Term Papers on Arts and Plays |
The Birth Of A Nation: The Pros And Cons
Number of words: 2331 - Number of pages: 9.... this is regarded as his masterpiece, if it was never made, it is quite possible that his name would have remained as known as Beethoven. The problem is that it is such an amazing movie on a technological and aesthetic level, but looking at Birth of a Nation in a moral sense, it is almost embarrassing to mention it. There are a handful of reasons for this, but first in order to get a proper perception, one must first learn a bit of history.
The Birth of a Nation is the first film to offer 2$ seats. Before then, the best seats in the house were a mere 50 cents. But the 2$ seat .....
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The Supernatural In King Lear
Number of words: 930 - Number of pages: 4.... nature can reason it thus and thus, yet nature finds
itself scourged by the sequent events.
(Act 1, Sc. 2, 109 - 113)
This is proclaimed by Gloucester as he is told by Edmund of Edgar’s supposedly treacherous plot to remove him from power. Gloucester’s trust in Edgar faltered as a result of Lear’s irrational banishment of Cordelia and Kent, coupled with recent anomalies in the heavens. Gloucester believed that Lear’s actions also came as a result of the star’s unusual behaviour. Edmund, the treacherous and bastard son of Gloucester, exploits Gloucester’s blind believe i .....
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Romeo And Juliet: They Did It To Themselves
Number of words: 736 - Number of pages: 3.... What? It
seems that they are obsessed, not in love. How could they love each other when
in fact they have just met hours earlier? They are children who have crushes and
plenty of melodrama to enhance it.
Romeo demonstrates his immaturity again when he slays the Capulet, Tybalt.
Being an idealist, he does not think about the consequences of his actions. He
knows that Tybalt is Juliet's cousin, and that injuring him would wreck any
chance of them getting together legitimately, yet he does it anyway. Instead of
pausing a moment and thinking about the situation in an adult manner, Romeo
allo .....
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The Merchant Of Venice: The Relationship Between Antonio And Bassanio
Number of words: 279 - Number of pages: 2.... in a romantic way and also loves Portia, a female.
Also, there is another pair who I am suspicious about. They are Salanio and
Salerio. The reason is that they are always together, just like siamese twins.
When Salanio comes, Salerio comes. When Salerio goes, Salanio goes.
Here is a famous quote by Shakespeare, ÒThe love that dares not speak its name.Ó
In the play, there are many places where Antonio expresses love for Bassanio;
for example, Òlove the world for BassanioÓ and also Ògreat affection for
BassanioÓ.This certainly appeals to me that Antonio likes Bassanio as more than
ju .....
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Romeo And Juliet As A Tragedy
Number of words: 842 - Number of pages: 4.... Juliet in order to stop the families' feud.
The conflicting force which Romeo opposes is the fact that he is a
Montague that is in love with a Capulet; his family's sworn enemy. The
Montagues and the Capulets have been feuding for many years. Romeo is a
Montague and he is born into the feud. He does not like it and he feels that
it is a waste. Romeo has to disobey his family so he can be with Juliet.
In this play, Romeo's tragic flaw is that he is always melancholy,
miserable, and downcast, and Romeo is always in love, and when he falls in love,
he falls hard. Romeo is depressed ove .....
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Revenge In Hamlet
Number of words: 1059 - Number of pages: 4.... needed a release to help himself relieve the pain.
Hamlet is first told of the ghost by his friend Horatio. He tells Hamlet and Hamlet asks if he can see him? Later, Hamlet sees the ghost and communicates with it for the first time. The ghost tells him “so art thou to revenge”(I.IV.ll.8) because he is in purgatory and suffering. He was asking Hamlet to murder his uncle. Hamlet cannot believe that he is seeing his father, and even more he is asking him to murder the king. Upon realizing that he is not seeing things, Hamlet kept in his mind till the end that he had to finish out the .....
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C-SPAN, The Cable TV Channel
Number of words: 1280 - Number of pages: 5.... make decisions for themselves about politics and the
workings of their government. In addition to C-SPAN, a second channel, C-SPAN2
has also been created. C-SPAN2 is committed to providing live and uncut
coverage of the U.S. Senate when it is in session. C-SPAN2 continues the
tradition of the original channel by giving an even wider unfiltered and
unplugged view of our government in action. In addition to video, C-SPAN also
has 2 different audio networks that broadcast international and American
political content, unfiltered and uncut. Also, C-SPAN has moved into the
computer world an .....
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Antigone: Who Is The Tragic Hero?
Number of words: 624 - Number of pages: 3.... many people believe the Antigone is
the rightful protagonist.
Many critics argue that Creon is the tragic hero of Antigone. They say
that his noble quality is his caring for Antigone and Ismene when thier father
was persecuted. Those who stand behind Creon also argue that Antigone never had
a true epiphany, a key element in being a tragic hero. Creon, on the other hand,
realized his mistake when Teiresias made his prophecy. He is forced to live,
knowing that three people are dead because of his ignorance, which is a
punishment worse than death.
My opinion on this debate is that Antig .....
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Macbeth: Macbeth - A Human To A Killer
Number of words: 505 - Number of pages: 2.... this he
made a lot of people suspicious. This meant that more people would have to be
killed, and this included the king's son who was next in line for the throne. At
this point Macbeth experiences the first of a number of breakdowns, and he
begins to lose his human characteristics. Macbeth begins to fall into a
murderous rage after killing Duncan. He thought this would clear his name, but
it only made things worse. Each person he has killed results in another that
needs to be killed. With each kill Macbeth makes he loses feelings. Macbeth's
conscience is soon deteriorated to nothing, an .....
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"An Inspector Calls": Issues And Priestly's Viewpoint
Number of words: 1127 - Number of pages: 5.... and Socialist's are shown. Birling is a ruthless industrialist who
worked extremely hard to make his money, and when he finally reaches the top his
wealth and popularity is threatened by a suicide scandal.
The characters are a mixture of Capitalist's and Socialist's, Mr Birling being a
self made upper-class Capitalist, his wife also has great belief in the family
name, and works hard to keep a good reputation for herself and her family. The
secretive but most sympathetic of the Birling's is Eric their son, who has a
great deal to do with the Suicide of Eva Smith. Eric's siste .....
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