Household Waste!
Number of words: 520 - Number of pages: 2.... it has been lost; a potential
problem. The can has an expiration date on it, 9/98. This expiration date may be
incorrect because that piece of tape to cover it has been lost for some time now.
II Windex
In the cupboard in the upstairs bathroom is where we keep the Windex.
The Windex is blue and clearly labeled, with no chance of any person mistaking
it for something else. The top part is tightly screwed on with Windex filled to ¾
of the original volume. I cannot find any expiration date, nor can I find any
hint there ever was one. I should contact the product vender to see if the
Winde .....
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Number of words: 1258 - Number of pages: 5.... to understand that currently is very “Hit or Miss”(Hawley). From 277 attempts, Dolly was the only successful attempt. The point is however that we now have a man created sheep, what else could be done in the near future. There are many different goals for genetic . Would you like to clone someone close to you who had died? In the movie “Gattaca” you get a peak at something that could be made possible by , the genetic engineering of children not yet born. It could be the end of birth defects. If given the choice to be able to make a child perfectly healthy and have the traits you .....
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Acid Rain
Number of words: 1515 - Number of pages: 6.... It is hard to determine where acid rain
may fall next, because the wind from a pollueted area could carry pollution to
another area and the acid rain could fall there. The regions effected more by
acid rain is large parts of eastern North America, Scandinavia, and central
Europe. In alot of places acid rain isn't a probelm because some soils can
neutralize the acid and it doesn't effect the crops. Areas more sensitive to
acid rain is in the western United States most of Washington all of Oregon,
sectons of California and most of Idaho. Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont and a
large secti .....
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Nickel Metal Hydrive Battery For Electric Vehicals
Number of words: 610 - Number of pages: 3.... in the negative electrode to form MH. On the other hand, the hydroxyl ion ( from water) reacts with Ni(OH)2 at the positive electrode to form NiOOH. Ni now change from +2 to +3.
Ni(OH)2 +OH = NiOOH + H2O + e
From equation (1) and (2) there is no net change in electrolyte quantity or concentration over the charge and discharge cycle. We can see that it is different from other alkaline electrode such as NiCd which water is produced at both electrode during charge and used up during discharge. In the NiMH battery, the constant average concentration can reduce the corrosion and swelling. .....
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Acid Rain
Number of words: 593 - Number of pages: 3.... if
it has less foliage, yellow spots and produces many cones (Baines, 22). Secondly, acid rain
damages the trees through the soil by releasing metals that harm them even further (Lucas, 72).
Acid rain makes the trees lose their leaves, so when the trees try to regrow their leaves, buds
come instead, this process is called a panic shoot (M. 15). Large land areas which used to be
covered with forests are now gone, dead or dying (Baines, 21). Around the 1980’s more than half
Kotto 2
of the trees in Germany had signs of acid rain damag .....
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Preserve The Forests
Number of words: 529 - Number of pages: 2.... mankind a favor and try to preserve what is
left. If the old growth forests are gone, then they can never return because it
takes over five generations to produce one and at the rate that the human
population is increasing, there is not enough land to have a secure place for a
new forest.
If we realize that it is best for the human race to stop destroying the
natural resources, then we must destroy, too, the existence of loggers all
together. To do so, there must not be any new loggers, so all training
potential loggers must be stopped. The current loggers must be diverted to
another oc .....
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New Technology
Number of words: 488 - Number of pages: 2.... This state-of-the-art system represents the future of communications. The Network Operations Center embodies the General Magic business model: minimum maintenance with maximum functionality.
The Network Operations Center was built from the ground up to be a technology showcase. Today, it's one of the world's largest voice recognition-based networks(). The sophisticated voice recognition technology can identify thousands of phrases spoken in plain English().
The service architecture is based on recognized industry standards. So it's configured with all the latest technology. High-performan .....
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Turner Syndrome
Number of words: 1105 - Number of pages: 5.... names: 45 - X Syndrome, Bonnevie-
Ulrich Syndrome, Chromosome X, Monosomy X, Morgagni-Turner-Albright
Syndrome, Ovarian Dwarfism, Turner Type, among others.
SYNDROME CHARACTERISTICS A reduced growth in height is the commonest
visible characteristic of the syndrome, (the average adult height is 4
feet 8 inches) and may be the only sign before puberty. Their body
proportions are normal. Girls with this syndrome may have many middle ear
infections during childhood; if not treated, these chronic infections
could cause hearing loss. Up to the age of about 2 years, growth in height
is approx .....
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Biological And Physical Process Of Aging
Number of words: 645 - Number of pages: 3.... or the “powerhouse of the cell” begins to break down, thereby decreasing the amount of energy that is being supplied to the cell.
This cellular degeneration may be set into action by highly reactive chemicals known as free radicals. These molecules have an unpaired electron in the outermost valence shell. This causes the molecule to grab electrons from other molecules, setting into motion a chain reaction that destabilizes them, and causes death of the cell. These free radicals are the normal by-product of metabolism, and can also form due to exposure to radiation or toxic ch .....
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Drinking Water Contamination
Number of words: 4200 - Number of pages: 16.... believe that for every outbreak reported in the United States, another ten may be occurring.[3] One such study found that as many as one in three gastrointestinal illnesses — often chalked up to "stomach flu" — are caused by drinking water contaminated with microorganisms.[4]
Such microbial-related outbreaks say nothing about the many other hazards borne by our nation's water supply. Researchers have shown that millions of Americans regularly drink tap water that is contaminated with toxic and cancer-causing chemicals such as lead, trihalomethanes (THMs), arsenic, radioactive materi .....
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