Term Papers on Biographies |
William James: The Later Years
Number of words: 1193 - Number of pages: 5.... feelings as they actually seem to us, could tell us alot about our mental life. This was for him, the most important of the investigative methods. Introspection required both concentration and practice, because inner states follow each other rapidly and often are blended and difficult to distinguish from one another. Just as with practice one can notice, observe, name, and classify objects outside oneself, one can do so with inner events. Introspection is in reality, immediate retrospection; the conscious mind looks back and reports what it has just experienced.
James admitted that intr .....
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Wrestling With The American Culture
Number of words: 619 - Number of pages: 3.... our punches and
kicks. The wrestlers dress in mostly bright colored and tight clothes that have there
name or “catch phrase” written on it.
Wrestling goes straight to it’s demographic audience when it gets sponsors
like Castrol motor oil, RC cola, Chef Boyarde, and Tower Records. The color
commentators plug these every chance they get before or after the matches. The
fans of this sport cheer every chance they get and bring large signs for everyone to
see. even though the fans don’t physically get into a match, they psychologically
distract some wrestlers with blaring chants tha .....
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Arthur Conan Doyle
Number of words: 1734 - Number of pages: 7.... education started when he was about seven years old. His mother spent lots of time reading with him and tutoring him, because this is what she thought he needed to become a cultured gentleman. When Doyle was ten years old he left home and went to the Jesuit Preparatory school named Hodder House. This was a boarding school for young boys. Arthur hated this school. Doyle once stated that Hodder House "was a little more pleasant than being confined in a prison." While attending Hodder House, he studied chemistry, poetry, geometry, arithmetic, and grammar. After his experiences at Jesuit Pre .....
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Stalin And The Soviet Union
Number of words: 309 - Number of pages: 2.... 800,000 people were killed.
Stalin used propaganda and nationalism to brainwash the people of the Soviet Union. He censored poems, paintings, statues, newspaper, radio, and text. Everything needed to support him, communism, or nationalism. Even religious statues were replaced with statues of Lenin and Stalin. Stalin had a major effect on history because he changed Russia into a communistic state. This changed Russian life completely.
Stalin because he had a major effect on world history. He turned Russia in to a complete communistic state. He also industrialized their agriculture and thei .....
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Jack Robinson
Number of words: 1089 - Number of pages: 4.... Pasadena Junior College Jackie got a scholarship to the University of California at UCLA. Jackie's true passion was playing sports. He excelled in every sport he played. His favorites were football, track, baseball and basketball, which earned him a scholarship. Jackie was the first student to play on four varsity teams. At UCLA in 1940 he met his future wife Rachel Isum. He did not complete his senior year at UCLA. Instead at age of 21 he joined NYA (national Youth Administration.) where he played baseball to entertain campers and worked with children. He also earned extra money by playing .....
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Isaac Newton
Number of words: 1267 - Number of pages: 5.... at the head of his class.
In 1656 Newton's stepfather died. His mother returned to
Woolsthorpe to take care of the farm left by Newton's father. But she could
not manage the farm by herself. Isaac was taken out of school and brought
home to help her.
As a farmer, Newton proved to be a dismal failure. He neglected the
necessary chores and thought only of books to study and mechanical things
to make. There are many stories about him at that time that show how absent
minded he was becoming. One day while he was leading a horse, the animal
slipped its bridle and ran away. Isaac .....
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Famous People With Mental Illnesses
Number of words: 2725 - Number of pages: 10.... and paranoia. Lionel has been in numerous newspaper and magazine articles for his ability to fight the disease he has fought most of his life. His message was simple to families who have mentally ill children or adults, don't give up on them. His motto was, ''Believe they can get well.” Lionel lost his battle with schizophrenia and paranoia as he passed away in 1998.
Eugene Gladstone O’Neill was born on October 16th, 1888 in New York City. He was one of the most famous play writers of all time. Eugene suffered from clinical depression. Eugene often was placed in a .....
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Geoffrey Chaucer
Number of words: 1745 - Number of pages: 7.... time was not the London of today. It was a walled city,
guarded against invasion, but long enough time had passed since such a
threat had approached that the defenses had loosened. Houses perched upon
the walls, and Chaucer in fact, lived for a time in a house built over
Aldgate, (one of the gates of the city).
London was a city less than three-quarters of a square mile in size: It
ran east and west along the Thames less than one and a half miles, and
extended northwards less than half a mile. Over 20,000 people were packed
into this small area; the diversity of the inhabitants was over .....
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Benito Juarez
Number of words: 630 - Number of pages: 3.... his studies, and went to work in a law office. That same year, at age 25 he was elected to the position of city alderman. Then, in 1833 he was elected to the Oaxaca State legislature. Next, in 1834 he became the attorney for the state. Governments changed, as was characteristic in Latin America, and he was thrown in jail. He then was released, and gained support of both Liberals and Conservatives and in 1841 he became a senior judge in the state’s capital court. He was a great judge, he was impartial, didn’t care about race, sex, or social class. He also followed dressi .....
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Henry Ford: A Life In Brief
Number of words: 1442 - Number of pages: 6.... father's will, Henry moved to Detroit, ten miles away.
In Detroit, Henry worked eleven hours a day at James Flower &
Brothers' Machine Shop for only $2.50 a week. As this was not enough to
pay for board and room, Henry got an evening job at Magill's Jewelry Shop
for $2 each week, at first only cleaning and winding the shop's large stock
of clocks. Soon though, he was repairing them also.
After three years in Detroit, and ceaseless persuasion from his father,
Henry moved back to the farm at the age of nineteen. Farm work was no more
appealing than before. Henry did enjoy the .....
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