Number of words: 332 - Number of pages: 2.... the nucleus in strong electromagnets. Alloys
containing titanium, aluminum, cobalt and nickel can be made to become
permanently magnetic. One alloy, called Stellite, is an alloy of cobalt,
chromium, tungsten, and molybdenum. This alloy is extremely hard and keeps its
hardness at extreme temperatures. It has many uses: cutting tools are made of
it along with gas turbines. Zaire is the world¹s largest producer of cobalt
with 65% of the world¹s reserve.
Cobalt is a common trace element found in food. It is a component of
vitamin B12. It is important to our health. But excessive amount .....
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Fetal Alcohol Syndrome And Fetal Alcohol Effects
Number of words: 1444 - Number of pages: 6.... excessively during pregnancy appear to be at increased risk for attention deficit
disorders with hyperactivity, fine-motor impairment, and clumsiness as well as more subtle delays in
motor performance and speech disorders. [4] These findings have been referred to as fetal alcohol
effects (FAE).
As recently described, FAS and FAE produce profound cognitive, behavioral, and psychosocial problems that persist to date of follow-up of those affected. In the most comprehensive and far-reaching study to date, Streissguth et al [5] traced the natural history into adulthood and demonstrated the pr .....
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Green Laws Boost Clean-up Iindustry
Number of words: 972 - Number of pages: 4.... to show that the laws will be enforced.
Yet far from all companies have to meet with the
raised finger of the law to start investing in their environmental
responsibilities. Investments on a volunta-ry basis are often due to the fact
that it makes good ecnomic sense or because it gives the corporate image a face-
Seen from a geoprahical point of view Germany and primarily eastern
Europe form tremendously good breeding ground for the sale of clean-up equipment.
As a result of opencast mi-ning of lignite coal in Poland, for example, a huge
clean-up is left, which will amount .....
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Nuclear Power
Number of words: 356 - Number of pages: 2.... don’t have
enough concentrated water to create enough energy to generate
electricity. (World Book vol. 14, 586)
Nuclear power plants generate only about eleven percent of the world’s
electricity. There are around 316 nuclear power plants in the world
that create 213,000 megawatts of electricity. (INFOPEDIA)
Radioactive, or nuclear, waste is the by-product of nuclear fission.
Fission occurs when atoms’ nucleus’ split and cause a nuclear reaction.
(General Information) When a free neutron splits a nucleus, energy is
released along with free neutrons, fissio .....
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Hydroponics Growing Without Soil
Number of words: 2420 - Number of pages: 9.... caused many of them to be unsuccessful and production inconsistent.
How is the quality of the food today affected by the methods of Hydroponics of today?
The growing media that is used for gardening greatly effects the production of the plants. If sand is used as a medium it should be tested thoroughly for any residue that might cause infected growing medium. The sand should be cleaned at least every three of four weeks. Leaching is also a major step, it is to be done at the end of each crop cycle ( Jones 69-70). Sand that is used for .....
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Genetics Engineering
Number of words: 655 - Number of pages: 3.... rotting(Dewitt, 1994).
Entire herds of cattle are now being injected with a growth hormone(BST) so that
they will produce more milk than ordinary cattle(Dewitt, 1994). Also drought
resistance grass that needs no moving.
Scientists will soon be able to collect DNA from endangered species.
This DNA could be used to clone more condors, bald eagle, mountain gorillas, and
many other animals. Totally extinct animals may be recreated as well, i.e.
Jurassic Park. Imagine having your own dodo bird or pet triceratops.
Many types of diseases will be cured. Just take out the gene that giving
yo .....
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The History Of White-Tailed Deer In Kentucky
Number of words: 606 - Number of pages: 3.... spring. Fawns retain their spots until mid September and nurse until mid
October. About 40 percent of female fawns breed during their first autumn, but
usually bear only one fawn. Does breeding at age 1 1/2 or older generally have
twins, and sometimes triplets. By November, Kentucky's deer population typical
increases slightly more than one fawn per doe. Although many more fawns are
born than one per doe, some will die before the hunting season arrives.
A deer's home range averages about 500 acres. In mountains, the home
range may exceed 1,000 acres. Even though this size area c .....
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Number of words: 924 - Number of pages: 4.... for example. The thought of having the train that takes us into the city is a commonly know option. Not always have people been able to choose public transportation as a method of getting to and from. Dating as far back as 1889 when the first method of public transportation was developed in Massachusetts. Before this the thought of having a bus or train run to the main areas of a community was absolutely unheard of. But in today’s society there are many people who depend of the train or bus to get to work or to school or wherever it is they are going. When exactly did public transport .....
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Isaac Newton
Number of words: 622 - Number of pages: 3.... was that when white light passed through a prism, it was broken up into a broad spectrum of colors. When that spectrum was shone back through another prism that spectrum became a white light again. Next he passed a single color of light through a prism, the color was the same when it came out the other end this led him to believe that white light was composed of all the colors. During this time he also formulated the corpuscular theory of light, which states that light is made up of tiny particles, also known as corpuscles.
Another great discovery that he came up with was gravity. The g .....
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Number of words: 708 - Number of pages: 3.... related to abuse. Am astonishing fifty percent of all major automobile accidents, and murders are associated with . On and on the statistics point to the enormous dangers of , yet it is a legalized drug.
As bleak as this problems seems to be on society as a whole, it is also rueful for the poor soul who is dependent. The life span of the ic is about ten years shorter than the non-drinker. The lifetime prevalence for ism in the United States is as high as fourteen percent. Taking these statements into consideration it is not difficult to believe that is ranked the third major cause .....
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