Term Papers on Biographies |
Ernest Hemmingway
Number of words: 2861 - Number of pages: 11.... treated Ernest, when he was a small boy, as if he were a female baby doll and she dressed him accordingly. This arrangement was alright until Ernest got to the age when he wanted to be a "gun-toting Pawnee Bill". He began, at that time, to pull away from his mother, and never forgave her for his humiliation. The town of Oak Park, where Ernest grew up, was very old fashioned and quite religious. The townspeople forbad the word "virgin" from appearing in school books, and the word "breast" was questioned, though it appeared in the Bible.
Ernest loved to fish, canoe and explore the woods. .....
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Biography Of Ogden Nash
Number of words: 495 - Number of pages: 2.... Complete Reference Library CD stated that 1931 was the
greatest year of Nash's life. In June, he married Frances Rider Leonard of
Baltimore, Maryland. Also in 1931, he published two books of free verse:
"Hard Lines" and "Free Wheeling." Contemporary American Poets made an
interesting statement on these first two books by Nash: "These two books
show poetry of remarkable freedom of scansion (rhythm pattern) and
uncoventional feelings of thoughts." Contemporary American Poets showed
clearly that Nash "paved" the way for authors of free verse with absolutely
no pattern.
After working on o .....
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Don Pepe Figueres
Number of words: 1377 - Number of pages: 6.... then give a radio speech disdaining Calderon and his actions which would lead to Figueres’ exile to Mexico
in 1942. (Cockcroft, 232) Figueres returned in 1944, and an alleged fixing of the 1948 Costa Rican election was the window that he had been waiting for. Supported by the governments of Guatemala, Cuba, and the U.S., Figueres and his Army of National Liberation would force the surrender of President Picado, a puppet of Calderon, and the
Vanguardia forces, Figueres would seize control of Costa Rica as the head of the revolutionary junta for eighteen months. Control was then turne .....
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Neil Armstrong
Number of words: 785 - Number of pages: 3.... Rendezvous and dock with Gemini Agena target vehicle (GATV)
and conduct EVA operations.
B. (Secondary) Rendezvous and dock in the 4th revolution. Perform
docked-vehicle maneuvers, Evaluate systems and conduct 10 experiments.
The mission was set to launch on March 15, 1966. Due to minor problems with the
spacecraft and launch vehicle hardware the launch was delayed one day. The
launch was successful. Because of problems with the spacecraft control system,
the crew was forced to undock after approximately thirty minutes. The
spacecraft-target vehicle combination had begun to encounter .....
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Theodore Roosevelt
Number of words: 1669 - Number of pages: 7.... before or since him. Roosevelt was an adventurous man with a captivating personality that embodied the essence of Americans at the turn of the century as well as those of today. led the way for America’s path to greatness and showed us what it means to live life to its fullest.
was born into a wealthy New York home while the nation was at the brink of civil war. His father was a Northern advocate during the civil war while his mother, whose brother was an admiral in The Confederate Navy, was for obvious reasons a southern sympathizer. This parental diversity gave Roosevelt a firm .....
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Modern American History
Number of words: 634 - Number of pages: 3.... an important scientist of his time. His personality influenced many of the leaders of the baby American government. This coupled with his exceptional achievement made Franklin a great inspiration to the people of his time that lasts to this day. Alan Greenspan is a recent figure in history, but his impact on the present and future economics of America is incalculable. The chairman of the Federal Reserve, Greenspan is in charge of setting interest rates and reporting to the government on the state of the entire economy. In essence, Greenspan’s job is running the day-to-day and long-t .....
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Margaret Atwood
Number of words: 692 - Number of pages: 3.... "to live a double life; to go places I haven't been; to examine life on earth; to come to knowpeople in ways, and at depths, that are otherwise impossible; to be give back something of what [I have] received" (qtd. in "Author Profile").
Two years after this life-altering decision, Atwood entered Victoria College at the University of Toronto. She received her bachelor's degree from Victoria College in 1961, and then went on to receive her Master's degree from Radcliffe College in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Atwood also received education from Harvard University in Cambridge, Mas .....
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The Life Of A Jamestown Colonist
Number of words: 2527 - Number of pages: 10.... the mid-1500’s, I remember my parents talking about how nervous they were that Spain seemed to be gaining such a foothold in the New World. No one in England liked the fact that Spain was the most powerful country in Europe. The king decided to explore in an effort to find a northwest passage to Asia without going around Asia. England also wanted to steal some of Spain’s riches, or “singe the King of Spain’s beard,” as we referred to the phrase back then. English pirates, such as Sir Francis Drake, began privateering, or plundering Spanish ships for riches. During this time, there w .....
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P. T. Barnum
Number of words: 1945 - Number of pages: 8.... one-upping each other with outrageous pranks.
Phineas Taylor, who was Barnum's grandfather, was one of the most notorious jokers in Bethel and also one of the richest men. His longest running joke would be on Barnum. At the boys cresting, he deeded Barnum a piece of land called Ivy Island. For years Barnum herd stories about what a lucky young man he was to be given Ivy Island At the age of ten he set out to see the island himself. Barnum soon found out Ivy Island was named for poisoned ivy. It was an Island in the middle of swamp just east of Bethel. Barnum then learned that he was the unk .....
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Jefferson Davis
Number of words: 627 - Number of pages: 3.... in the Union. When the state of Mississippi seceeded, he withdrew from the Senate. On February 18, 1861, the congress of the Confederate States made him president. He was elected to the office by popular vote for a 6-year term and was inaugurated un Richmond, Virginia, the new capital of the Confederacy. He failed to raise enough money to fight the Civil War and could not obtain help for the Confederacy from foreign governments.
One of the accomplishments of Jefferson Dacis, was the raising of the Confederate army. Davis had a difficult task to preform. He was the head of the new natio .....
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