Term Papers on Arts and Plays |
Hamlet Revenge
Number of words: 1141 - Number of pages: 5.... that was possessed by Fortinbras because it was
written in a seal'd compact. Polonius was an advisor to the King, and
father to Laertes and Ophelia. He was nosy and arrogant, and he did not
trust his children. He was killed by Young Hamlet while he was eves
dropping on a conversation between Hamlet and his mother. "How now! A
rat? Dead, for a ducat, dead!" King Hamlet was the King of Denmark, and
Hamlet's father. He had killed King Fortinbras, only to be killed by his
brother, Claudius."My offense is rank, it smells to heaven; A brother's
murderà" Each of these events effected the .....
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Antigone: Afterlife
Number of words: 1329 - Number of pages: 5.... sure the Greeks would have considered us to be heathens and put us to death for our ways and beliefs.I think Antigone thought her act was courageous and valid. I myself would not have risked my life to ensure a proper burial for anyone, whether it was in modern times or back then.To go against authority and break the laws given by the monarch was a plain senseless act. When someone is dead we now know there is nothing else anyone or anything can do for them at that point. It is too bad the Greeks did not believe that. As I stated before, afterlife to the Greeks was more important than living .....
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Julius Caesar: Motives In Actions
Number of words: 427 - Number of pages: 2.... character for his ability to perceive the true motives of the characters. Cassius thinks the nobility of Rome is responsible for the government of Rome. Cassius strongly dislikes Caesar personally. He sees Brutus as the person that will unite the nobles in the conspiracy. Cassius tries to use Brutus to achieve his goal. His main goal is to remove Caesar from power by using his persuasive speaking.
Antony first appears in the play as a devoted follower of Caesar. He is also one of the great triumvirs. When he gains permission to speak at Caesar’s funeral he undermines the p .....
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Televised Violence Is Here To Stay
Number of words: 1246 - Number of pages: 5.... the human condition. The media cannot pretend that violence does not exist.
Televised violence orients people to their environment. It helps them
understand their world. It serves as a mirror in which people examine themselves,
their institutions, and their values (Comstock 357).
The exposure of children to televised violence is functional to the
extent that it prepares them to cope with reality. Conflict is important for
children to grow up with. It is part of their life. Kids should not be lead to
think that nothing is going to happen to them (Comstock 354). Exposure to
violence in chi .....
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Movie: Othello
Number of words: 875 - Number of pages: 4.... existance, it is so cleverly
delivered to Roderigo that he takes as a fact, even when the facts show
otherwise. Iago controls Emilia through her love that she has for him. He uses
her love of him to get her to steal Desdemona's handkerchief. Othello is
manipulated by suggestion and hints that are carefully worded and said at just
the right moment. Each one weakens his faith in Desdemona a little more. Then
Iago produces “evidence” to add weight to his innuendos. The evidence is so
believeably delivered and Othello already so incenced by Iago's words that
Othello does not even qu .....
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Hamlet: Theories Of Hamlet's Delay In Killing Claudius
Number of words: 811 - Number of pages: 3.... believes the son of a murdered noble is responsible
for avenging his father.
When the ghost of King Hamlet appears and tells his son Claudius killed him by
pouring poison in his ear, Hamlet does not act upon the word of the specter. He
takes time to think about what the apparition told him. He contemplates whether
it is a good ghost or a bad ghost. He plans things out; analyses situations.
When the actors came to town, Hamlet implores one of them, "Dost thou hear me
old friend? Can you play The Murder of Gonzago?" (88) The player agrees that
he can indeed perform the play. "We'll ha .....
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Freud's Oz: Freudian Views In The Wizard Of Oz
Number of words: 1709 - Number of pages: 7.... dream analogy from the Freudian perspective.
The act that spurs the entire action of the movie, according to Freudian
Daniel Dervin ( Over The Rainbow 163 ), is Dorothy witnessing the "primal scene".
The "primal scene" refers to a child witnessing sexual intercourse between
mother and father; an moment that is both terrifying and confusing to the child.
According to Dervin, this event sends Dorothy towards her final stage of
childhood development ( Freud believed in three stages of childhood development
) the phallic phase. Terrified of the idea of being destroyed by father's
phallus .....
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Richard III: Strength And Weaknesses
Number of words: 1577 - Number of pages: 6.... audience and tells them his plan for taking over the kingdom. Other soliloquies keep the audience updated on what’s happening and remind them of Richard’s plans. Prophecies also helped the development of the story. In the first act the audience is notified of a prophecy that was make to the king saying that he would be dethroned by someone bearing the initial "G". This resulted in Clarence being sent to the tower and eventually being murdered by Richard. The most important curse in Richard III occurs in Act I Scene III when Queen Margaret put a curse on the entire royal family. Througho .....
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Macbeth: Macbeth's Decent Into Hell
Number of words: 609 - Number of pages: 3.... for
treason so Macbeth hires three hitmen to kill Banquo which they did successfully
also at the same time the third assassin killed the other two assassin's.
Macbeth's conscience then got the best of him because he saw the 'ghost'
of Banquo. It wasn't really a ghost because everyone can see ghosts and Macbeth
was the only one who really saw Banquo. This shows that his mind was playing
tricks on him because he felt guilty. To me his feeling guilty showed that he
still cared a little for those he loved but then again if he cared he would stop
killing them.
Macbeth went to the witches for a n .....
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Fashion In The 1920s
Number of words: 743 - Number of pages: 3.... calf.
It may surprise you to learn that in the 1920's, a lot of clothing was still made at home or by tailors and dressmakers. The brand-name, ready-to-wear industry didn't really exist until the 1930's. Therefore, many women obtained patterns that would allow them to create their own clothing out of fabrics such as wool, silk, linen or cotton. There were also two important ethnic influences on the fabric and prints of the 1920s. One of those influences was Chinese, whose culture inspired several kimono styles, embroidered silks, and the dominance of the color red. The other influence wa .....
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