Artifical Intelligence
Number of words: 3402 - Number of pages: 13.... rules
3. Use symbolic representations
F. Case-bases reasoning (CBR)
1. Allows a system to store and analyze data
2. Analyzes each case uniquely
III. How AI can be used
A. Neural Networks
1. Military aircraft
2. S&P index
3. Recognizing new patterns of credit-card fraud
B. Fuzzy logic
1. Washing machines
2. Vacuum cleaners
3. AC's
C. Chaos theory
1. Wall street
2. Ability to predict and diagnose heart disease
D. Expert systems
1. Employee Training
2. Wisdom Simulators
3. Industry applications
E. KBS and CBR
1. .....
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Nuclear Power
Number of words: 1247 - Number of pages: 5.... fissioning atoms releases a very large amount of energy,
and some more neutrons.
This process continues causing a chain reaction withut any outside assistance,
and the Uranium has "gone critical"(Martindale, 794-195). This chain reaction
is the basis for how nuclear power is made.
The amount of the energy that is given off in nuclear fission is astronomical.
To equal the amount of energy given off when splitting some uranium the size of
a golf ball, one would have to burn approximately twenty-five train cars full of
coal. Presently, the planet contains twenty-five times more nuclear fu .....
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The Cause And Effects Of Acid Mine Drainage
Number of words: 1678 - Number of pages: 7.... impact on the quality of the ground or surface water it discharges
to. (Ellison & Hutchison)"
Within the mining process there are several sources that cause ARD. No
matter what activities occur, ARD usually occurs when certain conditions are met.
These conditions are the factors that limit or accelerate the release of ARD.
The initial release of ARD can occur anywhere from a few months to many decades
after the sulfide containing material is disturbed or deposited. ARD has been
associated with mines since mining began. When ARD occurs due to the effects of
mining i .....
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Water Pollution
Number of words: 704 - Number of pages: 3.... the government took action. They were giving sailors up to one million
dollars fines for disposing waste. Because of that, ships now carry less garbage
with them.
Animals are not the only thing being harmed by water wastes. Fishing
lines, rope, and plastic nets are being caught in the rutter and the engine, but
the ships are not exactly perfect.
The other main cause of water pollution is industrial waste. Industries
do not be harmed by water pollution but the cause much it. Many companies pour
chemicals into the waterways. Some of the businesses that contribute to the
water poll .....
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Genetic Cloning And Frankenstein
Number of words: 980 - Number of pages: 4.... advances in genetic cloning.
Mary Shelly’s “Frankenstein” provides a clear distinction between the theoretical grandeur of man’s ability to scientifically author life and the stark reality, which it encompasses. Mary prophetically illustrates some of the potential hazards of breaking through the barrier that separates man from God (Bloom 611). Her insight allows the reader to trace these repercussions through Victor Frankenstein, the monster, and eventually society. The character of Victor Frankenstein illustrates the path of destruction scientists can create when ignoring t .....
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Number of words: 323 - Number of pages: 2.... one scientist who helped to increase the evidence supporting
evolution. Darwin developed the idea of “natural selection” where living things that reproduced
in large numbers and survived became dominant and other living things adapted to survive, or
they died. Francis Crick, a scientist, co-discovered DNA which opened new doors to the idea of
evolutionism (History). DNA is the pattern by which people are created as individuals. Now
Evolutionism is the only origin of life that can be taught in public schools. However, in private
schools, students may be taught whatever the sch .....
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Number of words: 683 - Number of pages: 3.... negative long-term effects on the future of because of the bad wording going into some of the laws. Many are afraid that the rich and famous might take advantage of the opportunity to generate copies of themselves. Nash points out that even though the possibility is there, the people who could grow full human clones "aren't going to be doing it."
Nash recognizes that by individual cells for the purpose of eliminating life-threatening diseases many people could be benefited. Doctors could obtain healthy cells from a part of the human body and grow them in dishes to be used to fig .....
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Number of words: 2685 - Number of pages: 10.... mean 'NEVER SAY ANYTHING' , (Stacey 40) " has been blamed for millions of
UFO governmental cover-ups around the nation. "Our problem is with government
secrecy, because it widens the gap between citizens and the government,
making it much more difficult to participate in the democratic process
(Stacey 40)," says Steven Aftergood while addressing UFO secrecy. The UFO
enigma, or as it is formerly know as the "'Cosmic Watergate' : the ongoing
cover-up of the government's knowledge about extraterrestrial UFOs and their
terrestrial activities (Stacey 36)" is believed to be started during .....
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Number of words: 1118 - Number of pages: 5.... disorder in which bleeding is due to deficiency of the coagulation factor VIII (VIII:C)3. In most of the
cases, this coagulant protein is reduced but in a rare amount of
cases, this protein is present by immunoassay but defective.4
Haemophilia A is the most common severe bleeding disorder and
approximately 1 in 10,000 males is effected. The most common types
of bleeding are into the joints and muscles. Haemophilia is severe
if the factor VIII:C levels are less that 1 %, they are moderate if
the levels are 1-5% and they are mild if they levels become 5+%.5
Those with mild haemophilia .....
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UFOs And Alien Life
Number of words: 789 - Number of pages: 3.... many other objects as UFOs," (Kraske 22). Pranksters have also misled UFO investigation by doing actions that confuse and mislead humans. For example, they flash images of car headlights and city lights on the Earth. Pranksters also confuse people by tossing discs from tall buildings and taking pictures of spaceship models. One man was suspected of taking pictures of a realistic chicken-hatching machine. Human psychology has also played a role in the investigation of UFOs. An anonymous psychologist stated that, "When one person sees a strange thing, many people imagine they also see .....
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