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Term Papers on Science

Transmission Of Aids
Number of words: 575 - Number of pages: 3

.... are many infections seen among heterosexual men and women. Heterosexual sex is now the main method of transmission in Singapore and over 75% of infections throughout the world are acquired through heterosexual intercourse. Not everybody who has sex with an infected person will get infected. However, the risks increase sharply in the presence of other Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD) i.e. gonorrhea, herpes and syphilis or when the infected person has symptoms of late HIV infection. Females have an eight times greater risk of catching the infection from an infected male than vice versa .....

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Asymmetric Epoxidation Of Dihydronaphthalene With A Synthesized Jacobsen's Catalyst
Number of words: 2135 - Number of pages: 8

.... (III) chloride (Jacobsen's Catalyst). (R,R) Jacobsen's Catalyst Jacobsen's catalyst opens up short pathways to enantiomerically pure pharmacological and industrial products via the synthetically versatile epoxy function . In this paper, a synthesis of Jacobsen's catalyst is performed (Scheme 1). The synthesized catalyst is then reacted with an unfunctional alkene (dihydronaphthalene) to form an epoxide that is highly enantiomerically enriched, as well as an oxidized byproduct. Jacobsen's work is important because it presents both a reagent and a method to selectivel .....

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Lung Cancer 2
Number of words: 1407 - Number of pages: 6

.... The term “oat cell carcinoma” is used to develop in smokers and usually in the central part of the lung. They spread by the lymph glands and into the blood stream early. This type of tumors can only be seen through an electron microscope on high magnification. A rare type of lung cancer, which develops from hormone producing cells are carcinoid tumors. They have a much less malignant course than small cell carcinoma. Lung cancer has been blamed on many factors but the most important is smoking. Smoking is the main cause of lung cancer. The more often and longer a p .....

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How North Carolina Is Affected By Water Pollution
Number of words: 407 - Number of pages: 2

.... 1993 that will reduce water usage and discharges. About 94% of the estuaries and sounds in North Carolina fgully support designated uses. Agriculture, urban runoff, septic tanks, and point source discharges are the leading sources of nutrients, bacteria, and low dissolved oxygen that degrade estuaries. About half of the people in North Carolina use ground water as their primary supply of drinking water. Ground water quality is generally good. The leading source of ground water contamination is leaking underground storage tanks, which contaminate ground water with gasoline, diesel fuel, and .....

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Electronic Commerce
Number of words: 874 - Number of pages: 4

.... in the family car and head to the local shopping mall. Once they get there they will find what they are looking for only to be told by the rude, pushy sales person that it is out of stock. After they get pushed into something other than what they came for they will wait in a line similar to that of Space Mountain at Disney World. Finally they will head for home after spending about an average of 2.5 hours (Sparkman 24). On the other hand, shopping on the Internet is takes no time at all. The consumer would log on to their Internet service provider and point their browser to one of many pl .....

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Number of words: 3925 - Number of pages: 15

.... in Orion, is gamma Orionis. VARIABLE STARS (those which periodically change in brightness) have lettered names, such as RR Lyrae in the constellation Lyra. Fainter stars are known by their numbers in a catalog; HD 12938 is the 12,938th star in the Henry Draper Catalogue. CHARACTERISTICS OF STARS Each star in the universe has its own position, motion, size, mass, chemical composition, and temperature. Some stars are grouped into clusters, and stars and star clusters are collected in the larger groupings called galaxies. Our GALAXY, the Milky Way, contains more than 100 billion stars. .....

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Number of words: 990 - Number of pages: 4

.... is when one layer of snow does not bond to the layer below it. Any kind of temperature change, fresh snowfall, the weight of a person, all can cause the slab to break free from the lower layer. The formation of a slab is possible in many ways. One way is for the snow to develop a crust and then there be more snowfall. Since snow doesn’t bond to the crust it becomes a potential for an avalanche zone. Another way is for surface hoar to develop, or large ice crystal on the snow. This is usually caused by condensation on the snow surface. This will also have poor bonding characteristics, a .....

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Number of words: 2345 - Number of pages: 9

.... reduction of (i.e., addition of hydrogen to) a monosaccharide, include sorbitol (glucitol) from glucose and mannitol from mannose; both are used as sweetening agents. Glycosides derived from are widespread in nature, especially in plants. Amino sugars (i.e., sugars in which one or two hydroxyl groups are replaced with an amino group, -NH2) occur as components of glycolipids and in the chitin of arthropods. carbohydrateClasses of carbohydrates Sources The most common naturally occurring are D-glucose, D-mannose, D-fructose, and D-galactose among the hexoses, and D-xylose and L-arabinose .....

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Similarities And Differences Between The Romantic Age And The Victorian Period
Number of words: 1168 - Number of pages: 5

.... (Fuller, 280). England changed from an agricultural society to an industrial society, and from home manufacturing to factory production. When Napoleon came into power, people became as violent and corrupt as their former rulers. This was known as the Reign of Terror. "England emerged from the eighteenth century a parliamentary state in which the monarchy was largely a figurehead," according to Pfordresher. (Pfordresher, 423). The Victorian Period was from 1832 until 1901. It marked the climax of England's rise to economic and military dominance (Pfordresher, 543). The Romantic spirit .....

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Asimov On Chemistry By Isaac Asimov
Number of words: 1067 - Number of pages: 4

.... to be new or maybe just a heavier from of nitrogen. Inert gases and there liquefaction points are then listed along when they when fisrt liquefied by a chemist. Welcome, Stranger! This talks about the rarest of stable enert gases, xenon. It also tells why that in 1962 so many expirements were done involving this gas. Fisrt it defines the word gas, and talks about different types in about four pages. Thens he talks about how it is combined with flourine to form a poison. Death in the Labratory Here Asimov talks about how scientists have died due to poor lab conditions and .....

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