Term Papers on Social Issues |
Woman's Struggle For Independence
Number of words: 1120 - Number of pages: 5.... they
disobeyed there male role model they were punished. The art of the Renaissance
gave women some freedom to voice there opinion about the arts and social issues
as long as there opinions weren't very radical. However women were only the
objects in the arts. They were the models and not the creators. They were not
allowed to express themselves but only to be expressed by others. This lead into
the period of the Reformation, women were still viewed as property and the
homemakers. They did not really get there place in society.
The 17th century was the first real growth of the women's m .....
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An Equal Opportunity
Number of words: 503 - Number of pages: 2.... with the other sex. In An
Academy for Women by Daniel Defoe, he suggests the draft of a school which
would give ladies every opportunity to achieve a higher standard of life.
He concludes that by studying history, learning how to read and write, and
having knowledge of other cultures is vital to molding a well rounded woman.
Wollstonecraft views are also similar to Defoe’s. She believes that because
women lack much of the education men receive, they have a tendency to
become the stereotypical female of that period. If given a chance at an
actual education they will grow as people and learn .....
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Number of words: 805 - Number of pages: 3.... a crisis.
In the Chinese culture, if one would break up the word crisis, they
would find that the word means opportunity and danger-threat. One might
gather that the word crisis is bad, but it could also relate to a good
situation. What the word crisis is trying to say is that it is a dangerous
situation where there is opportunity at the same time. People who are in a
crisis must evaluate their situational priorities and the available
Karl Marx might argue "capitalism would inevitably cause the
expansion of the lumpenproletariat"(Kornblum 235). Luck play .....
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College Fraternities
Number of words: 1480 - Number of pages: 6.... it became and has since remained a scholarship honor society.
Throughout the nineteenth century, many new fraternities were founded, but none
of these were permanent. Then, in 1825, the Kappa Alpha Fraternity (now Kappa
Alpha Society) was born at Union College. Two years later, Sigma Phi and Delta
Phi had been founded at the same college, constituting the so-called Union
Triad which was, in a large measure, the pattern for the American Fraternity
system. By the end of the nineteenth century there were over thirty general
fraternities in this country (pg. 18).
Today's fraternities still ha .....
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Number of words: 853 - Number of pages: 4.... of world oil production, which is projected to peak with in the next few decades.
While protein demands are projected to also double in the century ahead, no respected marine biologist expects the oceanic fish catch, which has plateaued over the last decade, to double. The world's oceans are being pushed beyond the breaking point, due to a lethal combination of pollution and over-exploitation. Eleven of the 15 most important oceanic fisheries and 70 percent of the major fish species are now fully or over exploited, according to experts (Stefoff, 85). And more than half the world's .....
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Violence On Television
Number of words: 783 - Number of pages: 3.... the animal as a trophy. How many other living things would abuse or kill the most precious thing children with is another living thing modelled out of both of it parents.
Like I mentioned before violence, sex and other actions thought to be taboo by previous generations have made their way into our everyday life and thoughts throughout our new median of communications. Most of the things that are under fire by people have been around since the beginnings of humanity but people have been afraid to talk about these issues as if one is afraid to speak to someone for the first time. I believe .....
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Why Are There Poor People
Number of words: 451 - Number of pages: 2.... take them wherever they needed to go, and not every family in
the world had breakfast, lunch, and dinner every day. He told me that I was
very lucky to have all the things that I had, and that millions of kids in the
world would die to have the life I had. I was still very confused about the
whole situation. Why wasn't every family like ours? What did those people do
wrong? My dad just said that was life . . . some people are lucky, and some
people aren't.
At first, I thought that all poor people were the same, but I later
found out that anybody can be poor. Through the years, I learn .....
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Number of words: 2889 - Number of pages: 11.... duels fought in his administration" (Cochran 14). The judge, Sir Jonah Barrington, served from seventeen fifty-seven until seventeen ninety-one. It was an understanding to the Irish people that a young man was not an adult or educated until he had had a duel with one of his colleagues (Cochran 14-15).
in the South and Ireland had a lot of commonalties along with a few differences in law. One would first want to look at the law of the Irish duello and compare it to that of the Southern version. One of the causes of the duel in Ireland was that a punch or a "blow with the fist" wa .....
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The Social Status Of The London Surgeon, 1350-1450
Number of words: 3296 - Number of pages: 12.... In this paper, I will statistically demonstrate that the medieval English surgeon was threatened by the growing number of untrained practitioners between the years 1350 and 1450. In response to this threat, medieval surgeons attempted to institutionalize their profession. Ironically, the manner in which they defined their practice did not restrict untrained practitioners, but actually increased access for medically untrained artisans.
In Medical Practitioners in Medieval England, C. H. Talbot and E. A. Hammond collect biographical data on medical practitioners from the Anglo-Saxon period to .....
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Won't Libertarian Socialism Destroy Individuality?
Number of words: 4667 - Number of pages: 17.... but whose members are free to expand as standardized individuals, who hardly express their individuality at all. Far from increasing individuality, capitalism standardizes it and so restricts it - that it survives at all is more an expression of the strength of humanity than any benefits of the capitalist system. This impoverishment of individuality is hardly surprising in a society based on hierarchical institutions which are designed to assure obedience and subordination.
So, can we say that libertarian socialism will increase individuality or is this conformity and lack of "individual .....
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