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Term Papers on Arts and Plays

Is There Any Justification For Regarding Euripedes' Electra As An Inferior Tragedy?
Number of words: 2009 - Number of pages: 8

.... in a sense, provide an escape from what they have done. Instead they must live with the knowledge of their crime for the rest of their lives. The tragedy in Electra is not simply confined to the action of the play, and in the first speech the Peasant reveals to the audience that it is more of an ongoing affliction on the house of Agamemnon. In one sentence the Peasant reveals the sole reason for Electra's revenge, and the reason for this play itself, when he tells us how Agamemnon "died, by his wife Clytamnestra's treachery and by Aegisthus' murderous hand." It soon becomes apparent .....

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Death Of A Salesman: Willy Lowman's Escape
Number of words: 1028 - Number of pages: 4

.... family. It is not uncommon for one to think of better times at low points in their life in order to cheer themselves up so that they are able to deal with the problems they encounter, but Willy Lowman takes it one step further. His refusal to accept reality is so strong that in his mind he is transported back in time to relive one of the happier days of his life. It was a time when no one argued, Willy and Linda were younger, the financial situation was less of a burden, and Biff and Happy enthusiastically welcomed their father back home from a long road trip. Willy's need for the "drug" is s .....

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Oedipus Rex
Number of words: 500 - Number of pages: 2

.... more patient and waited, he might have not been quite so upset about the future, nor shaken up about what was to happen. However, that one trait did not alone take away his position of high authority. Oedipus displayed anger throughout the whole story, which did not help him at all. During the story, we learn of Oedipus’ anger as he knocked a passerby at the meeting of the three highways; “ I being enraged, strike him who jostled me…” (pg. 29). Later, this passerby whom he angrily and quickly killed, was revealed to be Laios, Oedipus’ father. Oedipus’ anger is also shown as he .....

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Movie: Last Of The Mohicans
Number of words: 1139 - Number of pages: 5

.... Day-Glo, easy target colors" (Prof. Jahiel). For example, at the beginning of the movie, Magua killed one soldier marching in the line, and the guy next to him didn't even do anything until the commander said to attack. They would also fire at the same time, leaving the whole squad vulnerable to attack while they reloaded. By fighting in this manner, it allowed the Indians to fight much more strategically. They would fire muskets three at a time, so they could stop an oncoming rush while the others reloaded. The Indians also took advantage of the English firing scheme. After the whol .....

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Death Of A Salesman: Summary
Number of words: 1134 - Number of pages: 5

.... job that Biff could get and settle down in New York. Biff and his brother think of a man that Biff used to work for named Bill Oliver. Biff thinks that he will ask Mr. Oliver for a loan of ten thousand dollars so biff can began a business of his own. Biff and his brother tell Willy about there plans. Willy thinks that these two brothers together could rule the world. Willy tells Biff that Mr. Oliver always thought pretty high of him. Willy is very happy, knowing that his sons are going to see Bill Oliver and become successes. The boys have left the house, and Willy is preparing to go see his .....

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Movie: Delta Force - Suicide In Chinatown
Number of words: 584 - Number of pages: 3

.... He was carrying a medium black and white suitcase, from where they pulled the gun. The woman was also young, may be working to 20 or 22 years old. She was wearing shorts and a red shirt. She was the most nervous and she was the one who ordered everybody to line on the floor and picked the guys as hostages. When they ordered the hostages to line on the floor, one girl escaped from the place and called the police. The couple didn't ask for anything special. They just began to scream saying that they had the power and wanted the public attention. Five minutes after the girl escape fro .....

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Macbeth: Independence And Failure
Number of words: 1841 - Number of pages: 7

.... to stand. This metaphor also excellently exemplifies the catastrophe that occurs in Macbeth as both Lady Macbeth and Macbeth try to separate. Macbeth is a eighteenth century play written by William Shakespeare. Using these two metaphors, the breakdown in the relationship between Lady Macbeth and Macbeth and between the king and the thanes and how they perfectly parallel each other because each is caused by Macbeth's will to be independent. According to Webster's dictionary, the archaic definition of independence is “competence” (1148). To be independent is not to be “subject to cont .....

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The Detriment That Society Can Cause To Its Inhabitants
Number of words: 1282 - Number of pages: 5

.... the story, Nora reveals to Mrs. Linde that she has committed an illegal act and has broke the law. Nora's husband was very sick and the only way for him to get better was for him to go to Italy. There was no way that they could afford the trip on their income. To pay for the trip, she borrowed money from one of the bank employees, Krogstad. Then to pay him back, she worked odd jobs and bought the most inexpensive clothing, and used the money she saved towards paying Krogstad back. Nora has committed a serious crime by forging the signature of her grandfather. She did not want to go to hi .....

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Grunge Literature
Number of words: 1358 - Number of pages: 5

.... inspired first by Bret Easton Ellis Less Than Zero, American Psycho. The River Ophelia was Ettler's first published novel but was written after Marilyn's Almost Terminal New York Adventure which has just been released. The River Ophelia was a 'heavy duty' novel. Confronting, repetitive and relentless in its portrayal of an obsessive, self-abusive woman called 'Justine' and her quest for love. It has been hounded as anti-feminist because it portrays women as weak, pathetic victims of themselves as much as of the patriarchy yet it writes under the guise of sexual reclamation, Justine ma .....

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What To Do?: Terrorism And The Media
Number of words: 1715 - Number of pages: 7

.... of terrorist's objectives when he stated: "Terrorists try to exercise influence over targeted officials on nations through intimidation of the public and arousal of sympathy for the social and political causes they espouse. Without widespread publicity, terrorist acts can achieve neither of these effects" (Bandura, Albert qtd. In Nacos 1). Terrorists need the news media to get the publicity, and the media is a willing accomplice. The news media is an accessory to terrorism, and as such they should develop a set of standards that will limit the terrorist ability to get their message out to .....

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