Term Papers on Biographies |
Blaise Pascal
Number of words: 679 - Number of pages: 3.... of liquids.
After publishing Essay pour les coniques (Essay on conic sections),
Pascal temporarily abandoned the study of mathematics due to poor health.
He lived in Paris for a while in a frivolous manner as a break. His
interest in probability theory of the odds in gambling games lead him to
discover the Theory of probability in conjunction with Pierre de Fermat.
This theory dealt with the actuarial, mathematical, social statistics, and
calculations used in today's modern theoretical physics. At the end of
1654, after several months of depression, Pascal had a life altering
religi .....
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George Washington Carver
Number of words: 578 - Number of pages: 3.... set out to get an education. While trying to overcome many frustrating and bitter obstacles, George finally made his way through high school. George went to school until the age of 30, but his age didn’t stop him from finding more education. George tried applying to many colleges and all of those attempts failed. George almost gave up until Simpson College in Indianola, Iowa finally accepted him as a freshman.
To support himself through college, George had odd jobs such as ironing and washing the clothes of his fellow and more fortunate classmates. In 1891, George was transferr .....
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Jacqueline Lee Bouvier Kennedy Onassis
Number of words: 2199 - Number of pages: 8.... the “Inquiring Camera Girl” for the Washington Times-Herald. She would spend her working day walking around the city with her camera capturing citizens’ reactions to issues of the day. At a Georgetown dinner party, Jackie was first introduced to John F. Kennedy who was a newly elected senator from Massachusetts. From there, Jackie and John’s relationship progressed. Upon her return from Europe, where she covered the Coronation of Queen Elizabeth for the Washington Times-Herald, Jacqueline accepted John Kennedy’s proposal of marriage (24). They were married on September 12, 1953 .....
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Igor Stravinsky
Number of words: 1187 - Number of pages: 5.... was there, he still concentrated on his music and especially his composing. In the summer of 1902 he was introduced to the Russian composer, Nikolay Rimsky-Korsakov. Rimsky was extremely impressed with Stravinsky’s early compositions that he convinced him not to enter the conservatory for academic training, but to study privately with him as his teacher. He was tutored privately by Rimsky in instrumentation and orchestration for about three years. In 1905, Stravinsky graduated from the St. Petersburg University. In the meantime, he continued his studies with Rimsky. The next year, his min .....
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Ben Hogan
Number of words: 642 - Number of pages: 3.... any of they other caddies so they usually beat him. But Hogan
wouldn't accept it, instead he would show up for work a couple of
hours early and practice his heart out, " Sometimes I practised until
my hands bled."(p.11) Finally he began winning the bets, but also
caddy and junior tournaments too.
Secondly, on February 1, 1949 Hogan was on top of the world,
having won the US OPEN, the MASTERS and appearing on the cover of Time
life Magazine. Until he collided head on with a twenty thousand pound
passenger bus. Hogan suffered a broken collarbone, broken left ankle,
broken right leg, brok .....
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Franklin Delano Roosevelt
Number of words: 1911 - Number of pages: 7.... Harvard, in
the fall of 1900. He would excel, and eventually graduate in 1904. Groton
as well as Harvard would pave the way for the future of Franklin Delano
It was 1932, when Roosevelt, would acquire the renowned title of
President of the United States by winning the election. It was sort of a
platform for his campaign, as he said in Chicago Stadium, “I pledge you, I
pledge myself, to a new deal for the American people....This is more than a
political campaign’ it is a call to arms. Give me your help, not to win
votes alone, but to win in this crusade to restore Amer .....
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Mark Twain 5
Number of words: 752 - Number of pages: 3.... he learned the difficult art of steamboat piloting, an occupation that he followed until the Civil War closed the river, and that furnished the background for "Old Times on the Mississippi" (1875), later included in the expanded Life on the Mississippi (1883).
In 1861, Twain traveled by stagecoach to Carson City, Nev., with his brother Orion, who had been appointed territorial secretary. After unsuccessful attempts at silver and gold mining, he returned to writing as a correspondent for the Virginia City Territorial Enterprise. At first he signed his humorous and imaginative sketches .....
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William Shakespeare
Number of words: 909 - Number of pages: 4.... disciplinarians.
Though Shakespeare spent long hours at school, his boyhood was probably fascinating. Stratford was a lively town and during holidays, it was known to put on pageants and many popular shows. It also held several large fairs during the year. Stratford was a exciting place to live. Stratford also had fields and woods surrounding it giving William the opportunity to hunt and trap small game. The River Avon which ran through the town allowed him to fish also. Shakespeare's' poems and plays show his love of nature and rural life which reflects his childhood.
On November 28, 1582 .....
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Chiang Kai-shek
Number of words: 971 - Number of pages: 4.... established the Chinese Republic. In 1917 when Sun established the Guangzhou government, Chiang was his military aide. Sun sent him to the USSR to study Russia military methods and was more than willing to go. He got a good response from the people there. Not only did they give him advice but they also sent thirty or so military men as help. One of these men, named Michael Borodin suggested that they start a military academy in China. They placed it in Whampoa and named it the Whampoa Military Academy. Their main goal was to demand and deserve respect. Once opened they received 1,500 applica .....
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Thomas Paine
Number of words: 768 - Number of pages: 3.... give them the right to represent them in the current government. Thomas believed there was no reason for the Colonies to stay dependent on England. He had an awesome way of persuading people to take action through his writing. Paine says that sooner or later independence from England must come, because America had lost touch with the mother country. All the arguments for separation of England are based on nothing more than the facts and arguments. Paine saw the government as a possessed demon that could only become good when it was represented truthfully and changed by elections. H .....
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