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Term Papers on Arts and Plays

Shakespeare's Hamlet: Investigating Hamlet's Insanity
Number of words: 1471 - Number of pages: 6

.... my inky cloak, good mother, Nor customary suits of solemn black, Nor windy suspiration of forced breath, No, nor the fruitful river in the eye, Nor the dejected 'havior of the visage, Together with all forms, moods, shapes of grief, That can denote me truly: these indeed seem, For they are actions that a man might play: But I have that within which passeth show; These but the trappings and the suits of woe.”(1.2) Here Hamlet shows his unstable mind. He is screaming at his mother telling her how his actions are .....

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Last Of The Mohicans: Contrast And Comparison Of The Book And Movie
Number of words: 434 - Number of pages: 2

.... be quiet for safety. This scene was not only not in the movie, but neither was the character of Gamut. The movie not only left out a character, it left out other scenes. One such scene would be when Uncas Chickengook and Hawkeye join Cora, Alice, Duncan, Maugua, and Gamut.* When these characters join the party, they tell Duncan that Maugua is a Huron spy. Duncan decides to question Maugua, but when he does, Maugua runs away. When Maugua begins to run, Duncan wants to chase him, but Uncas, Chickengook, and Hawkeye see that it is not wise to chase him, because there might be more of his trib .....

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Exploring Sexuality In "Taming Of The Shrew"
Number of words: 1284 - Number of pages: 5

.... thought of as harsher than Bianca. Bianca, however, knows how to be flirtatious, witty, and coy around her admirers, and yet is almost intentionally mean to Kate. For instance, Bianca knows that it hurts Kate to have no suitors while she (Bianca) has several. Bianca uses this to hurt Kate. When Kate tries to find out which suitor Bianca really likes, Bianca swears that she won't take the suitor that Kate likes. She casually offers Kate whichever suitor she wants. Kate is enraged by this because she knows that the only reason that Bianca has suitors while she has none is because .....

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Transformation Of Macbeth
Number of words: 576 - Number of pages: 3

.... to convince him to murder Duncan. She tells him things like “If you were a real man you'd do it”. This upsets Macbeth, and he begins to think that he is actually going to do it, and eventually carries it out. What he doesn't realize is that he will later regret his actions, and wish that he could turn back time. As soon as Macbeth has killed Duncan, he seems to start to lose his mind. He just doesn't know what to do with himself. In fact, he cannot finish smearing the blood on the chamberlains, lady Macbeth had to. As time goes by Macbeth begins to think that to keep his name clear h .....

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The Crucible: Evil And Greed In Man
Number of words: 502 - Number of pages: 2

.... acts, is when she mutilates her stomach with a sewing needle and claims it to be Elizabeth Procters voodoo spell. "and struck two inches in the flesh of her belly, he draw a needle outshe testify it were your familiar spirit pushed it in." (Miller 71). From this, it can be conceived that she would disastrously knock down any obstacle to get what she wanted. Another character who brings greed upon themselves is the Reverend Parris. He uses his high social status as a priest as an excuse to obtain that of which he considers is a requirement for such a prestigious man as he believes to be. In a .....

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Othello Composition: The Character Of Iago
Number of words: 962 - Number of pages: 4

.... Cassio takes hold of Desdemona’s hand before the arrival of the Moor Othello, Iago says “With as little a web as this I will ensnare as great a fly as Cassio” (Act II, Scene I, line 163). His cunning and craftiness make him a truly dastardly villain indeed. Being as smart as he is, Iago is quick to recognize the advantages of trust and uses it as a tool to forward his purposes. Throughout the story he is commonly known and called “honest Iago”. He even says of himself, “ I am an honest man.....” (Act II, Scene III, Line 245) Trust is a very powerful emotion that is easily .....

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Cultural Write-Up On “Gone With The Wind”
Number of words: 784 - Number of pages: 3

.... innocence and carefree nature could be seen in that scene. I was in awe with the lavish scene, beautifully costumed and photographed at the Twelve Oak’s ball and barbecue. Its magnificence suggests an idyllic culture with warming and abundant security. The major characters were one by one introduced with immeasurable boldness that draws the viewer to them. I was immediately attracted to the lighthearted and beautiful Scarlett when I first saw her. War was then introduced, and the South is looking toward the dreadfulness of defeat. What I like about this movie is that it does not show .....

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King Lear: Conspiracy In Nakedness And Dress
Number of words: 616 - Number of pages: 3

.... now at the very bottom of the social order. To have some clothes is to be someone, to have none is to be nobody. Edgar, legitimate son to the Earl of Gloucester, is well dressed, not as much as Lear, but still above commoners. Edgar is believed to be plotting to annihilate his own father. So every one is after someone named "Edgar", who is a well dressed noble. In order to protect himself, Edgar becomes no one. He becomes nobody by shedding his noble garments, and disguises himself by, "My face I'll grime with filth,/ Blanket my loins, elf all my hair in knots,/ And with presented .....

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Medea's Revenge
Number of words: 1985 - Number of pages: 8

.... in all legal proceedings. In some ways, these Greek women were almost like slaves. There is a definite relationship between this subordination of women and what transpires in the play. Jason decides that he wants to divorce Medea and marry the princess of Corinth, casting Medea aside as if they had never been married. This sort of activity was acceptable by Greek standards, and shows the subordinate status of the woman, who had no say in any matter like this. Even though some of Medea's actions were not typical of the average Greek woman, she still had attitudes and emotions commo .....

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Tragedy In Oedipus Rex
Number of words: 575 - Number of pages: 3

.... Oedipus actually did murder Laius and that Jocasta is indeed his mother as well as his wife. This occurs rather quickly, very close to the end of the play. The audience sees this coming long before it actually does, however. In one of the passages of Oedipus speaking with Jocasta, just about everything is spelled out for us. Jocasta speaks of Laius leaving the castle with just a few servants and his being killed where three roads meet. Oedipus claims that he killed somebody where three roads met, who had a few servants with him. As though this isn't enough, Jocasta describes Laius to Oed .....

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