Term Papers on Biographies |
Abraham Lincoln
Number of words: 2433 - Number of pages: 9.... challenged him to
physical combat, and was elected captain of his company in the Black Hawk War
(1832). Returning from the war, he began an unsuccessful venture in shopkeeping
that ended when his partner died. In 1833 he was appointed postmaster but had to
supplement his income with surveying and various other jobs. At the same time he
began to study law. That he gradually paid off his and his deceased partner's
debts firmly established his reputation for honesty. The story of his romance
with Ann Rutledge, a local young woman whom he knew briefly before her untimely
death, is unsubstantiate .....
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Number of words: 321 - Number of pages: 2.... the girl giving maximum help to the school and her school fellows. In 1977 she left West Heath and went to finishing school at the Institute Alpin Videmanette in Rougemont, Switzerland. After the Easter term in 1978 she left the school when she moved to Coleherne. There she watched after a child for an American couple, while she began her job as a kindergarten teacher at the Young England school in Pimlice, London. Like most teachers she didn't have a lot of spare time on her hands, but when she got the chance for a break her and her three roommates would go skiing. A sport loved very much .....
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Herbert Spencer
Number of words: 1610 - Number of pages: 6.... It contains his political philosophy of extreme individualism and Laissez Faire, which was not much modified in his writings in the following sixty years. Spencer expresses in The Proper Sphere of Government his belief that "everything in nature has its laws," organic as well as inorganic matter. Man is subject to laws bot in his physical and spiritual essence, and "as with man individually, so with man socially." Concerning the evils of society, Spencer postulates a "self-adjusting principle" under which evils rectify themselves, provided that no one interfere .....
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Jane Addams
Number of words: 298 - Number of pages: 2.... Butler of Columbia University.
was born in Cedarville, Illinois, and graduated from Rockford College. She began the Study of medicine but her health broke down, and for two years she was an invalid. During several years of unhappy indecision she found her purpose when she visited Toynbee Hall, a social settlement in London. In 1889 and Ellen Gates Starr moved into the Hull House mansion, located in one of the worst slum communities of Chicago.
The two women held classes for immigrates, tended the sick, cared for babies, and provided a community center, coffee shop, art gallery, theater, gy .....
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Franklin Roosevelt
Number of words: 573 - Number of pages: 3.... his inaugural-address statement: "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself." Surrounding himself by a "Brain Trust" of experts, he immediately launched his reform program. Banks were reopened, federal credit was restored, the gold standard was abandoned, and the dollar devalued. During the first hundred days of his administration, major legislation to facilitate industrial and agricultural recovery was enacted. In 1935 he introduced the Utilities Act, directed against abuses in the large holding companies, and the Social Security Act, providing for disability and retirement insurance. .....
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Life And Times Of Alexander The Great
Number of words: 1643 - Number of pages: 6.... has even taken on a
superhuman aura, and many unbelievable legends have been based on his life.
When Julius Caesar visited Alexandria, he asked to see the body of the
greatest warrior of all time-Alexander the Great. Such was Alexander's
reputation, able to impress even the powerful Caesar. He was, without a doubt,
one of the most remarkable men that ever walked the face of this Earth. And
this is the story of his life.
The Life and Times of Alexander the Great
The story of Alexander the Great is one of courage, genius, and great
accomplishment; but it is also somewhat of .....
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American Government
Number of words: 423 - Number of pages: 2.... group is always present. Democracy shapes America. One could view the first democratic group responsible for today's freedom. This was the assembly formed by George Yeardly (p.13). Perhaps, if the Virginia Company had not instructed the governor to establish an assembly, the idea of democracy might not have instilled into the minds of the colonists. Surely, without this first appearance, it is questionable that an idea suppressed for centuries under the English monarchy would surface anywhere else. Moreover, it led the way for other settlements to adopt a similar code.
Another way the .....
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Robert E Lee
Number of words: 648 - Number of pages: 3.... put on bed-rest for many months due to illness. They had five more children: William Henry Fitzgerald, Annie, Agnes, Robert and last Mildred. When he was home, they all attended episcopal Church where he was raised.
On May 13, 1846 the United States declared was on their southern neighbor. When Lee was 39, he headed for Mexico. Lee's will said that he was worth about $38,750 with few depts. He only had few slaves: Nancy and her children. And they were to be freed "soon as it can be done to their advantage and that of others. On Christmas, Lee wrote to his wife that he hoped this woul.d be .....
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Nathaniel Hawthorne 2
Number of words: 1183 - Number of pages: 5.... most believe. He socialized quite often in Salem, and used the free passage that was available on his uncle's stagecoach line to make summer excursions around New England; Hawthorne even went as far west as Detroit. Hawthorne published his first novel, Fanshaw: A Tale, at his own expense in 1828. However, he later recalled it and destroyed all the copies he could find. Then, in 1830, the Salem Gazette published his first story, "The Hollow of the Three Hills". With the publication of Twice-Told Tales in 1837, his name was finally recognized by the public. By the year 1838, (at the age of .....
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Machiavelli And Plato
Number of words: 1588 - Number of pages: 6.... Prince was composed. It’s original intention was simply to influence Lorenzo The Magnificent son of Piero Di Medici in the hope for possible appointment within public office. The Prince is therefore merely suggestions on possible theories in terms of a governing policy.He does not infer that this account is the be all and end all of successful rule and acknowledges himself as a humble man who has taken the time to study the deeds of great men to form an ideology that can be taken by the reader, in this case Lorenzo Medici as he interprets it.He does not claim to have the answer to poli .....
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