Term Papers on Biographies |
Yasujiro Ozu (1903--1963)
Number of words: 1161 - Number of pages: 5.... shot.
Ozu developed his own tranzition system,he was putting framed shots of the
surroundings between the scenes to tell us that the scene and the setting
has changed. usualy these shots are longer than normaly it should be. One
of the very important style of Ozu is he did not obey to the 180 degree
rule infact he used all the 360 degree space. Ozu orbitted the camera
around the characters and he broke down the 360 degree space into
multiples of 45 degrees. He shots characters from 90 degree poin of
viewes and in many differnt directions. This is offcourse unusual for the
viewers but t .....
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The Life And Works Of Samual Clemens
Number of words: 976 - Number of pages: 4.... moved up to editor of the Virginia City, Nev., Enterprise, this is
when he began using Pseudonym “Mark Twain”. In 1864 Twain joined the staff
of the Morning Call, which is when he met Bret Harte, the first purely
literary figure he had ever known. The next year he wrote The Celebrated
Jumping Frog of Calaveras County. After his publishment he was sent around
the world by the Sacromento Union. Later in Twains life he faced many inner
struggles which probale be viewed as a good thing, but it did inspire some
of Twain's best work such as, Tom Sawyer, Life on the Mississippi, and
Huck .....
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Wyatt Earp
Number of words: 2127 - Number of pages: 8.... father, Nicholas, performed the ceremony. Sometime that same year, Urilla died. How Urilla died is another small mystery in the life of . At least two references, Editor Glenn Boyer's comments in Josie Earp's memoirs states that Urilla died in childbirth. I married , page 38, note 4 Bob Boze Bell notes the same on page 19 of his book, "The Illustrated Life and Times of ". But in Lake's 1931 book, ", Frontier Marshal", he notes very briefly on page 29 that Urilla died in a Typhoid epidemic. In the 1994 A&E Network documentary, ", Justice at the OK Corral", Doctor Paul A. Hutton, Professor, .....
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Pompeys Rise To Political Prom
Number of words: 997 - Number of pages: 4.... instigated, in war and peace, through illegality and treachery. Pompey was a great general, but a bad politician. Pompey helped to end the slave revolt of Spartacus in 72 BC. Because of his leadership abilities, Pompey was elected consul in 70 BC. However, he ran into opposition in the senate, especially from Marcus Crassus, and returned to leading the army to more conquests.
Pompey was an opportunist, he worked by himself, all the while leading the senate to think that he was working with them. He manipulated the senate to make out that Caesar was dangerous. Pompey became the most powerf .....
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John The Baptist
Number of words: 1870 - Number of pages: 7.... the children of Israel (37). The vow was a promise of separation from the common people in order that the calling of God would become clear. Specifically, the Nazarite vow states that they must abstain from wine and other fermented drink, must not drink vinegar, or grape juice, or eat grapes or raisins. A Nazarite must not touch anything from the grapevine, or cut his hair or go near a dead body (Numbers 6:1-12 NIV). This vow explains and fulfills the words that Gabriel spoke; AHe is never to take wine or other fermented drink.@
The Nazarite vow separated John from the other boys, but one .....
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Benjamin Franklin
Number of words: 1497 - Number of pages: 6.... them in his own style. He found his writing style by comparing the original essay and his and finding the mistakes. Franklin loved to read. When he was 16, he tried to save money to buy more books by only eating vegetables to cut food costs.
Ben's brother treated him harsh and tyrannical. Franklin later attributed his love of independence to the years he spent as an apprentice and his aversion to the power of his brother. When he was 17, Franklin left home and moved to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He arrived there almost penniless. He also essentially cut his ties with his family in .....
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The Life Of Franz Liszt
Number of words: 351 - Number of pages: 2.... time he even
lived under a bridge and was hospitalized for a heroin addiction.It was not
entirely unexpected that Cobain committed suicide.He had entered a coma by
overdosing on a mixture of schampagne and tranquilizers on March 4.Also,
Kurt's family history showed that two of his father's uncle's committed
suicide, along with the fact that there were a lot of disfuntional
marriages and alcoholism present.During a concert, Kurt would jerk around
as if he was being electrocuted.After his death, the sale of Nirvana
memorabilia increased dramatically. As you can see, both Franz Liszt and
Kurt .....
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Bruce Lee
Number of words: 688 - Number of pages: 3.... that he practiced his martial arts. He would practice everyday for hours, and even as a young child he was always practicing. "Bruce
Lee’s devotion to kung fu was total. At home, during dinner, he pounded away on a stool with alternate hands to toughen them" (8). Although is a good role model due to his discipline, it is not the only reason.
The second characteristic that made a good role model was his
determination. During his life was constantly plagued with problems. One of these was chronic back pains. "In 1970 Bruce injured his back in a weight-liftin .....
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Cyrano De Bergerac
Number of words: 529 - Number of pages: 2.... he cannot get past his one shortcoming.
Although Cyrano believes himself ugly and unworthy, he falls in love. The recipient of this gift is his cousin, Roxane. He writes her many poems, but does not let her know. She tells him that she loves Christian, one of the Gascons of the Carbon de Castel Jaloux. Christian has the looks, but no creativity, and since Cyrano has the creativity and not the looks, he decides to love Roxane through Christian. He supplies Christian with the words to say and the letters to send to Roxane, and she never knows. Cyrano gets so caught up in th .....
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Davy Crockett
Number of words: 1035 - Number of pages: 4.... Jefferson County where he built and operated a log-cabin tavern on the Knoxville-Abingdon Road. (This cabin has been restored and is now located at Morristown, 30 miles Southwest of Greeneville.) The young Davy no doubt heard tales told by many a westbound traveler - tales which must have sparked his own desire for adventure in the great western territories. In his dealings with his father's customers, Davy must also have learned much about human nature and so refined his natural skills as a leader. While Davy lived there he spent four days at the school of Benjamin Kitchen. He had a fight .....
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