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Term Papers on Miscellaneous Subjects

Number of words: 635 - Number of pages: 3

.... protein intakes. Ecological arguments against omnivorous and carnivorous eating are little more than an attempt by those from the less popular animal "rights" movement to ride the coattails of the more popular environmental movement. In some cases, warnings of impending environmental cataclysm are used to advance an ethical agenda. However, arguments to the effect that eating meat is "destroying the planet" overlook that the planet has not yet been destroyed despite millions of years of omnivorous and carnivorous eating by millions of individuals from a multitude of species. The Second .....

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Difference Between Micro- And
Number of words: 536 - Number of pages: 2

.... Structural functionalism (Perrucci, 1983) has three main ideas: 1) society is a system containing interdependent and interacting parts bound together in time and space, 2) shared values among members of the system are social “glue” that helps hold it together, 3) and systems have a need for stability and therefor attempt the parts working together harmoniously. Conflict theory is the belief that society contains basic inequalities in wealth, power, and prestige (Coser, 1967; Dahrendorf, 1959). Ritzer, like many other sociologists, wants to disintegrate the split between the micro .....

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A Comparison Of Two Network Op
Number of words: 1800 - Number of pages: 7

.... packs, hardware upgrades will need to be weighed for both types of systems. Determining which system has a greater occurrence of glitches can be a factor in estimating lost profits for every hour of downtime. If the company should experience a glitch, how substantial will personnel costs for recovering/recreating data be? Knowledgeable systems administrators will need to be employed to maintain the system. This task is not to be taken lightly as these are only some of the situations to be considered prior to making a decision on which NOS to purchase. Since accruing costs is a pri .....

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The Copernican Plan
Number of words: 279 - Number of pages: 2

.... of time that students spend in the classroom, provide more time for collaboration and coordination among it's professional staff members, promote continuous professional development, and do so with as few dollars as possible? A current solution is devised by Joseph M. Carroll. This is a unique scheduling plan that reduces the number of classes that a student takes at any one time. There are many variations of . In one variation the student takes 2 macro-classes in the morning. Each class is approximately 100 minutes long and is taken for only one 60-day trimester. During the aftern .....

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Number of words: 804 - Number of pages: 3

.... Thats not the thing that really bothers me though, its the fact that a nation like America (and other nations too, most of my knowledge of what happened came from a British paper) can exploit something like this, and the masses can swallow it up. But I suppose it makes good news. Who is the sicker person in this case? The nazi boy who goes into a school, kills about ten people or so, or the average American who buys the newspaper with the headline of "NEO NAZI MASSACRES INNOCENT TEENS IN SCHOOL"? The boys who did this knew very well that if they were to pull off something like this, .....

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Number of words: 1232 - Number of pages: 5

.... restraints on people's actions, it leads to the war of 'all against all'" says Hobbes. So, Hobbes is basically saying, any state is better than the state of nature, be glad that the state is there. Even if it is a corrupt state, you will benefit more from the corrupt state than you would from the State of Nature which is completely lawless. However, this vision of society which leaves power out of the hands of the people and leads to criticisms from philosophers such as Locke and Rousseau, who counters Hobbes with their own ideas of the "state of nature". In Locke's "State of Nature" the "St .....

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How To Fight In Hockey Successfully
Number of words: 513 - Number of pages: 2

.... throwing the punches that you throw the hardest to your opponent's face and stomach. Another good technique is to grab the opponent's collar of his jersey right below his chin with one hand and pull him foreword quickly. While you slam him forward, use your other hand to punch him in the face. This technique hurts the opponent the most because his momentum moving toward you makes the blow twice as hard as an ordinary punch. Continue to use this technique over and over until the fight is done. The opponent usually will not know where he is, so it will be a fairly easy fight. Along with .....

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Computer Software Ownership
Number of words: 408 - Number of pages: 2

.... from a friend, but improving the answers to get a better grade. In this case the second programmer gets all the credit for writing the program. Freeware can be negative in that way, but it also provides a constant improvement of all software. Therefore the quality of the products on the market is consistently growing. This programming competition carries on also within companies; this is the reason why programs like Internet explorer are constantly updated. Another ethical issue brought up is which person has the permission to publish the new version. Of course, logic .....

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Lock Picking
Number of words: 786 - Number of pages: 3

.... a beginner to start out with simply a safety pin and a very tiny Philips head screwdriver or a paper clip. First open up your safety pin to about a 60 degree angle. Then bend the very tip of the safety pin to approximately a 55 degree angle. This will be your pick. Next bend the tip of the screwdriver to an 85 degree angle or do the same with a paper clip. This will be your tension wrench. Now that you have your tools you a ready to pick your first lock! The mechanics of all lie in a very tiny error in nearly all locks. As tension is applied in usually a clock word direction the pin binds. .....

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Number of words: 368 - Number of pages: 2

.... of his philosophy, because it seemed to contradict the original positivist philosophy. Many of Comte's doctrines were later adapted and developed by the British social philosophers John Stuart Mill and Herbert Spencer and by the Austrian philosopher and physicist Ernst Mach.(www.encyclopedia.com) During the early 20th century a group of philosophers who were concerned with developments in modern science rejected the traditional positivist ideas that held personal experience to be the basis of true knowledge and emphasized the importance of scientific verification. This group came to be kno .....

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