hutchinson, who WAS A THREAT TO SOCIETY AS A WOMAN PREACHER. She was banished from her society, as Tessie is stoned and eliminated. (In this way, Jackson shows th .....

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In Search Of Your Own Identity
Number of words: 2117 - Number of pages: 8

.... I say that I’m Mexican because in a sense I am. I am also an American. I am a Mexican-American. What do these terms put together imply? They should imply that the person is Mexican and American. The term “Mexican-American” is the very reason why I find myself confused about who I really am. I need to search for my own identity, which leads me to the purpose of this essay. Rodriguez and Paz have discussed this particular problem of identity. All three have different viewpoints. Some of their ideas are similar but mostly contradictory, especially in the case of .....

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Occupational Hazards
Number of words: 881 - Number of pages: 4

.... bargain. An Employee also feels the lack of support form the Legal system. He feels there are not enough laws made to protect him as a worker. Fortunately things are changing for the better, as the Employees get more aware of their rights. Employees are now granted basic rights such as - Right to refuse to work in a place only if he considers it to be unsafe; Right to participate in the Workplace Health and Safety activities; Right to be informed about, actual and potential dangers in the workplace. Together with that Employees have to fulfill certain responsibilities as well, which inclu .....

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Trade Unionism
Number of words: 1268 - Number of pages: 5

.... is organized. The union members will usually elect someone to speak on their behalf - a shop steward or office representative. The rep will then discuss their concerns with management. Where the union has a recognition agreement with management they reach decisions together on key issues. In bigger workplaces there will be a number of representatives, sometimes from different unions, speaking on behalf of different groups of workers. And in very big workplaces some of these union representatives will spend much of their working day dealing with union business, talking to management helping .....

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The Reform Of Schools
Number of words: 538 - Number of pages: 2

.... to separate schools means to separate students. Since the new code of conduct produces equality, and since it sets forth equal status among individuals, then the students will have a standard that the entire province takes part in. Now, the schools are going from each one entailing their code of conduct. To treating all schools as equals. For example, if a student in Ontario skips out of class, and if the student receives a punishment (making up that class on their time ® weekends), then the students in other provinces will not skip out of class. Overall, the new bill will make t .....

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