Term Papers on Biographies |
Charles Darwin
Number of words: 748 - Number of pages: 3.... Beagle, largely on Henslow’s recommendation, as an unpaid naturalist on a scientific expedition around the world.
Now Charles Darwin was around the age twenty-two while he was on the HMS Beagle. Darwin’s job as a naturalist aboard the Beagle gave him the opportu-nity to observe the various geological formations found on different continents and islands along the way, as well as a huge variety of fossils and organisms. In his geo-logical observations he was amazed mostly with the effect that natural forces had on shaping the earth’s surface.
During this time, most geologis .....
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Salvador Dali
Number of words: 395 - Number of pages: 2.... It is
thought have grown out of the French literary movement in the 1920's and
has it's roots in Dadaism. These painters developed a dreamlike, or
hallucinatory, imagery that was all the more startling for its highly
realistic rendering. Some of Dali's better known paintings are:
"Persistence Of Memory" also know popularly as "Soft Watches" (1931), and
"The Sacrament Of The Last Supper" (1955). These Paintings have become part
of the definitive record of 20th Century art. Dali used many mediums to
illustrate his inspirations. His most popular of course are his paintings,
but he also used .....
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Robert E Lee
Number of words: 629 - Number of pages: 3.... put on bed-rest for many months due to illness. They had five more children: William Henry Fitzgerald, Annie, Agnes, Robert and last Mildred. When he was home, they all attended episcopal Church where he was raised.
On May 13, 1846 the United States declared was on their southern neighbor. When Lee was 39, he headed for Mexico. Lee's will said that he was worth about $38,750 with few depts. He only had few slaves: Nancy and her children. And they were to be freed "soon as it can be done to their advantage and that of others. On Christmas, Lee wrote to his wife that he hoped this woul.d be .....
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Thomas Jefferson
Number of words: 1554 - Number of pages: 6.... Mountains. After Spain ceded the immense area of land to France, they tried to sell it back to Spain. Spain, nonetheless, didn’t have use for this massive piece of land (Boorstin, p.94). Jefferson, however, felt that if the United States owned the land, farmers west of the Appalachian Mountains could use the land strictly for agricultural purposes. If the Treaty of 1795 had not been signed, the United States would have gone to war with France to gain control of the territory.
Initially, Jefferson, through his minister of France, Robert R. Livingston, offered Napoleon $2 million for a s .....
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Number of words: 1054 - Number of pages: 4.... go into power despite the doubts of he ability
to rule from the Communists and Socialist parties. Unfortunately the both
parties were wrong, he was voted into power , in March and was elected without a
parliament. Hitler proclaimed a "New Germany." He believed that German culture
was to be kept solid. His way of purifying their race was to burn books
Americans, Jew, and Non-Germans. The philosophy was that if you destroy the
ideas in the books, you destroy the people's ability to hold and be aware of any
other beliefs than what they are told. The people of Germany were not exposed to
any i .....
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John Keats
Number of words: 876 - Number of pages: 4.... introduced Keats to a circle of literary men, including the poet Percy Bysshe Shelley; the group's influence enabled Keats to see his first volume published, Poems by John Keats (1817). The principal poems in the volume were the sonnet on Chapman's Homer, the sonnet "To One Who Has Been Long in City Pent," "I Stood Tip-Toe upon a Little Hill," and "Sleep and Poetry," which defended the principles of romanticism as promulgated by Hunt and attacked the practice of romanticism as represented by the poet George Gordon, Lord Byron.
Keats's second volume, Endymion, was published in .....
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Simone De Beauvoir
Number of words: 682 - Number of pages: 3.... male and female. Although progress for gender impartiality has been made, it can still be said that societal maxims enforce the incorrect notion that women are inferior to men. In matters of economics, women are offered far fewer employment opportunities, and I believe that this can be validated by the fact that many women have been conditioned to "marry well and let him take care of you". Unfortunately, this is often times a tempting choice, and as a trade-off women are content to settle for a less rewarding profession, leading to a downward spiral. As Beauvoir states, "Parents still rai .....
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Andrew Jackson
Number of words: 741 - Number of pages: 3.... For his cabinet, Jackson appointed the most competent and honest men. He wanted to have loyal and trustworthy men that he could depend on to help him while in office. Such men as Martin Van Buren, Senator Eaton, John Branch, John M. Berrien and Samuel D. Ingham were all men appointed cleverly by Jackson that did their job superbly under him.
In foreign affairs, Jackson scored two diplomatic triumphs, one with Great Britain and one with France. These triumphs ended the long-standing disputes with those countries. Since the end of the American Revolution, Great Britain had restrict .....
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Courageous John Quincy Adams
Number of words: 887 - Number of pages: 4.... many Senators careers would end because they did not follow the thought of their constituents. By this time Senate was to be a more executive council than a legislative body. If they became more of a executive council they would help advise the President. Senate was an executive council to the President for a while, until the Federalist Party didn't agree on foreign policy, and many more political issues came up. Senate started criticizing the Executive Branch, this led the Senate to becoming a more legislative body as the time went by. Now the Cabinet has the job to advise and listen t .....
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Marilyn Monroe
Number of words: 1611 - Number of pages: 6.... phenomena she creates,
instigates her immortal and legendary status. The first ever issue of
Playboy magazine features Marilyn Monroe as the covergirl. By decoding
meaning from this magazine cover, the visual and written text becomes a
communicator for both obvious and subtle meaning conveyed through her image.
Marilyn Monroe's image is communicated through signs and their codes. The
paradigm (her facial expression, gesture, body language, positioning,
written text, background, dress, colours, lighting and camera angle)
carries meaning and can be considered signifiers. In the second .....
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