Acid Rain 9
Number of words: 1305 - Number of pages: 5.... growth or the preservation of certain wildlife.
Areas in Ontario mainly southern regions that are near the Great Lakes, such substances as limestone or other known antacids can neutralize acids entering the body of water thereby protecting it. However, large areas of Ontario that are near the
Pre-Cambrian Shield, with quartzite or granite based geology and little top soil, there is not enough buffering capacity to neutralize even small amounts of acid falling on the soil and the lakes. Therefore over time, the basic environment shifts from an alkaline to an acidic one. This is why many l .....
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Homosexual Gene
Number of words: 369 - Number of pages: 2.... charged: the hardness of the enamel on your teeth, which is controlled by a single gene, whose location is known, and who’s function we do understand.
Now scientists are attempting to find proof if the infamous “gay gene”. For years, the gay community has been trying to prove that they were “born gay” and that their lifestyle was not choice. The news media has a ridiculous double standard for the trait "sexual orientation" and every other trait. ABC's science journalist David Marash reported on Nightline that a gay gene "suggests that homosexuality may not be a choice." Marash is s .....
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Bioethics Of Cloning
Number of words: 1930 - Number of pages: 8.... of transferring a nucleus from a somatic cell into an egg cell of which the nucleus had been removed, called nuclear transplantation, is an extension of research that had been ongoing for over 40 years.
Up until now, scientists thought that adult cells could not be “reprogrammed” to behave like a fertilized egg and create an embryo, but the evidence obtained by Dolly’s success prove otherwise. The issues of cloning have been around for a long time, starting with the publication of Joshua Lederberg’s 1966 article on cloning in the American Naturalist, and the publics interest has been .....
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Bacteria 2
Number of words: 608 - Number of pages: 3.... bacteria are aerobic, they require free oxygen to carry on cellular respiration. Some bacteria, called facultatibe anaerobes can live in either the presence or absence of free oxygen. They obtain energy either by aerobic respiration when oxygen is present or by fermentation when oxygen is absent. Still other bacteria cannot live in the presence of oxygen. These are called obligate anaerobes. Such bacteria obtain energy only fermentation. Through fermentation, different groups of bacteria produce a wide variety of organic compounds. Besides ethyl alcohol and lactic acid, bacterial fermentat .....
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Number of words: 583 - Number of pages: 3.... 1354). 49 is mainly made out of coal, corn, air, and water; making it rot and rust resistant. Compared to steel and concrete, 49's psi (pressure per square inch) is 525,000, steel's is 36,000, and concrete's is 3,000 (New Necessities). The blast suppression, or body armor, is strong enough to endure machine gun fire (up to .3 caliber), land mines, terroristic weapons, and a chainsaw (New Necessities). It does not melt, can stand temperatures up to 7,000 degrees Fahrenheit, absorbing vibration and energy, and will not stretch. Bullriders, military personnel in war, peace officers, rac .....
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Number of words: 612 - Number of pages: 3.... the Ionization of
Polar Covalent Molecular Substances.
The Dissociation of Ionic Compounds is where particles are
ionically (electrically) bonded together. They already made out of cations
and anions, but in their solid state the ions are locked into position in
their crystal structure, and can’t move around. When the ionic compound is
dissolved into water the water molecules, which are polar,(having a
positive and a negative end) will be attracted to the positive ions. This
attraction of different charges will create tension in the crystal and it
will overcome the attice (the arrangeme .....
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Hurricanes 3
Number of words: 1570 - Number of pages: 6.... the Yucatan Peninsula and two days later making landfall some 150 km south of the border with the USA, finally dissipating near the city of Monterrey.
During its most intense phase at the western end of the Caribbean Sea, Gilbert was estimated to have central pressure of 885mbar, and maximum sustained winds in its circulation over 150kt (knots) with highest gusts in excess of 175 kt. The central pressure outrivalled the 899 mbar of the Florida Keys hurricane of 1935. Gilbert, at that stage an un-named tropical depression with maximum sustained winds around 30kt, was first spotted on Thurs .....
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Magnatism & The Things We Think We Know About It!
Number of words: 2864 - Number of pages: 11.... the unpaired electrons line up or the magnet in a specific mannor.
That is all the atoms with unpaired electrons moving in a direction which
causes a certain charge are lined up on one side and all the atoms with the
opposite charge move to the other side. The atoms then start to cancel each
other out as they approach the center of the magnet. This all happens at the
currie point where these atoms are free to move and then when cooled and the
metel becomes solid the atoms can no longer move (barely) causing a "permanent"
magnet (as in the diagram on the next page). This same principle c .....
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Nuclear Energy
Number of words: 1733 - Number of pages: 7.... While all these atoms are flying about they smash together then split
many of many times, this is when the reactor grabs and pulls in the frictional
energy to be processed into electrical watts.
This usually causes heat or thermal energy, this must be removed by some
kind of a coolant. Most power plants use water or another type of liquid based
formula. these coolants are always base related, never acidic. Very few use
gas related coolants in there reactors, these are known as thermal reactor based
power plants. Another nuclear reactor type is a type that runs off of uranium
oxide, the u .....
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Nuclear Energy And The Environment
Number of words: 1040 - Number of pages: 4.... Thus, the environmentalists believe that nuclear energy should not be used
for various reasons. First of all, the waste product, i.e. plutonium, is
extremely radioactive, which may cause the people who are working or living in
or around the area of storage or use, to acquire leukemia and other cancers.
They also show how billions of dollars are spent yearly on safety devices for a
single reactor, and this still doesn't ensure the impossibility of a "melt
down." Two examples were then given of Chernobyl and Three Mile Island, in 1979,
when thousands of people were killed and .....
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