Term Papers on Biographies |
Robert E. Lee
Number of words: 631 - Number of pages: 3.... child, Mary Curtis. Mrs. Lee was put on bed-rest for many months due to illness. They had five more children: William Henry Fitzgerald, Annie, Agnes, Robert and last Mildred. When he was home, they all attended episcopal Church where he was raised. On May 13, 1846 the United States declared was on their southern neighbor. When Lee was 39, he headed for Mexico. Lee's will said that he was worth about $38,750 with few depts. He only had few slaves: Nancy and her children. And they were to be freed "soon as it can be done to their advantage and that of others. On Christmas, Lee wrote to hi .....
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Christopher Columbus
Number of words: 335 - Number of pages: 2.... and his men, unexpectedly, came across Natives and their culture, and
realized this was not Asia. Columbus first landed on the island of Navidad,
and ended up coming back to this New World 3 more times. He never landed on
the main land of America, but he keeped on exploring the coasts of America,
looking for an opening to get to Asia. Unfortunatly, he never found it
because there was and is none.
Columbus' attitude to all of this was pretty positive. Columbus'
attitude was negative at some times, like when Queen Isabella thought that
his price was too high, and when he had to .....
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Famous Explorers Of Africa
Number of words: 952 - Number of pages: 4.... about peoples travels to Africa. His readings of Mungo park also
stimulated his fascination. Callie had entered a contest for the first
person to reach Timbuktu and reach back. He had reached Timbuktu. During
Callie's trip he did not find it easy to prove to the French Authorities
that a young man with no experience could discover Timbuktu. On his way
back Callie had joined a Arab Caravan preparing to cross from Western
Sahara to Morocco. Callie had stated "I am the first European to cross from
the sandy ocean from the south to the north". On his return to Paris,
Callie was known as a her .....
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Babe Ruth 2
Number of words: 553 - Number of pages: 3.... yelled “ my boy, my boy… he’s dying, just sign this it would mean the world to him” but not only did he sign the ball but he also visited him in the hospital After a eccentric conversation with Johnny Sylvester. Babe promised to hit a home run for the kid but Johnny Sylvester declined he didn’t only want one home run he wanted two. So Babe laughed and promised, in the next game Babe did do that for him. And more, after the much-anticipated home run Babe ran to the microphone and told him to get better, and he did.
On the other hand Babe owned the characteristic .....
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Number of words: 547 - Number of pages: 2.... than fifty percent of ’s plays were influenced from various groups of topics.
Other things that influenced ’s plays were his life experiences. As a young boy dramatic events that occurred led to his writing of Hamlet. The drowning of a girl named Katherine he knew was also a source of his playwriting.
History affected his writing as well. One of ’s most heralded plays was based on the life and demise of Julius Caesar. He gathered information about Caesar, and with his literary brilliance wrote about Caesar and his story in a unique perspective. Also the life of Marc Antony was ve .....
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Marcus Antonius
Number of words: 545 - Number of pages: 2.... in turning people against the Senators led by the assassin Brutus. Many people believed Mark Antony's action were not quite as good as the actions of Caesar.
In 43 B.C. Octavian, the true heir to Caesar's throne, challenged Antony's rule. When Octavian arrived in Rome, he was left in a difficult position. Antony was unwilling to give up his throne. Later that year, Antony agreed to become a co-ruler with Octavian and Lepidus to form the First Triumvirate. Together, they later murdered many opponents in the Senate, a group of powerful government advisors.
Mark Antony had great military .....
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Famous Explorers Of Africa
Number of words: 954 - Number of pages: 4.... about peoples travels to Africa. His readings of Mungo park also stimulated his fascination. Callie had entered a contest for the first person to reach Timbuktu and reach back. He had reached Timbuktu. During Callie's trip he did not find it easy to prove to the French Authorities that a young man with no experience could discover Timbuktu. On his way back Callie had joined a Arab Caravan preparing to cross from Western Sahara to Morocco. Callie had stated "I am the first European to cross from the sandy ocean from the south to the north". On his return to Paris, Callie was known as a hero .....
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W.E.B Du Bois
Number of words: 1007 - Number of pages: 4.... that his black skin
was a disadvantage. In high school, his teachers encouraged him as a
student and school work always came easy to him. Du Bois excelled in Latin and
Greek and participated in active discussions about the meaning of Love and Life.
At the age of 15, William began to write weekly columns in the New York Globe
and Springfield Republican.
Attending Harvard was W.E.B.'s longtime dream, however after receiving a
scholarship to Fisk University in Nashville he gladly accepted. Du Bois was
amazed by the South, he felt a home on the campus of Fisk. William had never
bee .....
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Hudson Taylor
Number of words: 1088 - Number of pages: 4.... He was obedient and listened to the call of God. He was described as many of the fruits of the Spirit that God shows in the Word. Sacrifice became a daily thing for Hudson, as God molded and shaped Hudson for His will.
was just that sort of man, one who you could call a saint. He would go where no one would want to go. And do what no one would want to do. He willed to do Gods will, and that was to go to china and spread the good news of salvation to all the lost and hurting people in china. He was to a fairly financially stable family. Except he was not saved yet when he was just a la .....
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Paul L. Dunbar
Number of words: 1199 - Number of pages: 5.... first volume of poetry, "Oak and Ivy" was published in 1893. Many of his poems and stories were written in Afro-American dialect, of which he was initially most noted for (Martin and Hudson 16).
His second volume, "Majors and Minors" was published in 1895. "Majors and Minor" were a collection of poems that was written in standard English ("major") and in dialect ("minor") (Young 373). It was this book that fixed him on his literary path. This book attracted favorable notice by novelist and critic, William Dean Howells who also int .....
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