Term Papers on Biographies |
Alice Walker 2
Number of words: 500 - Number of pages: 2.... this way. The question always was “did I change after the accident?”. Every choice that you make every experience that you go thought is what makes you one of a kind. Alice had it hard enough she thought, growing up in the 1940’s as a black girl. Now with this extra burden it was the straw that broke the camel back. Alice had it hard enough with her burdening eye, she believed that she did not deserve this, she asked what did I ever do?
Alice Walker felt that her life was over, but amazingly she endured to become a famous writer. Alice said “she is beautiful, whole .....
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Albert Camus
Number of words: 496 - Number of pages: 2.... word “summer,” referring to the intense heat and sun of the Mediterranean an Algiers.
His background was working class, with an illiterate mother of Spanish origin and a father of Alsatian descent who was a day laborer. His mother, left a widow with two small sons when her husband died during the Battle of the Marne, did cleaning in order to her-self and the children. Camus and his brother were left in the care of their grandmother and an uncle who shared the apartment. His background of poverty and a somewhat harsh existence may have helped account for his suffering from tuberculosis .....
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Robert Penn Warren
Number of words: 1010 - Number of pages: 4.... Warren forsook his literary ambitions and devoted himself to more
lucrative businesses. Robert Warren did not always have ambitions to become
a writer, in fact, one of his earlier dreams was to become an adventurer on
the high seas. This fantasy might have indeed come about, for his father
intended to get him an appointment to Annapolis, had it not been for a
childhood accident in which he lost sight in one of his eyes.
Warren was an outstanding student but there were also many books at home,
and he savored reading. His father at one time aspired to be a poet. His
grandfather Penn, with w .....
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Henry Ford
Number of words: 1846 - Number of pages: 7.... car, he had said "History is more or less bunk." Ford worked in Thomas Edison’s factory for years and the left to become an apprentice for a car-producer in Detroit. While working there, he established how he was going to make the car. He looked through hundreds of books on bicycles and books on horse and buggies. Ford decided to use wheels from a bicycle, and the same steel framing. From the horse and buggy, he took the idea of the shape of the actual frame. He also made a handlebar that was in the same place as horse rider for a buggy. When Henry For opened his first automobile .....
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Hitler, Mussolini, And Stalin
Number of words: 1061 - Number of pages: 4.... Alois, was used to giving orders and having them obeyed from his kids because of his occupation in the civil service. Therefore, he was very strict. Alois Hitler never had a pleasant relationship with any of his children.
Hitler was said to have a really good singing voice and took part in his school’s choir. He also was a very smart boy, doing well in school.
Hitler was very religious, idolizing his priests. At age nine, he was caught smoking a cigarette by one of his priests but was forgiven and had no punishment.
Hitler was obsessed with German Nationalism when he was .....
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Howard Hughes-A Flying Life
Number of words: 958 - Number of pages: 4.... He attended the Rice Institute in Houston, Texas. He also attended the California Institute of Technology. Howard had a fine education because he attended highly educational schools.
His father’s great fortune left Howard very wealthy. After his father’s death he was left an estate worth $871,000, and a patent for a drill. The drill was for oil drilling
which made much money. In 1925 Howard got married to Ella Rice, he was twenty . He got divorced in 1928 and that same year he got his first pilots license.
Howard had two careers that made him very successful in life. He started .....
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Charles Darwin
Number of words: 370 - Number of pages: 2.... survive while the less efficient will collapse if the market is
allowed to work without government interference. In a market economy, since the
government has very little control of the businesses, the companies must work
their hardest and come out with good products that will outsell the ones of
their competition.
Social Darwinism basically means that the strong will control the weak.
Social Darwinism comes from the laws of natural selection as Darwin had stated.
According to his theory, which was very popular in the late 19th century and
early 20th centuries, the weak were diminished, w .....
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Wyatt Earp
Number of words: 365 - Number of pages: 2.... Dodge City, he moved on to Deadwood in the Dakota Territoy.
In the fall of 1879, Wyatt and his brothers Morgan and Virgil journeyed by horseback down to Tombstone, Arizona. There he furthered his reputation as a gunfighter, first as deputy sheriff of Pima Co. and later as deputy U.S. marshal for the entire Arizona Territory. Earp and three of his brothers, together with the American frontiersman Doc Holliday, participated in the famous O.K. Corral gunfighter in 1881, during which they killed several suspected cattle rustlers.
The following year, Ike Clanton attempted to kill Wyatt and M .....
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Poe And Thoreau
Number of words: 497 - Number of pages: 2.... to engage him; but it is his duty, at least, to wash his hands of it, and, if he gives it no thought longer, not to give it practically his support.” (C.D.)
In addition, Thoreau believed that his greatest skill was to “want but little” (Walden). During his time at Walden, Thoreau determines what is needed for human survival as he learns to take pleasure in a life of simplicity and solitude. He concluded that if mankind “had been born in the open pasture and suckled by a wolf, that they might have seen with clearer eyes what field they were called to labor in.” For it is natur .....
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Ponce De Leon
Number of words: 490 - Number of pages: 2.... and the most powerful man on the island, who only received orders from the kind himself!
In 1511 King Ferdinand ordered replaced as governor by Diego Columbus. Life for would have been difficult if he stayed in Puerto Rico since much of his power over the island was taken when his rank was taken away. It was at this time that began his search for the Fountain of Youth. Many historians feel it was not only to discover the LENGENDARY waters, but also for the gold and silver that was supposed to be at the sight of the fountain. explored many regional islands in his search for the Foun .....
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