Term Papers on Biographies |
Number of words: 751 - Number of pages: 3.... to join the political alliance of Caesar, Crassus, and Pompey, and also Caesar's offer in 59 of a place on his staff in Gaul. When Publius Clodius, whom had antagonized, became tribune in 58, was in danger, and in March fled Rome. In 57, thanks to the activity of Pompey and particularly the tribune Milo, he was recalled on August 4. landed at Brundisium on that day and was acclaimed all along his route to Rome, where he arrived a month later. Pompey renewed his compact with Caesar and Crassus at Luca in April 56. then agreed, under pressure from Pompey, to align himself with the three in .....
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Ulysses S. Grant And Robert E. Lee
Number of words: 392 - Number of pages: 2.... the end to preserve southernaristocracy because he was defending everything that gave his own life its deepest meaning.
Ulysses S Grant was the son of a western frontiersman. He represented a body of people who owed reverance and obeisance to no one, who were self reliant, and who didn't care for anything in the past. The people he represented stood for democarcy and a society that might have privileges, but privileges each man had won for himself. Along with these feelings, Grant had a deep sense os belonging to a antional community. This meant a shopkeeper or trader would prosper only .....
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Andrew Carnegie 2
Number of words: 1226 - Number of pages: 5.... Railroad where he first recognized the importance of steel. With this recognition, he resigned and started the Keystone Bridge Company in 1865. He built a steel-rail mill, and bought out a small steel company. By 1888, he had a large plant. Later on he sold his Carnegie Steel Company to J. P. Morgan's U.S. Steel Company after a serious, bloody union strike.
He saw himself as a hero of working people, yet he crushed their unions. The richest man in the world, he railed against privilege. A generous philanthropist, he slashed the wages of the workers who made him rich. By this time, Carne .....
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Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Number of words: 639 - Number of pages: 3.... concert tour (1763- 66) the Mozart children displayed their talents to audiences in Germany, in Paris, at court in Versailles, and in London (where Wolfgang wrote his first symphonies and was befriended by Johann Christian Bach, whose musical influence on Wolfgang was profound). In Paris, Wolfgang published his first works, four sonatas for clavier with accompanying violin (1764). In 1768 he composed his first opera, La Finta Semplice, for Vienna, but intrigues prevented its performance, and it was first presented a year later at Salzburg. In 1769-70, Leopold and Wolfgang undertook a tour .....
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Peter The Great
Number of words: 2744 - Number of pages: 10.... his reign, Russia emerged as one of Europe's great powers, which was mainly because of his introduction of many Western European scientific, cultural and political practices.
was born on June 9, 1672, the son of Tzar Alexis I Makhailovich. 2 He succeeded the throne at the age of ten, when Tsar Theodore, Peter's half-brother, died. Even at such a young age, Peter had a great understanding of the upheavals occurring in Russia. It was this understanding that ultimately shaped his rule as Tzar of Russia. He was educated by private tutors in the palace, but was later removed by his mother to .....
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Biography Of Bob Marley
Number of words: 377 - Number of pages: 2.... and Marley emerged
as a rising talent in this new genre of Jamaican music. In 1967 he
converted from Christianity to Rastafarianism, a religion that has had a pr
ofound influence on reggae music. The Rastafarian movement of this period,
among other beliefs, recognized Haile Selassie I, king of Ethiopia, as the
living God; praised the spiritual effects of marijuana; and endorsed black
racial superiority. Influenced by the Rastafarian movement, Marley's music
contains elements of spiritualism and mysticism. Some songs call for
personal freedom through revolution, while others embrace car .....
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Who The Book Is About: Hans Christian Andersen
Number of words: 561 - Number of pages: 3.... the Palar Star, White Falcon of Weimar, Red Eagle of Prussia, order of the lady of Guadeloupe, and honored Danish Councillor of State.
Hans Christian Andersen collected fairy tales. Reitzal was the first of several collections published among 1835 and 1872. The first illustrated Edition was done by Richard Pederson. He wrote other familiar books, such as, "The Ugly Duckling" in 1843, "The Emperor's New Clothes" in 1837, "The Snow Queen" in 1844, "The Red Shoes" in 1845, and "The Little Mermaid" in 1837, were innovative in their Handling of sophisticated feelings and ideas and in their use .....
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William Shakespeare
Number of words: 339 - Number of pages: 2.... to be the greatest dramatist in the world
-only the Bible is read more than Shakespeare's plays
-from 1593 - 1613 he wrote 37 plays, acted, helped manage an acting troup and was part owner of the "Old Globe Theatre"
-1593-1594 the theatres were closed because of the plague and Shakespeare wrote his narrative poetry
-little is known about Shakespeare because he did not write about himself, nor did he publish his own plays, he made his money by writing plays that were performed for an audience
-his first play was The Comedy of Errors which was a flop according to the audiences
-Shakespeare .....
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Miscegination Is Genetic Suicide:- A Critical Look At Race-m
Number of words: 1665 - Number of pages: 7.... very specific reason - the preservation of the species, and ultimately, life itself. Each species is like a tree, with hundreds of branches, each leading to thousands of other branches. Each branch of the tree is slightly different from the one beside it, due to living in a different environment it has had to adapt and the resulting differences are due to the combination - the formula - of genes, which has survived the best in whatever environment it has encountered. Because of this branching of the species, whenever a particular disease, a natural phenomenon, or a new predator has arrived on .....
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Cassius Clay - Muhammad Ali
Number of words: 939 - Number of pages: 4.... gold medal. He trained very hard for our country and did a really good job.
Even back then he ran his trashed talked his opponents, like in his first match he fought he one by a spit decision, after he found out he had one he shouted he would soon be "the greatest of all time". Know one knew at the time that his boasts would soon be the truth.
Cassius mouth has gotten him a lot of key matches in his career. He gained his first title shot form Sonny Liston this way. One of his famous quotes was "I’m so mean I make medicine sick."
He ran his mouth so often that people thought he ran hi .....
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