Term Papers on Arts and Plays |
Movie Review: Gone With The Wind And Glory
Number of words: 1105 - Number of pages: 5.... Red Butler. The atmosphere of Georgia before the war was very relaxed and secure. The southerners felt that their problems would take care of themselves, and as long as they had control over the congress nothing could hurt their interests. People threw parties, laughed, made jokes about Abe Lincoln, and overall were quite carefree. The world around them seemed to collapse with the onslaught of the Civil War. They were out-gunned, out-manned and out-produced. They knew that they could not win the war, however they decided to fight for their way of life. After the war, the North and South .....
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Macbeth: Man Of Established Character
Number of words: 1826 - Number of pages: 7.... doubt in the success which crowns his efforts in battle - and so on. He
may even conceived of the proper motive which should energize back of his
great deed:
The service and the loyalty I owe, In doing it, pays itself. But while he
destroys the king's enemies, such motives work but dimly at best and are
obscured in his consciousness by more vigorous urges. In the main, as we
have said, his nature violently demands rewards: he fights valiantly in
order that he may be reported in such terms a "valour's minion" and
"Bellona's bridegroom"' he values success because it brings spectacular
fame .....
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Gulliver’s Travels: The Movie
Number of words: 371 - Number of pages: 2.... and at the same time follow the book almost completely. In the small portions of it our class watched I could not even think of any differences between the text and the film. I also found the film to be one of good quality. The sound, special effects and actors were all good, unlike most of the films that we have watched in this class before. I would recommend that someone should defiantly watch this film after reading this book to grasp a better meaning of the story. The visualization of the characters in the text found in the movie helps its audience grasp the full meaning of the stor .....
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MacBeth: Prophecies
Number of words: 692 - Number of pages: 3.... witches told Macbeth all these good things, Macbeth felt as if he could not be beaten. He felt as if every thing was going like he wanted it to. That is until he hears the apparitions.
The influence of Lady Macbeth also contributed to the fall of Macbeth’s character. Lady Macbeth's character in the beginning reveals that she is a lovable person. We find out later that in actuality Lady Macbeth was ready to kill King Duncan herself. But because her husband Macbeth was of such high standard she persuaded/manipulated her husband to get Duncan killed. Lady Macbeth plays an important role i .....
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Hamlet And Gertrude: Love Or Hate
Number of words: 947 - Number of pages: 4.... Hamlet, the fact that his father
had returned showed that this chain had been disrupted by some evil in the world
of man. That he had returned as a ghost could mean only one thing, his death was
not an accident. The ghost beseeches Hamlet to avenge him but warns him, "taint
not thy mind, nor let thy soul contrive against thy mother aught . . . leave her
to heaven".
This statement by the ghost was left open enough for Hamlet to develop
many questions about his mother's actual involvement in his father's death. At
first, Hamlet's rage is confined to his uncle Claudius but quickly and violentl .....
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Hamlet: Act V-Scene 2 - The Climax
Number of words: 1119 - Number of pages: 5.... which is basic to his
status as a moral symbol in the play:
- is't not perfect conscience,
To quit him with this arm? And is't not to be damn'd,
To let this canker of out nature come
In further evil?
It has been seen here a Hamlet who is still in doubt, still troubled by his
conscience; and his view should not be ignored, if only because it illustrates
once more the difficulties of interpretation. One may argue that there is no
need for Horatio to answer Hamlet's question since he has already expressed deep
shock at the latest evidence of Claudius' villainy. So the Hamlet in this .....
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Hamlet: Method In The Madness
Number of words: 616 - Number of pages: 3.... what he tells Hamlet, because the play could not proceed as it does if the guards heard what the ghost told Hamlet. It is the ghost of Hamlet's father who tells him, "but howsomever thou pursues this act, / Taint not thy mind. (Act 1, Scene 5, 84-5)" Later, when Hamlet sees the ghost again in his mothers room, her amazement at his madness is very convincing. But you must take into consideration the careful planning of the ghost's credibility earlier in the play.
After his first meeting with the ghost, Hamlet greets his friends cheerfully and acts as if the news is good rather than the bad .....
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Hamlet: Characters And Plot
Number of words: 811 - Number of pages: 3.... giving little thought to the consequences of their actions.
Hamlet and Laertes share a different but deep love and concern for Ophelia. Before his departure for France Laertes provides lengthy advice to Ophelia pertaining to her relationship with Hamlet. Laertes voices his concern of Hamlet’s true intentions towards Ophelia and advices her to be wary of Hamlet’s love. Laertes impresses upon Ophelia, Hamlet is a prince who most likely will have an arranged marriage. Hamlet’s strong love for Ophelia withers after she rejects his affinity. Hamlet’s extensive love for Ophelia resu .....
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Savagery In The Tempest And The Life Of Gustavus Vassa
Number of words: 1008 - Number of pages: 4.... race”3. In Act II, Stephano describes him as being “on four legs”4. Trinculo curses at Caliban wishing he would get a disease only cattle can contract. These statements and comparisons seek to reemphasize Caliban’s bestiality. Stephano even refers to Caliban as a monster who could make a man a fortune if taken to star in the freak shows of England.
Caliban can be interpreted as the representation for the colored, “uncivilized” people of the world. Civilization, here, refers to technological, cultural, and knowledge advancement of a society. As the indigenous people of Africa, .....
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Hamlet Did Not Procrastinate Needlessly
Number of words: 823 - Number of pages: 3.... that what the ghost has told him is true and through the play "The Mousetrap" he finds out that it was the king who killed his father, and he must avenge his fathers death. When this does happen he is going to kill the king, but he is praying and he doesn't want the king to go to heaven for killing his father. Just before the Hamlet is about to kill the king he says, "No. Up, sword, and know a more horrid hent (III, iii. 88)." He is going to wait and pick a more horrible place to kill his uncle. It's because of the beliefs that makes Hamlet hold back from running the king through.
In th .....
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