Term Papers on Miscellaneous Subjects |
A New Day On Wall Street. The
Number of words: 744 - Number of pages: 3.... discount brokers were able to open the door even further by reducing trading costs and developing user friendly platforms for investors. The Brokerage industry is one driven by quality customer service and high profits. Investors want to maximize there investments at a reduced cost but still receive the highest level of service and information available. In the past investors were restricted by the amount of control they had over their investments, brokers made recommendation, pushes, and did the actual purchasing. Today with the addition of the PC and online capabilities investors can choose .....
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Breakfast Club Character Evaluations
Number of words: 1371 - Number of pages: 5.... her and over-exaggerated the truth. He judged her by material possessions (earrings) and by social standings (prom queen), and he judged himself against her and that led to him wanting what she has (earrings and virginity). First he tried being more competitive with her by calling her names and putting her down so that he could seem higher and “cooler” than her. Then he became envious and jealous of her, wanting what she had. This two then lead to greed. Fortunately for the both of them, they got beyond the achievements and fell in love. They learned to judge each other by the quality of .....
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Voting Essay
Number of words: 434 - Number of pages: 2.... better understandings of who to vote for. People may argue that some teens do have more knowledge then some adults, but we’re talking majority wise.
Voting is also not an easy task. It takes a lot of effort and research to distinguish which Member of Parliament would be the best to vote for. Some representatives may even come door to door to persuade you to vote or them and since they would be aware that young teens now have a say in elections, they would use their sneaky minds and somehow promise something attractive to youths, possibly a four day school week or three months summ .....
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Siddhartha The Buddha
Number of words: 871 - Number of pages: 4.... Every believer is promised a reward for his lifelong faith in the Almighty.
That is what I believe too, but I think that it’s free to everyone to decide who this God is and how to reach him. For me, God is everything in us and around us. God is the law, according to which everything happens, evolves, and ceases to be. God is the law of nature, so it is in no means with the human sciences of the nature. Above all, God is love towards everything that exists. Siddhartha experienced that love in the moment of his enlightenment. Jesus, Mohamed, Krishna and other spiritual leaders too, d .....
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Overpopulation 2
Number of words: 584 - Number of pages: 3.... of water quality and destruction
of animal and plant communities increase too. The serious effects of population
growth apply even on the protected locations of this planet. Rapid expansion of
human numbers also causes overexploitation of natural resources and provides
pressure on food supplies. As a result it will not be long until we observe a
remarkable decline in our living standards. Land, forest and water are some the vital resources that are threatened by enlargement of population density.
Because population growth has expanded greatly over the last 500 years, as larger numbers of pe .....
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Air Bags Can Kill
Number of words: 659 - Number of pages: 3.... vehicles explaining the
Now, according to CNN, “Government announces rules for air
bag switches,”
(, if the
owner of a vehicle or a passenger has a medical condition which would
put them at a greater risk from airbags, then they can apply permission to
disable the airbags in their vehicle. This also applies if a child must ride
in the front seat. But it doesn’t protect people who would need to drive
someone else’s car, or people who would give someone else’s children a
ride. It will only protect th .....
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Originality Of Philosophy
Number of words: 778 - Number of pages: 3.... and that you, and all other material things in the world
are mere figments of my imagination - is one of those peculiar notions that make
everybody realize just how barmy philosophers truly are.” Philosophy is often
translated as the love of wisdom or the love of truth. One way to get a vague
idea as to what philosophy is about is to dissect the subject and investigate
its skeleton. there are many branches in philosophy. Metaphysics is”(after-
physics, after Aristotle's book of physics.)”, and has questions about the
nature of time, categories of existence, including god. Epistem .....
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Infant Immortality
Number of words: 1477 - Number of pages: 6.... According to the US
Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), the US infant mortality rate in 1987 was higher than in 23 other countries
or territories, including most of Western Europe, Hong
Kong, and Singapore. The US infant mortality rate was
about 20 percent higher than Norway’s, nearly 50 percent
higher than in the Netherlands, and 200 percent higher
than Japan’s (Eberstadt et al., 1991). The United States
has not always fared so poorly in this international ranking.
In the early 1950’s it ranked sixth best (Anderson et al.,
The Select Committee .....
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The 411 On Copyright For Net P
Number of words: 3995 - Number of pages: 15.... Net to advertise for jobs, learn new skills, network with colleagues, and provide pleasure to the viewing public. Stacy Rosenstock's portfolio is an example of the excellent photo art available for viewing on the Net.
Photographer/author/adventurer Philip Greenspun uses photos to accompany text in Travels With Samantha Mr. Greenspun says that viewer response is one of the rewards for publishing on the Net.[2]
The Net is a unique medium for photographers, offering one-on-one feedback from viewers, fellow photographers and critics on a scale not available from the typical art gallery or m .....
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Persuasion Theories In Adverti
Number of words: 1869 - Number of pages: 7.... and formulate an opinion about the product based partly on their representation of it. There are three main categories, or source characteristics, we use to analyze a source, credibility, similarity and attractiveness. In this ad for Ortho Tri-Cyclen the source is the young woman who serves as a spokesperson for the company. I will use the characteristics mentioned above to assess the source presented.
Credibility is an essential factor to a communicator’s effectiveness. Their message is believed to have a greater influence if they are perceived as credible sources. Credibi .....
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