Term Papers on Biographies |
Number of words: 637 - Number of pages: 3.... the nature of the whole universe. They did no measuring, performed no experiments, and made few calculations. found their explanations of motion unconvincing. He was particularly dissatisfied because Aristotle had concentrated on why objects move. wanted to know how they move (9).
As one could see then, how keen this savant individual could work his mind to evaluate and explore anything that appeals to him. His work in physics helped remarkably to make experimental measurements and mathematical calculations more significant in all the sciences today. Although he was censored and imprison .....
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Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
Number of words: 1744 - Number of pages: 7.... Doyle’s early education started when he was about seven years old. His mother spent lots of time reading with him and tutoring him, because this is what she thought he needed to become a cultured gentleman. When Doyle was ten years old he left home and went to the Jesuit Preparatory school named Hodder House. This was a boarding school for young boys. Arthur hated this school. Doyle once stated that Hodder House “was a little more pleasant than being confined in a prison.” While attending Hodder House, he studied chemistry, poetry, geometry, arithmetic, and grammar. After his experie .....
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Bonnie And Clyde
Number of words: 1133 - Number of pages: 5.... them to live with relatives in east Texas. At one relatives home Clyde developed two interests that remained with him to the end of hid life: a passion for music, and an obsession with guns. Even as Clyde drove along the lane in Louisiana to his death, he carried a saxophone and reams of sheet music, as well as an arsenal of firearms. Clyde loved and named his guns, and regarded them as tokens of his power.
At the age of sixteen, Clyde dropped out of school to work at Proctor and Gamble. Clyde’s crime streak started with helping his brother steal a small flock of turkeys and tra .....
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Number of words: 643 - Number of pages: 3.... harming their own kind and help repair the damages they have already done.
One more act of greed concerns the auto industry and its planned obsolescence of cars. If the people in charge of car companies respected the Socratic philosophy, they would do everything in their power to further the development of the industry. It is too bad they aren’t as wise as that. For example, car bodies in Northern states tend to rust away gradually, thus ruining the car even if it were to last longer anyway. Auto companies have the capability to research and implement newer, more efficient engin .....
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Lucille Ball
Number of words: 1101 - Number of pages: 5.... popular that, "the 1953 episode on which she gave birth to 'Little Ricky'. . . was said to attract more viewers than the concurrent inauguration of President Dwight D Eisenhower" (Biography 1). Her impact was so great that even today, everyone knows that "Lucy Ricardo, of course, achieved eternal life" (Brady 342).
Prior to her television success, she also had much success on her radio show My Favorite Husband. The show was a comedy based on based on "the delightful stories of Isobel Scott Rorick's gay, sophisticated Mr. & Mrs. Cugat, starring with Richard Denning" (Brady 159). The sho .....
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John Maynard Keynes
Number of words: 1397 - Number of pages: 6.... into economic
nationalism and resurgence of militarism. Keynes being a well-educated man,
made some great investments in a decades time. Within that decade he made
his two million fortune by speculating in international currencies, stocks
and commodities. In addition to his newly made fortune Keynes served as a
trustee of King's College and built it's endowment from 30,000 to 380,000
pounds. Keynes went on to write other books like “Treaties on Probability”
in 1921 and “The Treaties on Money” in 1930. (Lekachman/Miller).
Being that the depression was at hand during .....
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Martin Luther King Jr. 8
Number of words: 632 - Number of pages: 3.... which oppressed people deal with their oppression. In this essay we will discuss the three major ways that Dr. King talks about. We will also reveal the one method that King supports.
He first characteristic that King mentions in his writing is acquiescence. In this characteristic, King explains how people give up to oppression and become accustomed to it. He believes that this form is not the way to solve the grief that the Negroes were being put through. In fact, he criticizes the people who utilize this method. The following line proves my statement, "To accept passively an unjust system i .....
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William Wordsworth
Number of words: 842 - Number of pages: 4.... He makes the reader want to go and see if those things, the budding twigs, the hopping birds, and the trailing periwinkle, really do exist and if they really are as alive as he says.
Wordsworth’s line "What man has made of man" (7) refers to what human men are doing to the other man on Earth, Nature, whom man is fighting for the top spot. To Wordsworth, Nature is alive and has feelings, the same as the human man. He proves this by making everything so full of life and happy to be alive, such as the little birds, throughout the poem, starting from the first stanza to the .....
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Charlie Chaplin
Number of words: 511 - Number of pages: 2.... was told that he would become the most famous person in the world. A sign of this was when he was five years old and sang for his mother on stage after she became ill and taken for crazy. The audience apparently loved him and hurled their money onto the stage. By the age of ten, Charles was a skilled singer, acrobat, juggler, pantomime, and comic improvisor. From the ages of twelve to fourteen, Charlie's places of employment included a barbershop, stationary store, doctor's office, glass factory and printing plant. Many average boys his age didn't even have a job. Charlie's big escape f .....
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Alexander The Great
Number of words: 629 - Number of pages: 3.... Within Alexander's childhood lay the beginning's of a true warrior's career. His favorite literature, the Iliad, was an epic battle that gave Alexander insight into the eyes of past heroes. His teacher, Aristotle, made him an amazing strategist. This later helped him immensely when faced with insurmountable odds.
Aristotle also showed him that leaders must have compassion and understanding. Alexander applied this with his troops. He used the theme, might tempered by mercy, to win over his troops morale and lead them into victory. Early on in his life, Alexander made a life long bond. I .....
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