Term Papers on Biographies |
Malcolm X
Number of words: 335 - Number of pages: 2.... Elijah Muhammad, and in 1963 Malcolm was suspended as a
minister of the Black Muslims. After a pilgrimage to Mecca, he announced
(1964) that he had become an orthodox Muslim and founded the rival
Organization for Afro-American Unity. His travel in the Middle East and
Africa gave him a more optimistic view regarding potential brotherhood
between black and white Americans; he no longer preached racial separation,
but rather a socialist revolution.
His career ended abruptly when he was shot and killed in New York City
on Feb. 21, 1965, by assassins thought to be connected with th .....
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Essay On Christopher Columbus
Number of words: 447 - Number of pages: 2.... opened the seeds of change. The European society as a whole, had
thought that the Europeans were doing a favor, by changing their primitive
ways, when in fact, some of the Native American customs were far more
superior to what the Europeans had in their own. The obstinate Europeans,
did not want to make concessions because they had an assumed air of
Columbus has been the all-time heroic figure portayed by people of
1862, they viewed him as a man of great and inventive genius. Columbus in
today's perception is a grasping fortune hunter, an incompetent governor of
the "New Wo .....
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Charles Dickens
Number of words: 713 - Number of pages: 3.... but for Dickens, it felt like an eternity. Until he was fifteen, he attended school off and on, and then dropped out. In 1934, after studying shorthand for 18 months, Dickens got a job as a newspaper reporter for the Evening Chronicle. Two years later, Dickens had his first work published named Sketches by Boz, which consisted of his works from the Evening Chronicle and Monthly Magazine. The 24 year old Charles Dickens then married Catherine Hogarth. Later that year, and clear through the next, Dickens had monthly writings, The Pickwick Papers, which brought his name to be commonpla .....
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Albert Einstein: His Life
Number of words: 1245 - Number of pages: 5.... was intrigued by
certain mysteries of science, he was considered a slow learner. His failure
to become fluent in German until the age of nine even led some teachers to
believe he was disabled.
At sixteen he attempted to enroll at the Federal Institute of
Technology but failed the entrance exam. This forced him to study locally
for one year until he finally passed the school's evaluation. The Institute
allowed Einstein to meet many other students that shared his curiosity, and
it was here that his studies turned mainly to Physics. He quickly learned
that while physicists had generally agr .....
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James Taylor
Number of words: 456 - Number of pages: 2.... has a line in it that is extremely significant to all of Taylor’s writings. The line says "you just call out my name, and you know wherever I am, I’ll be there, you’ve got a friend." I feel that is such an excellent classic rock artist and an all around good person because of the messages he portrays in his writings and his music. His attitude while performing reflects his all around outlook on life, which is a good one.
was born into a rich family in Boston Massachusetts in 1948. His childhood taught him about friendship and the importance of being a good person be .....
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St. Joan Of Arc
Number of words: 1670 - Number of pages: 7.... ear.' Jeanne begins to be mentioned in history, as a young girl of 12 – 13 years old. Jeanne was born into a family of healthy parents, she did her housework, worked in the fields, tended the cattle and took part as a member of a country family. With these tasks, one might expect Jeanne to have rough hands, dark skin from spending so much time in the sun, and strong muscles. It would be expected that a future soldier must be tough and sturdy in order to lead the life which she led for herself.
The people of Domremy, testified that Jeanne 'had moral character and a sweet nature.' Consisten .....
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The Rule Of Halie Selassie
Number of words: 707 - Number of pages: 3.... mother died when he was two years of age. Shortly after his country was in war with the Italians. It was at this war that Tafari's father, Ras Makonnen fought next to Emperor Menelik, the emperor of Ethiopia at that time. The Emperor swore their relationship hoping that he would pass the throne to Ras Makonnen when Menelik's time had come.
Ras Makonnen wanted a good education for his son "Ras" Tafari. Ras is an Ethiopian title given to people of royal blood. Fortunately, Mokonnen saw to his son's education early, because in 1906 he became sick and soon after died. He left the fourteen-year .....
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Booker T. Washington
Number of words: 1237 - Number of pages: 5.... American society. Washington was born into slavery on April 5, 1856, in Franklin County, Virginia, on a small tobacco plantation. His only true relative was his mother, Jane, who was the plantation's cook. His father was probably the white son of one of the neighbors, though it is not known for sure. Washington spent his childhood years on the plantation, but since he was so young he never had to do the heavy work. He did the small jobs, such as carrying water to the field hands and taking corn to the local mill for grinding. This hard work at an early age instilled in him the values he w .....
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Elvis Presley
Number of words: 1395 - Number of pages: 6.... in a religious home. He grew up surrounded by gospel music. As a boy he sang with his local Assembly of God church choir, which emulated the style of African-American psalm singing. At age ten Elvis placed first in a school singing contest. He then began to teach himself the rudiments of the guitar.
In 1949, Elvis was enrolled in the L.C. Humes High School in Memphis. The total combined salary of both his parents was a mere $35 dollars a week, but they managed. In 1953, Elvis graduated from high school and began working as a truck driver while he studied evenings to become an electr .....
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Ernest Hemingway 2
Number of words: 528 - Number of pages: 2.... and a woman who are at a train station in Madrid, Spain. The woman is pregnant and the man and the woman are discussing whether the woman should have an abortion operation. They have only forty minutes (the time they have to wait for their train to arrive) to make their decision. At the end of the story, the woman is still not certain if she should have the abortion operation.
In “Hills Like White Elephants”, there are many examples of the “iceberg” theory. One strong example was when the woman, referring to the hills,
says,“ They look like white elephants .....
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