Term Papers on Biographies |
Jefferson, Thomas 1743 -- 1826
Number of words: 672 - Number of pages: 3.... legislature (1776--79), he took the lead in creating a state constitution and then served as governor (1779--81); during this time he proposed that Virginia abolish the slave trade and assure religious freedom, but he did not achieve this. He was not very successful in organizing Virginian resistance to the British military operations there and would come under criticism for his lack of leadership. Returning to the Continental Congress in 1783, Jefferson drafted the policy organizing the Northwest Territory and secured the adoption of the decimal system of coinage. He was sent to France in .....
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JFK: The Death Of A Conspiracy
Number of words: 1748 - Number of pages: 7.... the life of the President
and examined him quickly without taking the wash off the blood
and debris” (1542). The doctors removed the President’s clothing to check
the body for other wounds. While Dr. Perry began the tracheostomy, Dr.
Jenkins recalled, that Mrs. Kennedy was circling the room with something “
cupped” in her hands. As Mrs. Kennedy passed by, she nudged Jenkins with
her elbow and handed him “a large chunk o! f her husband's brain.” Dr.
Jenkins took the brain matter and handed it to a nurse (Breo 2806). The
Parkland Hospital staff worked for twenty-five .....
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T.S. Eliot
Number of words: 1231 - Number of pages: 5.... and his poetry ('Four Quartets', 1943) increasingly reflected this association with a traditional culture.
His first drama was 'The Rock' (1934), a pageant play.
This was followed by 'Murder in the Cathedral' (1935), a play dealing with the assassination of Archbishop Thomas a Becket, who was later canonized. 'The Family Reunion' appeared in 1939. 'The Cocktail Party', based upon the ancient Greek drama 'Alcestis' by Euripides, came out in 1950 and 'The Confidential Clerk' in 1953. The dialogue in his plays is written in a free, rhythmical verse pattern. Eliot won the .....
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Remembering The Music Of George Gershwin
Number of words: 2350 - Number of pages: 9.... would go to homes of friends who had pianos and secretly tap out the popular tunes of the day (Peyser 21). One day his parents purchased a piano for Ira, the eldest, and as soon as it was moved in George sat down and began to play. The family was flabbergasted! They had no idea he was interested in music or where he learned how to play the piano (Adam 12:08).
George’s parents immediately sought a teacher for him. They found a lady named Ms. Green from the neighborhood who, for fifty cents an hour, taught him all of the scales and modes. He then moved on to Mr. Goldberg who, fo .....
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Hitler - A Man Of Too Much Power
Number of words: 736 - Number of pages: 3.... later called the Nazi convicted of high treason and sentenced to prison, where he served about a year. During that time, he began to write Mein Kampf ("My Struggle"), which later became the second Bible in Nazi Germany. Hitler resolved to achieve power legally, and after a series of events too numerous to detail here, was appointed Chancellor of Germany by President von Hindenburg on January 30, 1933.
Over the next 6 years, Hitler undertook a series of measures designed to rid Germany of its obligations under the Treaty of Versailles (imposed on Germany after World War I), restore the e .....
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Harriet Tubman 2
Number of words: 1009 - Number of pages: 4.... In 1849 Harriet Tubman moved to Pennsylvania, but returned to Maryland two years later hoping to persuade her husband to come North with her. By this time John Tubman had remarried. Harriet did not marry again until after Tubman's death.
In Pennsylvania, Harriet Tubman joined the abolitionist cause, working to end slavery. She decided to become a conductor on the Underground Railroad, a network of antislavery activists who helped slaves escape from the South. On her first trip in 1850, Tubman brought her own sister and her sister's two children out of slavery in Maryland. In 1851 she rescue .....
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Adolf Hitler
Number of words: 1946 - Number of pages: 8.... of success. To his surprise he failed again. In fact the Dean of the academy was not very impressed with his performance, and gave him a really hard time and said to him "You will never be painter." The rejection really crushed him as he now reached a dead end. He could not apply to the school of architecture as he had no high-school diploma. During the next 35 years of his live the young man never forgot the rejection he received in the dean’s office that day. Many Historians like to speculate what would have happened IF.... perhaps the small town boy would have had a bit mor .....
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Cardinal Richelieu
Number of words: 903 - Number of pages: 4.... studies easily and because of his health problems was ideally suited to this life. In 1606 then Abbe Armand de Richelieu was appointed Bishop of Lucon and in 1622, Pope Gregory appointed him a Cardinal.
Like his grandfather and father before him, serving the monarchy was very important to Richelieu. To this end he allied himself with Marie de Medici, the queen mother, and was appointed to the court as Secretary of State to foreign affairs in 1616. This position did not last long as Marie's favorite, Concino Concini, was assassinated; this caused a falling out between mother and son. .....
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Charlie Chaplin
Number of words: 504 - Number of pages: 2.... troupe, the Eight Lancashire Lads. Which eventually led to his parts in Sherlock Holmes and a few other parts. At the same time his brother Sydney had joined the famous Fred Karno Company and there he quickly became a leading player and writer. Late in the year 1900 Charlie is cast as a cat in a production of Cinderella at the London Hippodrome. Less than a month later his father died from Alcoholism. Soon afterwards his mother Hannah is committed to the Cane Hill Asylum, and never completely recovers her sanity. For almost the next ten years Charlie performs in various rolls throughout Eu .....
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Sandro Botticelli
Number of words: 621 - Number of pages: 3.... simple in nature, depicts nothing more than the bust of a teenage boy with a red hat on. The boy is uniquely outlined on each side with the right side of his body gently fading into a black backdrop and the left having a sharp and precise line separating him from the black. As the viewer may notice, the young man does not pose any facial gesture which may depict emotion. It is therefore almost impossible to know the feelings of Botticelli’s subject. Many feel that Botticelli was merely documenting the boy’s physical appearance without evoking feeling from his viewers. Botticelli also used .....
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