WoodStock Music Festival
Number of words: 1489 - Number of pages: 6.... 48miles from
Woodstock, in the town of Bethel.
Early in the week before the festival, it became clear that the
event as going to draw a much larger audience than expected. By the day
before the official opening, traffic jams miles long blocked most roads
leading to the area. On Friday, August 15, when the festival began, its
management was unable to watch the estimated 400,000 or more people coming
into and out of the field and decided to end admission fees. Sweetwater,
the band scheduled to open the festival, could not get to the site because
of the traffic, so folksinger Richie Havens, w .....
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The Ideals Of Instrumental Music
Number of words: 850 - Number of pages: 4.... of the 19th century, was resolved in the conception of program
music. Program music, as Liszt and others in the 19th century used the term,
is music associated with poetic, descriptive, and even narrative subject
matter. This is done not by means of musical figures imitating natural sounds
and movements, but by imaginative suggestion. Program music aimed to absorb
and transmit the imagined subject matter in such a way that the resulting work,
although "programmed", does not sound forced, and transcends the subject matter
it seeks to represent. Instrumental music thus became .....
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Jimi Hendrix's "Purple Haze" And The 1960s And 70s
Number of words: 467 - Number of pages: 2.... to be more
carefree than dangerous. In my opinion, Kansas probably wasn't exactly the
hippie capital of the world. If I had interviewed someone who had lived in
a major city during the 60's I'm sure the danger would have been more
noticeable. A majority of the drug usage took place in the cities.
Jimi Hendrix is a perfect example of a hard-core hippie. He was a
drug addict as well as a spontaneous musical historian. He did have a long
lasting impact on many people. His death was very controversial. Was his
life wasted on sex, drugs, and rock and roll or did he capture the spirit
by s .....
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Ralph Vaughan Williams: Symphony Number Five
Number of words: 1227 - Number of pages: 5.... of
octave C's. Could it be that in the great traditions of British musical
'amateurism', RVW got his transposition wrong? Or is this a deliberate feature
of the music, intended to blur the tonality? Musicologists prefer the latter
explanation. This is by no means an unusual feature of his music, when he was
asked what the 4th symphony was about, RVW replied "It is about F-minor",
alluding to his sometimes hazy tonalities, often augmented by his use of modal,
mainly pentatonic melodies, which, with no leading note, often help to 'fudge'
the tonality. Apart from the horn call, the brass i .....
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The Drums
Number of words: 1691 - Number of pages: 7.... head wich is struck by either a stick or a foot pedal. If
a second head is used at the other end of the drum it is called a resonator
head. Lets start with the bass drum.
The bass drum is obviously the bass or low pitch drum in the set. The bass
drum is set on the floor with the batter of the drum facing vertically so
that a foot pedal may be used to hit the drum. The standard depth of a bass
drum shell is 14" and standard shell diameters range anywhere from 18"-26".
During the history of the drumset various bass sizes have been used for
certain types of music. The most co .....
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The Tupac Conspiracy
Number of words: 1684 - Number of pages: 7.... how he was shot in real life. Interestingly, Tupac dies in his last video released under the name "Tupac". His new video "Toss It Up" from the new album was released under the name "Makaveli . second video to be released by the name Makaveli is "To Live and Die in L.A." But how could they shoot the second video when he is "dead". Do you really think the video was shot 4 months ago, back in August of '96? Think about it in. the video "Hail Mary" released under the name Makaveli, there is a gravestone that says Makaveli. But the gravestone is cracked and there is a hole right in front of it, in .....
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The History Of Music
Number of words: 663 - Number of pages: 3.... the staff was invented by a monk called Guido d'Arezzo. This was made of four lines. A method of notation that made it possible to show the length of each note was developed in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries. Notes took new shapes and stems were added to some notes according to their length. By the 1600's the notes had become round and musical notation began to look like it does today.
Today music is written and printed in a picture language. This language of notation indicates the pitch of the tones, their place in a sequence of tones, their duration (the length of time a ton .....
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The Life Of Deadheads And Music Of The Grateful Dead
Number of words: 1977 - Number of pages: 8.... form a group with an identifiable onset and about which
there is substantial literature. Also, A Deadhead, according to the
authors of Skeleton Key: A Dictionary for Deadheads, is “someone who loves
-- and draws meaning from -- the music of the Grateful Dead and the
experience of Dead shows, and builds community with others who feel the
same way” (Shenk 60).
To elaborate on this in more objective terms, research shows the
top four characteristic influences on the life of Deadheads are (in order):
The Dead, Friends, Love, and Family. In this same survey, below the mean .....
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How To Listen To Music, Not Just Hear It
Number of words: 1017 - Number of pages: 4.... the back of the speaker into the corner, so each side
of the speaker is against each wall. For this reason, the bass is extended
(louder), and the tweeters, mid-range, and woofers give you their undivided
Where to sit is simple, but it takes some easy calculations to find the
perfect spot. There is a common rule for a person to experience the full effect
of the music. In order to do this, measure the distance between the two speaker
cabinets. If the speaker's cabinets are placed twelve feet apart from each
other, divide twelve feet in half, which gives us six feet. T .....
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Comparison Between Piano Concert By Barbara Wieman And Sacramento Chamber Orchestra
Number of words: 1008 - Number of pages: 4.... I would call this piece very serious.
After Beethoven we were treated to F. Schuberts Impromptu in G flat Major, Op.
90, No.3. This piece was very pleasing to the ear so we could call this
consonant. The music seemed to flow and had a great rhythm. This piece was
romantic in nature and probably that is why it was written in the romantic era.
C. Debussy ‘s Feux d'artifice (fireworks) was the next piece played. The
harmony was very obscured in this piece of music. The theme trying to be
presented in this piece was as if fireworks were going off. The notes were
ever changing a .....
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