Term Papers on Biographies |
Charles Dickens
Number of words: 2045 - Number of pages: 8.... then a short hand reporter in the lawcourts (where he gained much
knowledge of legalities which he used in his novels), and finally like
other members of his family, a newspaper reporter. Here, he got his first
taste of journalism and fell in love with it immediately.
Drawn to the theatre, Charles Dickens almost pursued the career of an
actor In 1833, he began sending short stories and descriptive essays to
small magazines and newspapers. These writings attracted attention and
were published in 1836 under the name, Sketches by "Boz". At the same time,
he was offered a small job .....
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Leonard Bernstein
Number of words: 1365 - Number of pages: 5.... the choir and organ overwhelmed him by it's beauty and caused
him to burst into tears. When Leonard and his family would visit their friends,
Leonard would sneak over to the piano and experiment. When he was eleven, his
aunt sent her piano to his house for his family to keep for storage. “I made
love to it right away” he recalled (Musicians p. 65). He could escape from all
his frustrations and sadness by playing the piano. His parents didn't like the
fact that he was always at the piano, they wanted him to concentrate on his
school work. They thought of piano playing as a waste o .....
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Apollonius Of Perga
Number of words: 620 - Number of pages: 3.... account of the essential principles of conics,
which for the most part had been previously set forth by Euclid, Aristaeus and
Menaechmus. A number of theorems in Book 3 and the greater part of Book 4 are
new, however, and he introduced the terms parabola, eelipse, and hyperbola.
Books 5-7 are clearly original. His genius takes its highest flight in Book 5,
in which he considers normals as minimum and maximum straight lines drawn from
given points to the curve ( independently of tangent properties ), discusses how
many normals can be drawn from particular points, finds their feet by
co .....
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Andrew Jackson
Number of words: 1656 - Number of pages: 7.... it helped set the basic properties for later on. The way he did it was not the best for common people, but he was still considered a great president by most people.
As in Encarta Encyclopedia, three years before was born, his Scotch-Irish parents, emigrated to America from Northern Ireland. They had two sons at the time. Andrew’s Father took up farming, and died three days before Andrew was born. The widow Jackson moved her family into the home of a nearby relative, where Andrew spent his days growing up. He learned how to read, and was often called upon by the community to read th .....
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Martin Luther And John Calvin Moses
Number of words: 789 - Number of pages: 3.... the ninety-five theses he wrote on religion, challenging the ways of the Catholic Church. If it wasn't for this, Lutheranism, and even Protestantism itself, may have disappeared all together. Luther's social attitudes also differed greatly with the Catholic Church. Luther said that only the Bible, and not religious traditions and ceremonies and such, could determine correct religious practices and lead to salvation. This, obviously, would have made the Church much less important, thus decreasing the power of the Pope and his followers. He also disagreed with the concept of indulgen .....
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Clinton Vs. Nixon
Number of words: 491 - Number of pages: 2.... gradual and advocated plans of reform. Moreover, Nixon was the first to go into China territory for negotiations. Ultimately, they have attracted the media with their antics, making themselves’ targets of controversy and embarrassment. In fact, President Clinton and Nixon have become the subjects of public mockery and have been an embarrassment to the American people in the office of the President. Moreover, both men have been involved in humiliating situations.
Although, of all the correlation’s these Presidents share, they also have a few contrasting elements. President Clinto .....
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The Work Of Robert Frost
Number of words: 2840 - Number of pages: 11.... in his poems it is, and it is what makes them so solid, so humorous,
and so satisfying.
His many poems have been different from one another and yet alike. They are
the work of a man who has never stopped exploring himself--or, if you like,
America, or better yet, the world. He has been able to believe, as any good
artist must, that the things he knows best because they are his own will
turn out to be true for other people. He trusts his own feelings, his own
doubts, his own certainties, his own excitements. And there is absolutely
no end to these, given the skill he needs to state them and .....
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Joan Of Arc
Number of words: 552 - Number of pages: 3.... also helped her find transportation and
safety to get her to where she was going.
While in France Joan used the voices in her head to help the
Dauphin, Charles VII. She told the Dauphin how she was capable of saving
France and she was given a large French army to lead. The army she was
given won many wars against the English and helped the French in the
Hundred Years' War. This gave her a place of honor next to the king in the
Cathedral. Charles was against any further battles against the English. In
1430 Joan fought the English again at Compiegne, but this time she didn't
have Roya .....
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Margaret Laurence
Number of words: 430 - Number of pages: 2.... and poetry, "A Tree for Poetry." A travel book, "The Prophet’s Camel Bell," written some years later, describes the Laurences’ experience in Somaliland. They moved to Accra, Ghana in 1952, with their 2-month-old daughter Jocelyn. During their five years in Africa, Margaret produced her first novel, "This Side Jordan," which won the 1961 Beta Sigma Phi Award for the best first novel by a Canadian. A collection of short stories, "The Tomorrow Tamer," Written a few years later, is also set in West Africa. Out of her African years came an interest i .....
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Number of words: 794 - Number of pages: 3.... 1942. [Biography] When he learned, that Rommel's forces were going to ambush his troops, through an intercepted message, staged his own ambush. This was the first American victory in Northern Africa. The Allied forces, Gen. Montgomery, and Gen. , had divided and destroyed the German North African Core. recommended a plan used by the Ancient Greeks for the invasion of Italy.
wanted to lead the attack on Sicily. This plan was rejected. Montgomery would lead the invasion on Sicily. The goal was to capture Messina , In charge of the seventh Army, and Omar Bradley in charge of the .....
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