Term Papers on Social Issues |
Child Labor
Number of words: 487 - Number of pages: 2.... in unregulated parts of the economy
such as agriculture and domestic services. Surprising to most, even
countries such as the United States still have their share of problems. In
a recent awareness swap between American and Bangladesh children, both
groups experienced the sight of little kids laboring in sweatshops.
Although the UN wants to help, they are somewhat limited in their
abilities to make dramatic changes. If they put legal restrictions, such
as trade sanctions against imports from countries using child labor, it
could actually bring more harms to the children than good. UNIC .....
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Psychology: Women And Territory
Number of words: 378 - Number of pages: 2.... but it is also bodily. A person
creates an imaginary bubble around them. This is considered their personal space.
Some people are allowed into the bubble while strangers usually must stay
outside. The bubble varies from culture to culture. A person in Europe will
stand closer to a friend than an American would. The odd feeling that Americans
experience in foreign countries when talking to local people is a common
misunderstood concept.
Naomi Weisstein's article Psychology Constructs the Female, explains the
various misunderstanding that male psychologist have towards females. One t .....
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Youth's Fight To Gain Freedom From The Other Generation
Number of words: 1214 - Number of pages: 5.... their own views rather than having to constantly succumb to the values and rules left behind by the older generation.
The two different approaches used by authors to express these views are often representative of the two main systems used by youths to help gain their freedoms. The first approach, taken by the Port Huron Statement and authors such as Gerzon, Reich, Revel and Gitlin, follows the ideals of the New Left. The New Left represents youths striving for political change through cultural means. People are encouraged to work for their ideals. In contrast, the second approach, taken by .....
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Sibling Rivalry
Number of words: 529 - Number of pages: 2.... which
damages his self-image, while it makes the older brother resent the
attention his younger brother receives even more.
In this situation my personal belief is that a person should calmly
explain to the older brother that what he did was wrong, but forgivable.
You should also explain why it was wrong in a way the child can understand.
In my opinion the worst thing a person could do in this situation is to
force the child to apologize. It will reestablish that what he did was
wrong, and, since his baby brother is not able to respond, will make him
feel even more guilty. The apol .....
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What Is Love?
Number of words: 401 - Number of pages: 2.... a different thing to different people. To me, romance is a fleeting thing. It is a step towards a better thing, towards love that isn't physical. Romance epitomizes the best and worst of love. It is a thing that I at once desire and despise.
The other definition of love is the fraternal love of others. A person loves their family, and their friends. This kind of love is more common. Every one is familiar with this sort of love. For example, a child usually loves his or her parents. This part of love has also been written about through out history. The great literary genius, Shakespeare, wr .....
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Status Quo And Change In The Late 1800’s To Early 1900’s
Number of words: 673 - Number of pages: 3.... war.
From a nation of small towns and cities and small farms, America became an industrial colossus, with ship-building, rails, steel mills and factories, with a rate of growth that began to attract laborers from around the world. This industrial miracle created huge fortunes, and the relatively equal wealth of the early 1800’s gave way to the fabulous wealth of the Rockefellers, Carnegies, and Vanderbilts. It fueled massive immigration, and changed the demography of the country from a predominately English to a mixed population, that changed the culture and values of the coun .....
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Animal Rights
Number of words: 794 - Number of pages: 3.... killed and disabled many children, is almost
completely vanished from the United States by the used of preventive vaccines
that were perfected on monkeys. Not only polio, but also mumps, measles,rubella
and smallpox have been eliminated through antibiotics tested on monkeys. Major
diseases have been alleviated and have had major advances totheir cure, diseases
such as leukemia in children among other types of cancerand tumors. Animals
not only contribute greatly in medicine, but through out the history of human
kind they have been consumed as food, being a majorsource for the basic
nut .....
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Love And Sacrifices
Number of words: 539 - Number of pages: 2.... is the most important thing in the success of a relationship, and
for someone to say that they love another is to respect them and their ideas and
to want to share with them. The most anyone can ever do for you is listen, and
the only way to do that is to communicate that you want to be listened to and
that you are willing to listen to the one you love. That is the most anyone can
do, and it is a gift of sorts.
What is the greatest thing about human love?
Being in love gives a sense of completeness, makes one feel as if nothing
else is needed in order to survive. S .....
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Greek And Hellenistic Philosophy
Number of words: 762 - Number of pages: 3.... before it should be taken as
truth. Socrates was a wonderful teacher wich was why his pupils used his
information in their works.
Plato was a dedicated student of Socrates. He defended him against
the unjust accusations of Socrates corrupting the youth. Regardless of how
dedicated he was to his predecessor his thought process was very different.
Plato wanted more than anything to solve the problem of how the mind can
experience and recognize truth. Plato began to analyze the politics of the
Greeks. He was an anti-democrat, and he often argued about the turmoil in
Greece, this thermal is wha .....
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Welfare: Toil And Trouble
Number of words: 824 - Number of pages: 3.... These women relish the thought of
getting free money in the mail-for doing absolutely nothing.
Welfare is destroying out culture. Many argue that welfare is necessary
for many families, and that it must not be cut. Some argue that it is giving
starving families the boost they need to make it one more year. This is only
partially true. Yes, we need welfare, but we also need to limit the amount of
time a family can stay on it. By letting families stay on welfare for extended
periods of time, we are only creating a lazy, dependent culture. Mothers figure
that the welfare check will come i .....
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