Term Papers on Biographies |
Bram Stoker
Number of words: 651 - Number of pages: 3.... his short story "The Crystal
Cup." As early as 1875 Stoker's unique brand of fiction had come to the
forefront. In a four part serial called the "Chain of Destiny," were themes
that would become Stoker's trademark: horror mixed with romance, nightmares
and curses. Stoker encountered Henry Irving again, this time in the role of
Hamlet, 10 years after Stoker's Trinity days. Stoker, still very much the
critic (and still holding his civil service position), gave Irving's
performance a favorable review. Impressed with Stoker's review, Irving
invited Stoker back stage and the resultant friendshi .....
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Paul Ehrlich
Number of words: 935 - Number of pages: 4.... Ehrlich named the compound that cured syphilis “salvarsan”. This was a very effective way to cure syphilis.
II. Background
A. Family
Paul Ehrlich was born on March 14, 1854 in Strehlen, Silesia. Ehrlich was born in to a middle-class, Jewish family. He was the only son and fourth child of Ismar and Rosa Ehrlich. His father owned a small distillery. Ehrlich had an Orthodox Jewish upbringing in a time when being a Jew was controversial.
B. Childhood
When Ehrlich was six years old he started his schooling at the local primary school. At age ten, he boarded with a professor .....
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Lines - William Wordsworth
Number of words: 836 - Number of pages: 4.... is there and what is being lost. He makes the reader want to go and see if those things, the budding twigs, the hopping birds, and the trailing periwinkle, really do exist and if they really are as alive as he says.
Wordsworth’s line “What man has made of man” (7) refers to what human men are doing to the other man on Earth, Nature, whom man is fighting for the top spot. To Wordsworth, Nature is alive and has feelings, the same as the human man. He proves this by making everything so full of life and happy to be alive, such as the little birds, throughout the poem, st .....
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Number of words: 1920 - Number of pages: 7.... is exactly what Isoroku did. In 1918, he got married to Reiko, who, ironically, was from Watkamatsu. They had 4 children together, 2 sons, and 2 daughters. It was the standard Japanese family, the mother in charge of the household and of raising the children. He never really loved her, because he had many extramarital affairs, and 2 of the women he "loved".
The life and times in Japan right before World War 2 are simply explained: The Imperialist Japanese Army, otherwise known as the "young Turks" was steadily gaining power in the government, was assassinating anyon .....
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Renior - The Apple Seeder
Number of words: 878 - Number of pages: 4.... to what seems to be a middle class woman and her children. The painting is set deep in the forest, where the mother and her children are enjoying a pleasant spring afternoon. The blurred background of the piece brings the figures to the front of the painting creating a more personal situation for each viewer. Incidentally, this creates the effect of a personal link between the viewer and the figures in the painting. The peasant woman is depicted in plain clothing by using very dull colors; on the other hand the wealthier woman is painted in more vibrant colors to describe her social status. .....
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Malcolm X
Number of words: 381 - Number of pages: 2.... Detroit, Michigan where he replaced his slave last name with an X to symbolize his lost true African name.
soon became an active participant in the nation of Islam. He assisted Elijah Muhammad by starting many new Muslim groups in the United States. In 1952 he returned to New York to become a minister of the important Harlem temple and in 1957 he organized the Muslim newspaper.
By the early 1960’s Islam had become nationally known. He was there most effective minister and spokesman. In 1964 broke completely with the nation of Islam and began building his own organization of Afro Ameri .....
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Joseph Stalin 2
Number of words: 824 - Number of pages: 3.... appointed Stalin to the Bolshevik Central Committee. In addition, he was given various commands and was appointed to the position of people’s commissar for nationalities. After proving himself at this position, he was assigned the position of commissar of workers’ and peasants’ inspection. He finally gained the power he desired most in 1922, when he became general secretary of the Central Committee. With this position Stalin was able to control appointments, set agendas, and transfer officials and increase his own power. When Lenin died in 1924, Stalin used the current p .....
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Ted Bundy
Number of words: 2045 - Number of pages: 8.... by the norms of society to have her parents raise Ted as their own and she portrayed herself to be her son's older sister. As for Ted's natural father Lloyd Marshall, who was an Air Force veteran was unknown to him throughout his life. When Ted turned four, his mother, Louise took him with her and moved to Tacoma, Washington where she married Johnnie Bundy. felt nothing towards his stepfather, he was very bitter that he was forced to move across the continent from his grandfather, the only man he looked up to. Although, a psychiatrist had concluded after talking with Bundy year's later .....
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Theodore Roosevelt
Number of words: 613 - Number of pages: 3.... time.
At the time that the Cubans were fighting with our country Roosevelt was quietly forming a cavalry regiment nicknamed Rough Riders. On July 1,1898 him and his men charged up Kettle Hill and defeated the Cubans. He and the Rough Riders became nationally famous.
Roosevelt also helped out with labor unions. In 1902 members of the United Mine Workers went on strike. Coal started to became low and some hospitals and schools were beginning to run out of fuel. Roosevelt went in and suggested they settle in arbitration's. The miners agreed but mine owners didn’t agree. At Roosevel .....
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Martin Luther
Number of words: 1192 - Number of pages: 5.... find the peace in God he had expected. Nevertheless, Luther
made his profession as a monk in the fall of 1506, and his superiors selected
him for the priesthood. Ordained in 1507, he approached his first celebration of
the mass with awe. After his ordination, Luther was asked to study theology in
order to become a professor at one of the many new German universities staffed
by monks. In 1508 he was assigned by Johann von Staupitz, vicar-general of the
Augustinians and a friend and counselor, to the new University of Wittenberg
(founded in 1502) to give introductory lectures in moral philos .....
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