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Term Papers on Social Issues

The Treatment Of Women In Muslim Countries
Number of words: 1319 - Number of pages: 5

.... Islamic religion was even introduced. Since the Muslim society ideology tremendously differ from modern Western thinking, the Muslims have developed their own unique garments to accompany their ideas. The Hijab is an adjective meaning to cover the body and soul in English, and is often referred to when speaking about the Chador. The Chador is the piece of fabric that the Muslim women wear to cover their entire bodies from head to toe. However the Chador’s physical size may vary depending upon each countries ruling. Even underneath the Chador additional clothing must be worn; pants must be .....

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Realism, Globalism, Pluralism
Number of words: 1634 - Number of pages: 6

.... foreign policy of pluralists who have an expansive foreign policy converging on economic and social issues far more than military movement. Likewise, independent actors such as multinational corporations are not dismissed as insignificant to the global perspective. The political schedule of the pluralist includes exercises in coalition and maintains a "soft shell" approach to motion between national borders. In contrast, the globalist"s agenda is based primarily on fiscal polity. Capitalism is taken as the first mover of global politics with a relevant historical process. Their political s .....

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Abolishing Poverty In The U.S
Number of words: 584 - Number of pages: 3

.... put food on the table. Not all people who are relatively poor are absolutely poor, but, all people who are absolutely poor are relatively poor. These types of poor are found all throughout the world especially in underdeveloped countries. In the United States a advanced well-developed country both absolute and relative poverty are present throughout the country. I think that absolute poverty has no beneficial purposes to society. However, relative poverty does have beneficial functions. I think that relative poverty can make people competitive. It would do this because people always t .....

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Is Spanking A Safe And Effective Way To Get Children To Behave?
Number of words: 1424 - Number of pages: 6

.... 1968. However, in 1994 approval of spanking has dropped to 68%(Straus, 1994). Several sources suggest negative effects of spanking include disturbance of learning ability, dissruption of a close parent child relationship, parents anger and emotion, negative self-image and possible adverse affects. Ritchie& Ritchie(1981), Straus and Mather(1994) report that corporal punishment creates undesirable effects on education. To understand the effects of corporal punishment on education we need to look further into reasearch. Experts in this field of study have stated that fear, anxiety, and pain inte .....

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What Are Comfort Zones? And Why Should We Escape?
Number of words: 516 - Number of pages: 2

.... the only difference between a rut and a grave is the depth of the hole! The results of being in a Comfort Zone are that we simply shut off any ideas of alternatives, of options that lie outside our own narrow existences. Leaving our cages is risky and scary. Recognising that we are trapped, is the first step towards gaining freedom. We also have to accept that change causes risk and pain. It is a question of "no pain, no gain" Martin Luther King, Junior said: "The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort, but where he stands at times of challenge and .....

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Utopian Societies-The Impossible Dream
Number of words: 1056 - Number of pages: 4

.... Stalin thought it should be communist. So who is right? Is anyone right? Under a utopian society, totalitarianism wouldn't be the best because that society would be more perfect for one person than another. Communism wouldn't be the right choice because the government would have too much control over everyone's lives and being controlled isn't ideal for many people. A democratic society wouldn't work either because you would always have people like Hitler and Stalin walking around that wouldn't agree with it therefore the utopian side of it would be lost. You couldn't even have anarchy a .....

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Flappers Such As Clara Bow And Zelda Sayre Represented The Popular And Devilish Women Of The 1920's
Number of words: 1240 - Number of pages: 5

.... The most common clothes were once stated as being, "High necked jumpers of all tints and textures."1 This peaceful figure didn't exist for too long. Eventually, teenagers got bored and wanted to have fun. "It is the effect of the war,"2 was also a frequently used excuse. Since wars influencing the parents distracted them from their maturing children, more and more girls turned to flapperhood. Lack of attention caused the youth to be eccentric. Any young woman with and innovative dressing style and pompous attitude officially earned the name of being a flapper. A flapper would disp .....

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The Many Faces Of Marriage
Number of words: 1312 - Number of pages: 5

.... which they themselves have learned to value. Her second husband is similarly stifling; though his strength and power is at first appealing, he too is unable to comprehend that life is in the living and the being, and not in the having and the controlling. Janie not knowing what marriage really meant, married because she thought he could take care of her. Marriage is defined as an insitution uniting a man and a woman in a special form of mutual dependence, often for the purpose of founding and maintaining families. As a social practice entered into through a public act, it reflects t .....

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Number of words: 580 - Number of pages: 3

.... college students who don't go online during the day to prove to fellow students that they can do without getting online; only, to stay up all night in a chat room online. Or businesspeople who stay after office hours to supposedly get a late report done; only, to stay online until the security guy's ready to lock up the building. Or husbands who stay offline all day, only to get online for hours after their family members are asleep. These users are addicts but portray themselves otherwise in the presence of people. Next, are "the I-only-use-it-when-I-have-to-users." These users m .....

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Family Unity And Moral Values
Number of words: 1222 - Number of pages: 5

.... of living. It basically gets down to what you think is the most important, in other words what you value. "Family values is nice when you've got Ward and June and Wally and Beaver. Unfortunately, the world has changed quite a bit from the 1950s to 1996. Things have just changed so rapidly and so quick…" (Anderson) The honesty, setting examples with your morals and actions, and bringing up the people to be responsible. Responsible for themselves, responsible for ecology, responsible for humanity qualities have been neglect in the upbringing of children today. Many people beli .....

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