Term Papers on Biographies |
Emperor Hadrian Of Rome
Number of words: 719 - Number of pages: 3.... Hadrian 4)." Soon after, Hadrian was married to a thirteen year old girl named Sabina. Thirteen years of age was very young even in Roman terms of marriage. Hadrian became emperor in 117a.d. This occurred when Trajan, Hadrian's deceased father's cousin and guardian, made Hadrian his successor on his deathbed. "Certainly Hadrian's relationship with the Senate was not a good one(Coleman-Norton 674)." At the beginning of his reign, he put four former consuls to death for conspiracy. This created negative personal relations between Hadrian and the Senate; however, "Hadrian generally t .....
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The Life Of Claude Monet
Number of words: 1531 - Number of pages: 6.... relaxed his
protestations and before long, the two had forged a relationship that was
to last a lifetime. Although Monet soon left Le Havre to spend a large part
of his life traveling throughout Europe, he returned frequently to visit
his old friend. It was truly a life altering friendship. "My eyes were
finally opened and I understood nature; I learned at the same time to love
it. " -Monet
Boudin may have opened Monet's eyes, he may have even persuaded
the young painter to break with tradition and finish his paintings outdoors,
but the young protégé had yet to truly expe .....
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Susan B Anthony
Number of words: 656 - Number of pages: 3.... academy boarding school, in up state New York when she was fifteen years old intill she was thirty. After she settled in her family home in Rochester, New York. It was here that she began her first public crusade on behalf of temperance.
This was one of the first expressions of feminism in the United States, and it delt with the abuses of woman and children who suffered from alcoholic husbands. In 1849, Susan gave her first public speech for the Daughters of Temperance, and then help found the Woman’s State Temperance Society of New York. It was one of the first organizations of its tim .....
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Adam Smith
Number of words: 4978 - Number of pages: 19.... and
pessimistically calculates the cost of empire, but the book appeared too late to
have any effect upon British policy. Because the Declaration of Independence and
The Wealth of Nations, the political and economic reliations of empire and
mercantilism, appeared in the same year, historians have often designated 1776
as one of the turning points in modern history. The text On the cost of Empire,
the eloquent exhortation to the rulers of Britain to awaken from their grandiose
dreams of empire, is the closing passage of Smith's book.
Adam Smith was a Scottish political economist and philosoph .....
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J.P. Morgan
Number of words: 2994 - Number of pages: 11.... family did not begin with Pierpont but with his grandfather Joseph Morgan. Joseph prospered as a hotelkeeper in Hartford, Connecticut. He helped to organize a canal company, steamboat lines and the new railroad that connected Hartford with Springfield. Finally he became one of the founders of the Aetna Fire Insurance Company. Joseph's first son was Junius Spencer Morgan, also destined for the life of a businessman. He spent a number of years as a dry-goods merchant before moving to Boston and into the foreign trade business. Junius was invited to join the firm of George Peabody & Co. .....
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Number of words: 748 - Number of pages: 3.... his life living in the Plymouth Colony teaching his newly acquired English friends how to survive in this foreign land. He helped them greatly in the area of growing and gathering food. Without the help of , the English never would have discovered many important methods involved in growing a decent crop on
the American soil. “ showed the immigrants how to plant corn in hillocks, using dead herring as fertilizer”() after many failed attempts of growing while using their own
methods. He also taught them how to fish and where the best spots were to catch enough to feed the colony. T .....
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Ralph Waldo Emerson
Number of words: 583 - Number of pages: 3.... this and
practically initiated the entire club. As we know he was already a major
part of the movement and know got himself involved more. Many people and
ways of life throughout his career including Neoplatonism, the Hindu
religion, Plato and even his wife influenced Emerson. He also inspired many
Transcendentalists like Thoreau. Emerson didn’t win any major awards, but
he did win the love and appreciation of his readers.
Literary Information
Emerson wrote many genres of writing including poetry and sermons, but his
best writing is found in his essays. Even though he is noted for his e .....
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Ernest Hemingway
Number of words: 1599 - Number of pages: 6.... bodies and body parts to a makeshift morgue. This was definitely a most terrifying moment for the young Hemingway. After being seriously injured weeks later, Hemingway found himself recovering at a hospital in Milan. After his stay at the American Hospital in Milan, Hemingway was relieved of duty (Mitran 1). Having no other purpose in Europe, he returned unhappily to Oak Park, Illinois. The impression left on Hemingway by his stay in Italy had changed him profoundly. He never really returned to America as an America(Meyer 115).
When Hemingway returned home from Italy in January of 1919 he .....
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Number of words: 1021 - Number of pages: 4.... of the Mediterranean and the only thing that stood in their way was a single General and his men. The way in which the Romans were unconsciously straying from “mos maiorum” to manipulate the course of events was disturbing. Though these actions were not entirely the “evil” work of Rome. from his earliest memories could recall nothing but hatred for Rome. ’s Father had instilled a horrifically self-destructive desire within to see the fall of Rome.
This desire manifested itself during The Second Punic War, which was the ultimate fight for supremacy in the Ancient World. The vic .....
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St. Gregory Of Tours
Number of words: 505 - Number of pages: 2.... in Tours, there was great political and social chaos. The relationships with the Bishops and the Kings and Masters was not good. The Kings abused their powers and this caused civil wars. Gregory wrote that these conflicts were more hurtful to the church than the persecution from Diocletian. Eventually the unrest and Tours stopped and peace was at hand. The Masters of Tours were constantly changing until Guntram who was the King of Burgandy took over the rule of Tours. Guntram and Gregory were friends and the role of bishop was given more authority and respect. Guntram signed the Trea .....
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