Term Papers on Biographies |
John Marshall Harlan II
Number of words: 831 - Number of pages: 4.... and spent much of his early career working for the firm.
Harlan was appointed an Assistant U.S. Attorney for New York in 1925. He also served as a Special Assistant Attorney General from 1928 to 1930. Prior to working as Special Assistant Attorney General, Harlan married Ethel Andrews, with whom he had one child.
During World War II, Harlan served as a colonel in the United States Army Air Force. Harlan was in charge of the Operations Analysis Section of the Eighth Bomber Command. He was also the recipient of the American Legion of Merit and the Belgian and French Croix de Guer .....
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Aristotle And Kant
Number of words: 794 - Number of pages: 3.... philosopher had many interesting ideas on ethics. Kant believed that by acting rationally, we could achieve a high standard for universal morality. Kant’s reasoning was that reason is the basis for morality, and it can only be found by starting from reason. Kant’s main point was the categorical imperative. This was his way of describing that humans lack any insight into the moral realm, and that we can only ask ourselves whether what we may be planning on doing has the potential to be reasonful, law abiding and moral on an equal level for everyone. Another idea of Kant’s was that mor .....
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Harry Elmer Barnes
Number of words: 2757 - Number of pages: 11.... after the fighting had ended and the emotional excesses had lessened. He was unable to predict that similar corrections of Allied propaganda and popularized conceptions of the methods of warfare in the Second World War would meet even sterner resistance.
Today - half a century after the conclusion of the Second World War - it would be fair to expect a less emotional environment, one in which historians, researchers and writers were free to examine the actual causes of the war as well as the atrocities committed by both sides in the conflict. However, those and other topics are more forb .....
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Oedipus Rex
Number of words: 529 - Number of pages: 2.... Aristotle’s definition. Aristotle says that a tragic hero is a person, usually the main character, who starts out as a great and noble individual. Oedipus is not an evil man but a good, upright, man who suffers a downfall. Aristotle also says that this person begins to become fallible and eventually is doomed by their own “tragic flaw.” We see this with Oedipus when he displays hubris. Oedipus begins to think he can out do the gods and prevent Apollo’s oracles from being fulfilled. His downfall is that he marries his mother and kills his father. He is blinded by his hubris and .....
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Christopher Columbus
Number of words: 1450 - Number of pages: 6.... sea, as did many Genoese boys, and voyaged in the Mediterranean. In 1476 he was shipwrecked off Portugal, found his way ashore, and went to Lisbon; he apparently traveled to Ireland and England and later claimed to have gone as far as Iceland. He was in Genoa in 1479, returned to Portugal, and married. His wife, Dona Felipa, died soon after his son, Diego, was born (c.1480).
By this time Columbus had become interested in westward voyages. He had learned of the legendary Atlantic voyages and sailors' reports of land to the west of Madeira and the Azores. Acquiring books and maps, he accepted .....
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Sir Sandford Fleming
Number of words: 383 - Number of pages: 2.... Pacific. Altrough his spe cific recommendations
regarding the route were not followed, his extens ive survey work of
various routes, including the Kicking Horse Pass t hrough which the
Canadian Pacific main line was built , greatly facilita ted Canadian
railway construction. In the early years of the 20th ce ntury the Canadian
Northern railway work. He was a strong advocate of a telecommunication
cable from Canada to Australia, which he believ e would become a vital
communications link of the British Empire. The Pa cific Cable was
successfully laid in 1902. He was also interested in th .....
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The Writings Of Ernest Hemingway
Number of words: 740 - Number of pages: 3.... took place earlier on in his life. As you can see in the handout, Hemingway, like his character Frederick, participated in World War I, as an ambulance driver, and fell in love with Agnes, a nurse who cared for him while he recovered from a wound.
Though Hemingway denied the accusations, the events of his life assembled those of Frederick's. A Farewell to Arms, conveys several major themes, however the one that was emphasized the most was that of a search of order and belonging.
Hemingway conveys this theme through Frederick's own personal search during the chaos of World War I. Catherin .....
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Albert Camus
Number of words: 366 - Number of pages: 2.... dans les Asturies (1934) was banned for political reasons.
The essay Le Mythe de Sisyphe (The Myth of Sisyphus), 1942, expounds Camus's notion of the absurd and of its acceptance with "the total absence of hope, which has nothing to do with despair, a continual refusal, which must not be confused with renouncement - and a conscious dissatisfaction". Meursault, central character of L'Étranger (The Stranger), 1942, illustrates much of this essay: man as the nauseated victim of the absurd orthodoxy of habit, later - when the young killer faces execution - tempted by despair, hope, and salv .....
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King Henry VIII
Number of words: 696 - Number of pages: 3.... court, Anne Boleyn.
When the pope (Clement VII) would not annul his marriage, Henry turned
against Wolsey, deprived him of his office of chancellor, and had him
arrested on a charge of treason. He then obtained a divorce through Thomas
Cranmer, whom he had made archbishop of Canterbury, and it was soon
announced that he had married Anne Boleyn.
The pope was thus defied. All ties that bound the English church to
Rome were broken. Appeals to the pope's court were forbidden, all payments
to Rome were stopped, and the pope's authority in England was abolished. In
1534 the Act of Suprem .....
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Ron Howard
Number of words: 806 - Number of pages: 3.... years on CBS on October 3, 1960. The gentle and subtle comedy of the show was set in the sleepy town of Mayberry, North Carolina, and was centered on the daily lives of sheriff Andy Taylor (Griffith), his young son, Opie (Howard), Aunt Bee (Frances Bavier), who was the live in housekeeper and Opei’s surrogate mother, and Barney Fife (Don Knotts), Andy’s deputy. The scenes between Andy and Opie were sensitively written by Ron’s father with similarities of their relationship, some of Opeis lines were also written by his father.
Howard’s parents intervened in certain ways in his life si .....
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