Term Papers on Social Issues |
Traffic Jams And The World's Patience
Number of words: 1398 - Number of pages: 6.... behind, so mine is worn thin. But putting my needs aside, I tried to judge others and see what kind of patience they have in store for themselves.
I happen to glance over at a cowboy and his father in the truck next to me. I glance over as they watch the lane to their left move. They seem to wish that it is the trailer they are pulling that is moving instead of the one with the jet-skis on it. Their trailer has a bulldozer on it, which makes me wonder if they are simply trying to move from yesterday's job, to tomorrow's duty. If this is indeed the case, then their patience is one of .....
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An Analysis Based On The Responsibility Of The Rich To The Poor
Number of words: 1052 - Number of pages: 4.... machinery and technology" (484). He proceeds even further when he voices his rhetorical thought about the World Food Bank - "We must ask if such a program would actually do more good than harm" (485). In much simpler terms, a lot of the United States tax dollars are going forth to produce more food for the rapidly growing population around the world when indeed it is not factual that this policy is even working. If this is so, the farmers are actually adding to poverty by helping themselves, much like a parasitic relationship. Singer knows that the starvation problem is an i .....
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Is There A Population Problem?
Number of words: 1160 - Number of pages: 5.... and barren land surface. This amount of land left i s continually
being decreased because of an increase of the amount settlement. A food
problem in the world can also be traced to overpopulation. The food
problem is not characterized by a lack of food but a lack in quality of
food. So what is the problem? What are the facts? The United Nations
estimates that the population of the Earth in 2050 could be between 7.7 to
11.2 billion people. If there is a problem, what can be done about it?
"Man treats his native land, the Earth, its atmosphere, its bodies of water,
its entire envir .....
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Pollution And Its Consequences
Number of words: 1883 - Number of pages: 7.... the environment. Belching chimneys, strong detergents, smoking incinerators, exhaust fumes from automobiles are the cancer of modern society. Poisoned by carbon monoxide and sulfur dioxide is the air we breathe. Our rivers are filled up with industrial waste, trash and broken bottles, and stained with oil. Each and every year the pollution of the air and water takes its toll, causing diseases, and shortening lives. The economic cost annually is several billion dollars.
Perhaps this sounds easy that, the huge pollutants corporations are, they'd be willing to sacrifice a little bi .....
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Societies Scapegoat
Number of words: 1708 - Number of pages: 7.... influence children today. Besides, trying to get networks to cut out
violence and aggression entirely would be like trying to get Jesus Christ to
write a top ten list of reasons why Christianity sucks. (It's not going to
TV is not the reason that our youth courts are filled to capacity with
court dockets so hideous you would swear that you were looking at the start of
the apocalypse. Television programs are not the reason for the apparent
increase in adolescent crime. If you find yourself picking up your kids from
the police station all the time, it's not the TV's fault!!! .....
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Show Your Love
Number of words: 1206 - Number of pages: 5.... just never says it. He just does something silently. Peter knows all of the things his father does, so, after his father gives him a new, bright penny. He plays with that penny, and imagines that it is a real gold. He can use that penny to buy a moving machine to make his father finish the work early, and buy a car to make his father's life easier. Peter loves his father very much. That's why he wants to do those kinds of things. And then when he loses the penny at last, he is really sad about that. Not because he is afraid that his father will beat him, just because he thinks he has lost a .....
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Does Violence In Movies Contribute To Violent Teens
Number of words: 1906 - Number of pages: 7.... that will change anything in our society. The harder we make it for someone to get something, the harder they will try to get it without anyone knowing about it. People are always looking to put the blame off on other people or something other than themselves. If people would stop blaming movies and start trying to help their kids, our society will improve. But taking the easy way out seems to be the way society looks at everything, because they figure if they look the other way they cannot be blamed, when in all reality, they are the problem. The kids that I know who cause trouble do n .....
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The Meaning Of Success
Number of words: 805 - Number of pages: 3.... On the other hand, if the team set out to have a winning record, and failed, the season would not be successful. Success, no matter how big or small the goals are, can only be grasped through the attaining of those goals.
Success must also be sought after. For anyone to have success, they must fight and strive for it. If a secretary of a large corporation worked their way up the ladder through hard work and sacrifice, they would be a success. On the other hand, if a secretary had a friend who got them a job at the top, they would not be looked upon as a success. There must be a desire .....
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Race Relations In The United States
Number of words: 1289 - Number of pages: 5.... life expectancy and employment have been
rising.” A Gallup poll released in early June showed that 74% of the
black respondents said they were satisfied with the way things were going
in their personal lives and also with their standard of living. Among
whites, levels of acceptance and tolerance are unprecedented. For example,
93% of whites, a higher percentage than of blacks, said they were willing
to vote for a black candidate for President.
So why would Clinton be calling for racial healing in a time when “
a curious new element” of peace “seems to have descended over Ameri .....
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Gender Inequality
Number of words: 1646 - Number of pages: 6.... this problem and what
can be done to remedy the situation.
The late 1960s brought on the first real indication that feminist groups
were concerned with the education system in North America. The focus of these
feminist groups captured the attention of teachers, parents, and students. At
first the evidence for inequality in schooling was based on no more than
specific case studies and anecdotal references to support their claims but as
more people began to show concern for the situation, more conclusive research
was done to show that the claims of inequality were in fact valid and definitely .....
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