Term Papers on Biographies |
Richard Linklater: Man Of Youth
Number of words: 500 - Number of pages: 2.... is what I noticed the
most. He takes period music and uses it to raise the scene to another level.
In the cases of The Newton Boys all new music was written for this film
set during Prohibition. With the music in Dazed and Confused it is able to
make me excited about them going to the party in the woods. The music is
able to complete the cruise scenes. Suburbia had a music star come back to
the town to change the lives of everyone. His musical influence was
important to keep the film together.
Richard Linklater's beliefs are that even though the main
characters are good guys, they are th .....
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Ernest Hemingway
Number of words: 1118 - Number of pages: 5.... School, he wrote for the school newspaper. He participated in boxing, which would help him make money as a sparring partner in Paris in later years. During his senior year in high school, World War 1 was intensifying in Europe. The United States tried to stay out for as long as possible, but when German submarines sank four American ships, America declared war in April 1917. Most of his friends either enlisted or were drafted. He wanted to join the war but, his father thought he was too young so he got a job as a reporter on The Kansas City Star (Russell, 7). Throughout these hecti .....
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A Critique Of C. S. Lewis
Number of words: 2021 - Number of pages: 8.... and ended up as a Christian. His works the Problem of Pain and Mere Christianity dealt with issues he struggled with. Mere Christianity consists of three separate radio broadcasts. One of the broadcasts was titled The Case For Christianity.
In The Case For Christianity, Lewis discussed two crucial topics in his apologetic defense of Christianity. They were the "Right and Wrong as a Clue to the Meaning of the Universe" and "What Christians Believe". This critique will address the first chapter. "Right and Wrong as a Clue to the Meaning of the Universe", can be broken into three parts. Th .....
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Jane Erye
Number of words: 862 - Number of pages: 4.... blow with his fist.
Kino own a canoe which was owned by his Grandpa and give it to his father and passed to Kino it was the one thing of value he owned in the world. Kino found a pearl a silvery pearl he seemed to saw the great oyster for the first time. His wife was so very excited when he saw the pearl and she could not want to hold it. Before he found the pearl he heard the song of the pearl but in the song there was a secret, little inner song., hardly perceptible, but always there sweet and secret and clinging.
The town lay on a broad, zstuary, its old yellow plastered buildin .....
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A Biography On Carl Sandburg
Number of words: 479 - Number of pages: 2.... two newspapers, the Daily News and the
Daybook. He liked writing for newspapers some, but his true passion was poetry.
Some of his early poems were published in the Chicago newspapers he worked for.
With his love for poetry grew, the demand for his poetry also grew. In
the year 1916, at the age of thirty eight, he published the book, Chicago poems.
Two years later, at the age of forty, he published Cornhuskers. The public
loved these two marvelous books. Other poets accepted them as wonderful. In the
1920's he became so popular, that he quit journalism to write full-time as a
car .....
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Newton And Prisms
Number of words: 778 - Number of pages: 3.... He theorized that each ray was a different color, and that reflections and refractions cause colors to appear through the separation of the "white" light. To demonstrate and prove his theory, Newton used a prism.
A prism is a type of lens with sharp angled edges that are able to separate light. Prisms can be very simple boxes or triangles or prisms can be in complex shapes like diamonds. The prism's ability to bend visible light into the different colors that make up the rainbow is what helped it become the perfect tool for Newton.
To set up his experiment, Newton took a single beam of "w .....
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Lewis Latimer
Number of words: 1035 - Number of pages: 4.... other odd jobs to support his wife, three sons, and one daughter.
, the youngest child, attended grammar school and was an excellent student who loved to read and draw. Most of his time, though, was spent working with his father, which was typical of children in the 19th century. In 1857, the Supreme Court ruled that a slave named Dred Scott could not be considered a free man although he had lived in a free state. George Latimer disappeared shortly after the decision became known. Because he had no official papers to prove he was a free man, he possibly feared for his safety and tha .....
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Herman Melville: An Anti- Transcendentalist Or Not
Number of words: 1672 - Number of pages: 7.... attached financially to the Gansevoorts for support. There is a lot of evidence concerning Melville’s relation to his mother Maria Melville. “Apparently the older son Gansevoort who carried the mother's maiden name was distinctly her favorite.” (Edinger 7) This was a sense of alienation the Herman Melville felt from his mother. This was one of the first symbolists to the Biblical Ishamel.
In 1837 he shipped to Liverpool as a cabin boy. Upon returning to the U.S. he taught school and then sailed for the South Seas in 1841 on the whaler Acushnet. After an 18 month voyage he desert .....
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Maria Mitchell
Number of words: 931 - Number of pages: 4.... Atheneum during the day when it opened to the public in the fall of 1836. At the Atheneum she taught herself astronomy by reading books on mathematics and science. At night she regularly studied the sky through her father's telesscope. For her college education even Harvard couldn't have given her a better education than she received at home and at that time astronomy in America was very behind as of today. She kept studying at the Atheneum, discussed astronomy with scientists who visited Nantucket (including William C. Bond .....
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Carol Causs
Number of words: 1515 - Number of pages: 6.... calculations.
When Carl Gauss reached the age of seven, he began elementary school. His potential for brilliance was recognized immediately. Gauss's teacher Herr Buttner, had assigned the class a difficult problem of addition in which the students were to find the sum of the integers from one to one hundred. While his classmates toiled over the addition, Carl sat and pondered the question. He invented the shortcut formula on the spot, and wrote down the correct answer. Carl came to the conclusion that the sum of the integers was 50 pairs of numbers each pair summing to one hundred and o .....
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