Term Papers on Arts and Plays |
Hamlet: Notes
Number of words: 2954 - Number of pages: 11.... knowledge in the way we learn that the ghost may be a dream,
or could just be around for some unfinished business. We
also learn that Horatio is a scholar and trusted by Marcellus
and Bernardo. He serves as a reliable witness and conveyor
for Hamlet. Even scholars don't understand the unknown
Scene 2
6. This scene introduces us to the King Claudius, the antagonise.
We know this because Hamlet has bad feelings towards him.
7. The impression that I get of the character of Claudius from
what he says is that he is a man of decisive .....
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Birth Of A Nation: Art Or Propaganda
Number of words: 792 - Number of pages: 3.... present and explore a theme, symbolism is used everywhere in
literature. Whether the image is subtle or obvious it is regardless a sign of
considerable calculation and effort. In Birth of a nation Griffith places
symbols everywhere, in doing this he merges literary devices of written works
with his own visual works. For instance, the parched corn symbol in the scene
where the southern army is eating symbolizes their desperation in the face of
defeat. This imagery proves that Griffith wasn't just presenting actors and a
plot, he intended to dig far deeper than that, into the .....
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Jurassic Park: Comparision Between Book And Movie
Number of words: 665 - Number of pages: 3.... book tells stories that the movie doesn't show. One of those is about
a little girl. The little girl is vacationing with her parents when she goes
off by herself exploring. She was looking for animals for her class, when she
stumbles upon a lizard. She starts to get closer, when the lizard attacks her.
The little girl starts to scream and cry until her parents come running to get
her. At the sight of the adults, the lizard ran off. The girl's parents rush
her to the nearest hospital. There, she is treated for serious scratches and
incisions to her body. Later on, she tried to descr .....
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Death Of A Salesman: An Overview
Number of words: 2004 - Number of pages: 8.... the focal point of this play is Willy Loman, a
salesman in his early sixties. Throughout the story we are told the hard life,
emotions and triumphs of Willy the salesman. Early in the play we learn that
he has recently been demoted to working for commission, which later in the
play,(on par with his luck) translates into Willy getting fired. As the plot
unfolds we discover that Willy had a rich brother who recently died named Ben,
whom Willy looked upon with great admiration for becoming extremely wealthy and
the ripe old age of 21. However Willy also becomes very depressed when Ben
l .....
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Oedipus: Villain He Is
Number of words: 825 - Number of pages: 3.... and accusing others of very major and treacherous crimes. Oedipus repeatedly and falsely accused others of the crime that he committed, even though unknowing at the time. Even Creon tells him, "You cannot judge unless you know the facts" (1248). Creon tries to tell Oedipus to quit judging him because the facts, to Oedipus, were yet unknown. Another example of Oedipus habit of falsely accusing is a quote from Michael O'Brien, "Certain of Oedipus' past actions were fate-bound; but everything that he does on the stage from first to last he does as a free agent, often accusing others" (O'Br .....
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Elements Of Masque In The Tempest
Number of words: 1036 - Number of pages: 4.... involves great amounts of song and dance. The entire play makes extensive use of music, with Ariel's songs and Prospero's charms as well as the "sweet airs" of the island itself. Being non-human, Caliban, Ariel and the spirits require elaborate costume to make them appear so, and the court party members are decked in their finest court apparel, having just been at Claribel's wedding, so that Miranda is taken aback by the "brave new world / That hath such creatures in't" on seeing them.
The elements of pastoral comedy in The Tempest are also linked to those of the masque. A natural man, Cali .....
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Hamlet: Truth Of His Father's Death And Hypocrisy Surrounding Him
Number of words: 799 - Number of pages: 3.... above all, to thine own
self be true,/ And it must follow, as the night the day,/ Thou canst
not then be false to any man,"(I iii,ln 80)
It is clear that his first priority, in talking to his son, is to teach him to act proper, to keep up his own appearance, and not to wish him well. From his later actions, one can see that Laetres honor is what concerens him the most, not his well being. When Polonius feels it necessary to send a spy to keep an eye on him, he once again expresses his lack of trust for anyone. He goes on to ask Reynaldo to, "before you visit him. . . make inquire .....
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Hamlet: Was He Mad?
Number of words: 1448 - Number of pages: 6.... to act them in. What should
such fellows as I do crawling between heaven and
earth! We are arrant knaves, all; believe none of us...
* Act 3 Scene 1
One minute Hamlet tells Ophelia that “I did love you once.”1 Then in his next
line he says “I loved you not.”2 This quick change in moods suggests that he
was mad.
Hamlet: Nay, but to live
In the rank sweat of an enseamed bed,
Stew'd in corruption, honeying and making love
Over the nasty sty-
1 - Act 3, Scene 1
2 - Act 3, Scene 1
Qu .....
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Television Regulation: Government Vs. Parents
Number of words: 307 - Number of pages: 2.... parents' job to monitor
what children watch. With the wide range of programming available, if a
child watches television without any supervision, it is very likely that
he/she will view a program that is unsuitable for their age.
While television can be a negative force, it can also be very
positive if used correctly. There are many programs on television today
that are both educational and entertaining. There is quality programming
on television already but many people choose not to explore it.
Since we live in such a diverse country, I do not feel the
government should control what .....
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Number of words: 339 - Number of pages: 2.... an unknown road.
He is too young to choose the right road of his next step. He is also
without enough ability to make a right decision about his future. Thus, his
facial expression is scared because he never known which ways he will go
next and he will be soon to face his future. The text below the picture
says if we blink our eyes and our kid will be grow-up soon. It implies if
we are being the parents of our kid, we have a responsibility to plan the
futures for our kid. We also need a financial planning right now to support
the necessary expense for our kid in the future. This ad reminds u .....
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