Term Papers on Biographies |
A Queen Adored: England's Elizabeth II
Number of words: 1656 - Number of pages: 7.... she captures the life of England's reigning monarch in The
Queen; The Life of Elizabeth II.
Though surveys have revealed that at any one time between 15 and 30% of
the English people claim they would prefer a republic, the majority uphold the
traditional support of the monarchy, as has been the English custom for over a
thousand years. Since 1952 the endeared Queen Elizabeth II has played this role
in her country's politics as an important aspect of the modern nation's
identity. As she has proved neither conservative nor liberal in her stance, she
has so come to symbolize a popular democ .....
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Number of words: 1086 - Number of pages: 4.... there is disagreement as to the accuracy of every action and every word attributed to by the biblical writers. Whether one views the Bible as the revealed word of God or as the writing of inspired people, the figure of towers over the early history of the Jewish people. Jewish, Christian, and Muslim traditions revere for his central role in communicating the Ten Commandments and the Torah directly from God to the Jewish people soon after their escape from Egypt. Thus, the Torah is also known as the Five Books of . According to Genesis, the first book of the Bible, the Israelite people fir .....
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The Life Of Leonardo Da Vinci
Number of words: 1433 - Number of pages: 6.... sent him to study in the
workshop of a well-known Italian Renaissance master named Andrea del
Verrocchio. He remained there until 1476 and Leonardo had picked up a
variety of skills. He spent several years there practicing a variety of
things, drafting engineering, architecture, and building, but most of all
he study painting and drawing. The education Leonardo received from
Verrocchio was very practical. For his first project, Leonardo was
assigned to build a golden sphere and cross to sit on top of the domed
cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiori. It was a huge undertaking that
requi .....
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George Berkley
Number of words: 749 - Number of pages: 3.... that material substance did not exist is George Berkeley. In truth, it is the immaterialist position that seems the most logical when placed under close scrutiny.
The initial groundwork for Berkley’s position is the truism that the materialist is the skeptic. His idea is that no one can ever perceive the real essence of anything. In short, the materialist feels that the information received through sense experience gives a representative picture of the outside world and one cannot penetrate to the true essence of an object. This makes logical sense, for the only way to percei .....
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Elizabeth Barrett Browning - Encyclopedia Extract
Number of words: 332 - Number of pages: 2.... when writing her poetry. In the collection, Sonnets from the Portuguese (1849), Elizabeth let the love for her husband speak. The whole collection is forty-four poems written to Robert Browning. Aurora Leigh (1857) is yet another example of love being prominent in Elizabeth’s writings. Another element in Elizabeth’s writings is statements about faith and her illness/death. In the closing line of her “most famous sonnet” (p.656) Sonnet 43 Elizabeth says, “and if God choose,/ I shall but love thee better after death.”
In the 19th century, Elizabeth .....
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Number of words: 548 - Number of pages: 2.... use of his left hand. In 1575, and one of his brothers were captured by Barbary pirates. During his imprisonment, the pirates sent them to Algeria and sold them as slaves. They were held there for ransom. In 1580, he family and friends paid the ransom to free ’ brother. They did not have enough money to free . After he tried to escape and got caught, they released him because of his bravery for taking all the blame. could not find a job so he decided to become a writer. During 1582 and 1585, he wrote and produced many poems and plays. One of his greatest works of literatur .....
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Sergey Bubka
Number of words: 1303 - Number of pages: 5.... him.
Sergey started his illustrious career as a late arrival in the 1983 World Championships. At the height of five point five meters he cleared the bar with out a problem. At five point six meters he cleared on his final attempt at that height. When he cleared the bar at five point seven meters he was the only competitor to clear and was suddenly world champion. It was a start to a long and victorious career.
Battling through injuries and other problems he presented himself to be the best pole vaulter to walk the land. During his career of twelve years he would break the world record seve .....
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John Wilkes Booth
Number of words: 728 - Number of pages: 3.... was a famous actor during the Civil War. He traveled intensively. The fans loved him a lot. He got hundreds of love letters from his fans. His last tour was in 1862.
Booth did not fight in the war. The war split Booth's family apart. Half of his brothers went on one side and the rest went on the other side. Booth decided to support the North. After a while, Booth wanted to support the South because he thought they were winning the war. He was a "violently pro confederate". He smuggled quinine across enemy lines to the confederates.
Later Booth had a plan. He was going to ransom Ab .....
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Richard Milhous Nixon
Number of words: 2764 - Number of pages: 11.... and In the Arena (1990).
Nixon came from a southern-California Quaker family, where hard work and integrity were deeply-rooted and heavily emphasized. Always a good student, he was invited by Harvard and Yale to apply for scholarships, but his older brother's illness and the Depression made his presence close to home necessary, and he was attended nearby Whittier College, where he graduated second in his class in 1934. He went on to law school at Duke University, where his seriousness and determination won him the nickname "Gloomy Gus." He graduated third in his class and applied for jobs .....
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Stonewall Jackson
Number of words: 368 - Number of pages: 2.... that another southern general said,
“There is Jackson standing like a stone wall. Rally behind the Virginians!”.
That is where he earned the name Stonewall. He was an amazing general. In
the Shenandoah Valley in 1862, he conquered the North of 60,000 soldiers
with his 17,000 men.
Jackson fought under Lee in the Seven Days’ Battles, the Second Battle of
Run, Antietam, Cedar Mountain and Fredericksburg. His greatest battle
though, was in Chancellorsville in 1863. Jackson’s men took a vast defeat
here. That night though Jackson went ahead of his line to scout and
unknowingly, th .....
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