Gene Therapy
Number of words: 1437 - Number of pages: 6.... trials have been initiated to test important concepts that have emerged in these laboratory studies.
The reasoning for lies in our understanding of the genetic basis of human disease. It is probably safe to say that genes we inherit from our parents influence virtually every human disease. A composite of approximately 150,000 individual genes constitutes a human being. Several years ago, an international effort was launched to identify every single human gene. This effort called the Human Genome Project, is well underway and should be completed soon after the turn of the century. Varia .....
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Number of words: 2092 - Number of pages: 8.... is sufficient moisture for them to grow. They are less likely to be found in dry areas. Some few types of fungi have been reported in Arctic and Antarctic areas (some molds, after all, thrive on refrigerated food). There are about 50,000 known species of .
Although any single typical may not be uniform in appearance--a mushroom, for example, has a cap, stem, and rootlike components--it has, in fact, a uniform structure throughout. The typical consists of a mass of tubular, branched filaments, or strands, called hyphae (singular, hypha). The mass of hyphae is called the mycelium, and it is .....
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Nuclear Proliferation
Number of words: 2833 - Number of pages: 11.... the stayed in
the bay for twenty hours threatening to blow it up and potentially
causing a “Floating Chernobyl”( He talked to
his mother and then he just killed himself. When scientists and nuclear
activists got a hold of this story “it sent shivers through their spine”
( This was because one day they know that one
suicidal teenager will actually have the guts to just blow himself up
with all those nuclear warheads. Russian officials were quick to say
,“the submarine and the people (in the vicinity) were sa .....
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James Watson's The Double Helix: A Review
Number of words: 1915 - Number of pages: 7.... Wilkins was the initial person that excited Watson on
DNA research. Wilkins had an assistant, Rosalind Franklin (also known as Rosy).
Initially, Wilkins thought that Rosy was supposed to be his assistant in
researching the structure of DNA because of her expertise in crystallography;
however, Rosy did not want to be thought of as anybody's assistant and let her
feelings be known to others. Throughout the book there is a drama between
Wilkins and Rosy, a drama for the struggle of power between the two.
Watson's "adventure" begins when he receives a grant to leave the United
States and g .....
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Creation Versus Evolution
Number of words: 1119 - Number of pages: 5.... bringing this medium into schools, the Christians will be able to "further advance their various agendas" (Flank) by forcing their religious beliefs on students who do not believe in God, or in the same god. This is where the separation of Church and State comes into play. Evolutionists are adamant about keeping religion out of school, according to the guidelines of the Constitution. The Supreme Court ruling that stated that creation science is religious in nature and cannot be legislated in the classroom (Flank) is one of the cornerstones of their argument. Another defense on which the .....
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Marie Curie And Her Discovery Of Radium And Polonium
Number of words: 1135 - Number of pages: 5.... Marie sent a portion of her earnings as tutor and governess to Paris to help pay for her older sister’s medical studies. In 1891, when Marie was twenty- four years old, she was invited to live with Bronya upon her completion of medical school. This enabled Marie to enroll at the University of Paris and begin her own dream of becoming a university student. Marie studied mathematics, physics, and chemistry. It was upon enrollment in college when she changed her first name from Manya to Marie. After three years of her education at college, she graduated top of her class and earned her .....
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Copper Report
Number of words: 297 - Number of pages: 2.... (atomic number) and 35 neutrons. It's atomic weight is 65.39. Copper is an orangy, red metal that is found in ores as a solid form. It can be found in such countries as the United States, Chile, Zambia, Zaire, Peru, and Canada. The most important copper ores are the sulfides, oxides, and carbonates. From these copper is obtained by smelting, leaching, and electrolysis. It's alloys, brass and bronze, long used, are still very important; all American coins are now copper alloys; gun metals also contain copper. The most important compounds are the oxide and the sulfate, blue .....
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Number of words: 1990 - Number of pages: 8.... Senate Agriculture Committee (SAC), National Academy of Science (NAS), National Resources Defense Council (NRDC), and Consumers Union (CU), the EPA has made a notable progress. Throughout the years, consumers have pushed for research of the chemicals and substances that produce agricultural and what these do to our internal system. Congressman, James J. Delaney was also convinced that too many pesticide chemicals were found in foods. So in 1958, the House Select Committee investigated the use of chemicals in food products and amended section 409 of the FFDCA, in result creating The Dela .....
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Ebola Virus 3
Number of words: 476 - Number of pages: 2.... hundred forty people did not make it. For a few years, there were no reported cases of the Ebola virus. Without warning, the Ebola appears and sweeps through Sudan, once more. This time there were only thirty four cases, but took the lives of twenty two patients. All of the victims of Ebola probably ask the same questions, “ God, what did I do to deserve this? ” The doctors still did not find the cause of the Ebola virus. I wonder how are the doctors suppose to explain to the patient’s condition. It must be pretty hard. One such reply would be, “ We do not know the c .....
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How Natural Processes Operate At A Coastal Eographic Environ
Number of words: 1040 - Number of pages: 4.... and different times. Limestone rock is eroded slower than sedimentary rock. The cliff at Muriwai made of sedimentary rock was eroded back to expose ‘Fisherman’s Rock’ - the shore platform which, made of limestone – tended to erode back slower than the cliff.
The types of wave erosion that caused this are -
Hydraulic Action, when waves hit the cliff, air is forced into cracks, and then as the wave retreats this air expands explosively. Over time the cracks enlarge, weakening the base of the cliff causing erosion.
Attrition is the breakdown of rock particles when .....
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